Business news from Ukraine

Risk of cholera in south and east of Ukraine is higher than in other regions – infectious disease doctor

6 July , 2023  

The risk of cholera in the south and east of Ukraine is higher than in other regions, says infectious disease doctor Olga Bonkovska.

“There is still a higher risk of cholera outbreaks in the south and east of Ukraine. These regions are the regions with the highest risk of a cholera epidemic,” she said on the air of the analytical center “Experts Club”.

Commenting on the risks of cholera outbreaks after the Kakhovka hydroelectric power station dam was blown up, Bonkovska noted the danger of cholera, in particular, because “cholera starts as a common intestinal infection, and in the initial stages it is impossible to distinguish whether it is cholera or a common intestinal infection.”

“I do not recommend self-medication, because it will help if it is a common intestinal infection, but if it is cholera, there is no way to cure cholera at home,” she said.

The expert reminded that the main manifestation of cholera is dehydration.

“Due to severe dehydration, a person can go into shock with loss of all body functions, kidneys, heart, which can lead to death,” she said.

The infectious disease specialist emphasized that during cholera, “fluid loss becomes so severe that a person simply does not have time to replenish the fluid loss with water.”

“The rate of water excretion from the body exceeds the rate of water absorption during oral rehydration, and medical care in a hospital is needed to replenish water,” she said.

Bonkovska noted that in order to protect oneself from cholera, especially in the regions affected by flooding, it is necessary to drink bottled water or water that has been treated by boiling or using special tablets, wash fresh vegetables and fruits with bottled water or chilled boiled water, wash or disinfect hands with ordinary sanitizers, get rid of the habit of keeping hands in the mouth: take the rule “Hands out of the mouth!” as an axiom.

In addition, the infectious disease specialist recommends not eating with your hands, “as a last resort, keep a sandwich or any other food in a clean napkin,” not eating shrimp or fish without prior heat treatment, and swimming only in those bodies of water where it is allowed.

At the same time, the expert emphasized the inadmissibility of self-medication of acute intestinal infections with antibiotics.

“I don’t advise you to start treating diarrhea at home. It is still better to seek medical help,” she said.

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