Business news from Ukraine

Stalkanat-Silur almost tripled its profit in 2021, intends to keep it undistributed

27 August , 2022  

PJSC “Production Association “Stalkanat-Silur” (Odessa), following the results of work in 2021, increased its net profit by 2.8 times compared to the previous year – up to UAH 327.842 million.
According to the information for the annual general meeting of shareholders scheduled for September 30 of the current year, retained earnings as of December 31, 2021 amounted to UAH 116.580 million.
The meeting will be held remotely. The start date for shareholders voting on the agenda is September 19, the voting end date is until 18:00 on September 30, 2022.
Shareholders will consider a number of issues based on the results of work in 2021, in particular, the report of the CEO on the financial and economic activities of the company over the past year and the main areas of activity in 2022. They will also consider the report of the supervisory board of the company, approve the report and conclusions of the auditor of the company, approve the annual report, including the annual financial statements for the past year.
On all these issues, it is proposed to recognize the performance as satisfactory.
In addition, the shareholders will decide on the distribution of the company’s profit for 2021, which, according to the draft decision, a copy of which the Interfax-Ukraine agency has, is proposed to be left undistributed.
As reported, the plant in 2020 reduced its net profit by 21.3% compared to 2019 – to UAH 116.761 million from UAH 148.419 million, net income – by 7.6%, to UAH 2 billion 146.230 million.
The general meeting of shareholders held on September 3, 2021 decided to separate from PJSC “Stalkanat-Silur” and create a new company – PJSC “Stalkanat” with the transfer of part of the property, rights and obligations to it in accordance with the approved distribution balance.
Director General of Stalkanat-Silur Sergey Lavrinenko explained earlier to the Interfax-Ukraine agency that all shares of Stalkanat PJSC being created are distributed among all shareholders of Stalkanat-Silur PJSC. The shareholders agreed to spin off the Stalkanat company, to which the Odessa industrial site will be transferred. In turn, PJSC “Stalkanat-Silur” will also remain, on the balance of which “Silur” will be located in the temporarily uncontrolled territory (Khartsyzsk, Donetsk region).
PJSC “PA “Stalkanat-Silur” (Odessa) previously had two branches – in Odessa and in Khartsyzsk, Donetsk region on the tubing. “. Later, the management of PJSC “PA” Stalkanat-Silur “announced the seizure of the company’s branch in Khartsyzsk on the NKT, sent a corresponding statement to the National Police.
According to the NDU for the fourth quarter of 2021, David Nemirovsky (Ukraine) owns 50.0001% of the shares of PJSC “PO” Stalkanat-Silur”, Anton Mikhalenko – 23.7%, Ederi Liron (both – Israel) – 23, one%.
The authorized capital of PJSC “Stalkanat-Silur” is currently UAH 8.346 million.