Business news from Ukraine


ASKA insurance company (Kyiv) has paid UAH 1.635 million to an agricultural enterprise for the loss of apple harvest, the insurer has said in a press release.
According to the report, in July 2018, it rained with thunderstorms and hail in the territory of the insured gardens, a significant part of the apple harvest was damaged and lost.
“After the hail, a significant part of the apple harvest, which should be sold fresh, could only be handed over for processing. Another part of the fruit was completely destroyed. Deltafruit suffered significant losses,” Anton Ruban, the owner of the agricultural firm, said.
Three of the five insured sites were also affected. In the first two, due to hail, harvest quality deteriorated by 83-85%, and losses in both the quality and quantity were obtained in the third site.
“ASKA compensated for the loss of quality at the rate of UAH 5.6 per each kilogram of apples. The compensation cost for the lost amount is UAH 3.6 and UAH 9 per kilogram, respectively. These estimates are specified in the insurance contract and depend on the apple variety. On January 18, the client received 70% of the payment, the rest of the money was transferred in stages. We completed the settlement early February,” Corporate Insurance Director for ASKA Olena Shustur said.
ASKA said that this is the first case of such a large-scale payment in Ukraine related to damage to the harvest of fruit trees. The damage was caused by hail, secondary diseases due to hail, and most importantly, damage from the loss of commercial quality of fruits, which accounted for most of the damage, was also covered.

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