Business news from Ukraine

Business news from Ukraine

ArcelorMittal Kryvyi Rih to extend environmental measures for two years after war

ArcelorMittal Kryvyi Rih’s Kryvyi Rih Mining and Metallurgical Plant (AMKR, Dnipro region) intends to extend the previously defined environmental protection measures for two years after the war.

According to the materials available to Interfax-Ukraine, the company intends to obtain permits for emissions of pollutants into the atmosphere from stationary sources – sintering machines No. 1-3 of sinter shop No. 2, extend the deadlines for implementing measures to reduce pollutant emissions and operate generators to be used to provide electricity to consumers in the event of a power outage.

It is specified that the generators to be used during the power outage are not subject to environmental impact assessment and do not belong to the types of activities of facilities that may have a significant impact on the environment.

The plant has completed a complete reconstruction of Sinter Shop No. 2 (SSC-2), namely six sinter machines, to meet the maximum permissible emission standards in accordance with the law. The number of irrigation nozzles was increased at four gas purification units of the sinter plant’s charge preparation department (AC-3), and the dust standard of 50 mg/cubic meter was achieved.

The planned environmental protection measures include the installation of water cannons for dust suppression in the charge material warehouses, improving the efficiency of the existing 23 treatment plants of the charge material preparation department of the sinter plant (AC-3), including their modernization, reconstruction, repair, etc. It is also planned to decommission AC-1 after the pelletizing plant is commissioned.

The plant’s materials list the process equipment for which advanced technological standards have been established, including sinter machines. AMKR undertakes to implement emission reduction measures on this equipment after two years from the date of termination or lifting of martial law in Ukraine.

“ArcelorMittal Kryvyi Rih is the largest rolled steel producer in Ukraine. It specializes in long products, including rebar and wire rod.

ArcelorMittal owns the largest mining and metallurgical plant in Ukraine, ArcelorMittal Kryvyi Rih, and a number of small companies, including ArcelorMittal Beryslav.

“ArcelorMittal Kryvyi Rih” saved more than UAH 200 mln due to lighting modernization

ArcelorMittal Kryvyi Rih’s Kryvyi Rih Mining and Metallurgical Plant (AMKR) saved more than UAH 200 million in the period from May 2020 to July 2024 as part of a program to modernize lighting systems.
According to the company’s information in the corporate publication Metallurg, the program is still being implemented.
It was specified that the program has significantly improved lighting in the main premises of ten shops.
According to Alexander Efremov, Head of Energy Management Department, the company spends the most money on natural gas and electricity, the prices for which have risen sharply, out of all the energy resources purchased. He also noted that electricity is used not only to run production equipment but also to illuminate shop buildings and other premises. Thousands of different lighting fixtures with different types of lamps are used to illuminate numerous buildings and structures. Among them are outdated, inefficient and uneconomical incandescent lamps, sodium lamps and others.
“Modern achievements in this area have proven that LED lighting fixtures are many times more powerful and economical: A 10-watt economy lamp gives as much light as a 100-watt incandescent lamp. In addition, in many workshop buildings and structures, the lighting level ranges from 30 to 70 lux, while the standards require at least 200. So the need for changes is urgent,” explained Yefremov.
According to him, the modernization requires significant funds, so the experts decided to use energy service contracts, where the contracted energy company replaces the lighting system at its own expense and then receives money from energy savings together with the enterprise.
“The quality of the services and equipment provided by Ukrainian energy companies was very high. The pilot project of the program started at the end of 2020 in Rolling Shop No. 3. The modernization was completed in May 2021. We took measurements and received at least 200 lux, and the first months of using the new lighting showed the reliability and savings we expected. The next participants in the program were the first ore dressing and crushing plants of the Mining Department. We have achieved considerable savings,” stated the head of the department.
The program continued after the full-scale invasion. The main buildings of a number of shops, as well as ROF-2, SPC-1, BOF Shop, Blooming Shop and other shops, received new powerful, economical lighting. Some units modernized systems at additional facilities. The implementation is ongoing at Sinter Shop 2. Several other shops are next in line.
“We sign a long-term contract with the contractor, and together we measure and record the current level of lighting and electricity consumption. Then our partners completely change the equipment – switches, electrical wires, lamps and fixtures. Then, on a monthly basis, we record energy consumption and calculate the savings compared to pre-modernization costs. During these contract years, the contractor maintains and repairs the equipment,” explained Yefremov.
“ArcelorMittal Kryvyi Rih is the largest rolled steel producer in Ukraine. It specializes in long products, including rebar and wire rod.
ArcelorMittal owns the largest mining and metallurgical plant in Ukraine, ArcelorMittal Kryvyi Rih, and a number of small companies, including ArcelorMittal Berislav.

“ArcelorMittal Kryvyi Rih” gradually increases production and launches 2 more coke oven batteries

ArcelorMittal Kryvyi Rih’s Kryvyi Rih Iron and Steel Works (AMKR, Dnipro region) is gradually increasing production by commissioning idle units and overcoming the consequences of Russian aggression.
“We used to operate at 25% of capacity, but now we are gradually increasing production every day. This, in turn, will lead to an increase in jobs and taxes for our city and the Ukrainian economy,” the press service said on Friday.
It is specified that coke oven batteries No. 3-4 are scheduled to be launched from April 21 to 24 inclusive, which will provide raw materials for the increase in blast furnace production.
“We would like to draw the attention of Kryvyi Rih residents to the fact that during the launch of coke oven batteries, there may be a noticeable emission of smoke. We would like to inform you that the smoke is caused by the technological process of the launch, the situation is safe for the residents of the city,” explains AMKR.
As reported earlier, ArcelorMittal Kryvyi Rih increased steel production by 93% in January-March 2024 to 278 thousand tons compared to the same period in 2023. The company produced 245 thousand tons of blast furnace coke compared to 211 thousand tons (up 16%), 403 thousand tons of pig iron compared to 392 thousand tons (up 3%), 278 thousand tons of steel compared to 250 thousand tons (up 11%), and 262 thousand tons of rolled products compared to 230 thousand tons (up 14%).
Production growth compared to the first quarter of 2023 ranged from 50% to 94%, depending on the type of product.
The first quarter of 2024 also reflects gradual progress in the restoration of the plant’s production capacity.
“We plan to continue our production development program, in particular, to approach 50% of our steelmaking capacity in the near future. At the same time, the stability of energy supply remains a significant factor in the successful implementation of our plans,” said Mauro Longobardo, CEO of AMKR, earlier.
“ArcelorMittal Kryvyi Rih is the largest rolled steel producer in Ukraine. It specializes in long products, including rebar and wire rod.
ArcelorMittal owns the largest mining and metallurgical plant in Ukraine, ArcelorMittal Kryvyi Rih, and a number of small companies, including ArcelorMittal Berislav.

“ArcelorMittal Kryvyi Rih” almost doubled steel production

In January-March this year, ArcelorMittal Kryvyi Rih Iron and Steel Works (AMKR, Dnipro region) increased steel production by 93% year-on-year to 278 thousand tons.

According to the company, compared to the fourth quarter of last year, iron ore concentrate production amounted to 1.775 million tons versus 1.283 million tons (38% more).

Blast furnace coke production in January-March 2023 amounted to 245 thousand tons compared to 211 thousand tons (up 16%), pig iron – 403 thousand tons compared to 392 thousand tons (up 3%), steel – 278 thousand tons compared to 250 thousand tons (up 11%), rolled products – 262 thousand tons compared to 230 thousand tons (up 14%). Production growth compared to the first quarter of 2023 ranged from 50% to 94%, depending on the type of product.

In March 2024, compared to March 2023, production of iron ore concentrate increased by 52% (from 427 thousand tons to 651 thousand tons), blast furnace coke by 50% (from 56 thousand tons to 84 thousand tons), pig iron by 27% (from 109 thousand tons to 138 thousand tons), steel by 61% (from 77 thousand tons to 124 thousand tons) and rolled products by 57% (from 74 thousand tons to 116 thousand tons). Production volumes also grew year-on-year, with iron ore concentrate up 14%, blast furnace coke up 9%, pig iron up 19%, and steel and rolled products up 61% and 59%, respectively.

These results were achieved despite Russian attacks against energy infrastructure and the resulting power outages, the press release said.

The first quarter of 2024 also reflects gradual progress in restoring the company’s production capacity.

“We plan to continue our production development program, in particular, to approach 50% utilization of our steelmaking capacity in the near future. At the same time, the stability of energy supply remains a significant factor in the successful implementation of our plans,” said Mauro Longobardo, CEO of AMKR.

“ArcelorMittal Kryvyi Rih is the largest rolled steel producer in Ukraine. It specializes in long products, including rebar and wire rod.

ArcelorMittal owns the largest mining and metallurgical plant in Ukraine, ArcelorMittal Kryvyi Rih, and a number of small companies, including ArcelorMittal Berislav.

Mittal Steel Corporation acquired a 93.02% stake in Kryvorizhstal in an open tender on October 24, 2005 for UAH 24.2 billion at a starting price of UAH 10 billion, after which the plant was renamed Mittal Steel Kryvyi Rih and later ArcelorMittal Kryvyi Rih.


“ArcelorMittal Kryvyi Rih” has completed overhaul of blast furnace No. 6

ArcelorMittal Kryvyi Rih’s Kryvyi Rih Mining and Metallurgical Plant (AMKR, Dnipro region) has completed an extended overhaul of blast furnace No. 6, which lasted 296 days and took place in difficult military conditions.

According to the company, the overhaul will increase the reliability of the furnace equipment, reduce operating costs, save energy, and help reduce the industrial environmental footprint.

The furnace has been repaired and is awaiting an order to put it into operation. The relevant documents are currently being processed. This is the first time that the sixth blast furnace has been repaired in the second category since 2015, when this metallurgical unit was reconstructed and environmental protection measures were implemented. In the period from 2015 to 2023, the blast furnace underwent only a few third-category repairs due to the replacement of the backfill apparatus and minor maintenance work.

It is specified that the main stages of this repair were the removal of residual charge materials and spent refractory lining, replacement of the charging apparatus, design lining of the blast furnace shaft, which used about 980 tons of refractory bricks, restoration of the furnace, and replacement of the cooling plates of the furnace shaft cooling system. More than half of the refrigeration plates – 364 pieces – have been renewed; these plates, as well as most of the other spare parts, were manufactured by LMZ specialists. The furnace shaft was lined by the specialists of Steel Service PE. Repair work was also carried out by contractors and repair departments of our enterprise.

“Restoration work was also carried out on the blast furnace hearth. The hearth is the lower part of the blast furnace where the smelting products – liquid iron and slag – are accumulated and where the devices for their release are located. When the blast furnace is in operation, the horn is exposed to high temperatures and considerable pressure, so it is important that it can withstand a heavy load – it must be strong and stable. During the repair, it was reliably restored with imported refractory materials,” explains Sergey Losyuk, Deputy Head of BF No. 1 for Mechanical Equipment.

In addition, BF No. 6 repaired the hydraulic equipment in the casting yard, the charge feeding system, and the blast furnace top. At the same time, the first category of air heater No. 2 was repaired. This will allow the blast furnace to maintain the required thermal conditions with maximum coke savings during operation.

A significant amount of work was done to repair the electrical equipment and automation of BF-6. The blast furnace’s aspiration units have been repaired to capture harmful emissions and help improve the environment.

“Military conditions affected the progress of the work. We had to solve logistical issues of delivering new materials and equipment. As for air raid alerts, we have all learned to work as safely as possible under the sirens. Nevertheless, we have accomplished everything we planned,” said Vladislav Polishchuk, head of DC No. 1.

Earlier, Mauro Longobardo, the company’s CEO, announced his intention to launch another blast furnace in April, and the plant will operate two blast furnaces, at about 50% of its pre-war capacity.

“ArcelorMittal Kryvyi Rih is the largest rolled steel producer in Ukraine. It specializes in long products, including rebar and wire rod.

ArcelorMittal owns the largest mining and metallurgical plant in Ukraine, ArcelorMittal Kryvyi Rih, and a number of small companies, including ArcelorMittal Berislav.

“ArcelorMittal Kryvyi Rih” receives approval for construction of tailings dump

ArcelorMittal Kryvyi Rih’s Kryvyi Rih Mining and Metallurgical Plant (AMKR, Dnipro region) has received a conclusion from the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Natural Resources of Ukraine on the environmental impact assessment of the construction of a tailings dump – Map III – a special hydraulic structure used to dispose of enrichment waste.

“PJSC ArcelorMittal Kryvyi Rih informs that the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Natural Resources of Ukraine has issued a conclusion on the environmental impact assessment of the planned activity “Construction of the tailings dump “III map” sludge management of the ore processing plant in the Dnipropetrovs’k region of AMKR No. 21/01-202361210773/1 dated February 27, 2024 and the Report on public discussion No. 21/01-202361210773/2 dated February 27, 2024″, – according to the company’s information published by the Department of Ecology on the website of the Kryvyi Rih City Executive Committee on Thursday.

It is specified that the information on the company’s receipt of the environmental impact assessment conclusion is published in the Unified Register of Environmental Impact Assessment.

As reported, ArcelorMittal Kryvyi Rih has several times sent documents to the Ministry of Environment to approve the construction of a tailing dump for waste “III map”. In mid-2023, AMKR again sent documents to the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Natural Resources of Ukraine to approve the construction of the tailing dump.

According to the documentation available to Interfax-Ukraine, the planned activity is the new construction of the Karta III tailings dump in the sludge management facility of the ore processing plant on the territory of the Grechanopodivska and Novolativska village councils in the Shyrokivskyi district of Dnipropetrovska oblast.

Earlier it was explained that the procedure for assessing the planned activity is carried out within the framework of expansion and changes, including revision or updating of the conditions for carrying out the planned activity established by the decision to carry out the planned activity or extend the terms of its implementation (…).

Information on the intention of the AMCS to obtain an environmental impact assessment (EIA) was published by the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources on June 15, 2023.

Earlier it was reported that PJSC ArcelorMittal Kryvyi Rih intends to build the Map III tailing dump. The construction of the tailings storage facility is necessary “due to the fact that the existing tailings storage facilities have reached the limits of economic feasibility of their expansion”.

At the same time, it was specified that the company’s crude ore output for 2021-2025 is 24.4269 million tons per year, with an annual tailings output of 14.964 million cubic meters per year. The design elevation of the enclosure dam is 100 meters. The total capacity of the tailing dump is 34.8 million cubic meters, with a usable capacity of 29.4 million cubic meters. The area of the tailing pit is 382.95 hectares. The total length of the containment dams is 5,950 meters and their maximum height is 12 meters. The area of the construction site is 521.1245 hectares.

Thus, in line with the requirements of the Ministry of Ecology, AMKR has to enter the environmental impact assessment procedure for the fourth time.

“ArcelorMittal Kryvyi Rih currently operates three tailing dumps, two of which – Myroliubivka and United. The company planned to invest about $50 million in 2020-2024. The company has already invested more than $15 million in the third tailing dump, Central, having completed construction in 2017 to the level of +90 meters (now +95 meters). AMKR will spend the same amount to expand it to +115 meters (these works are planned for the next seven years).

“ArcelorMittal Kryvyi Rih is the largest rolled steel producer in Ukraine. It specializes in long products, including rebar and wire rod.

ArcelorMittal owns the largest mining and metallurgical plant in Ukraine, ArcelorMittal Kryvyi Rih, and a number of small companies, including ArcelorMittal Berislav.

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