Business news from Ukraine

On May 16, business forum “Bread Industry-2024” will start in Cherkasy

The second national conference and exhibition “Bread Industry-2024” starts next week on May 16 in Cherkasy (Perlina Resort hotel complex), with more than 200 business representatives already confirmed their participation.
On the first day of the event, the conference participants will have four panel discussions on the challenges facing the state and agribusiness in 2024, sustainability of value chains, consumer preferences and product range, new types of products, alternative products and raw materials. The first day will culminate with the awarding of the winners of the Tasting Competition.
The second day will feature a seminar on “How to increase exports of Ukrainian value-added products?” supported by the USAID Agriculture Program. After that, three parallel excursions will be organized for the participants: CherkasyElevatorMash LLC, where a specialized session on “New Products Based on Extrusion” will be held and a demonstration and launch of a soybean processing line using Bronto equipment will be held; Cherkasy Khlib LLC – a specialized session on “What is more profitable to invest in today – technology or marketing?” and Bo Khlib LLC – a specialized session on “Is it possible to make money on a bread franchise?”
In addition, an exhibition will be open all days of the conference, which will be attended by: Cherkasy Khlib, Chift Kartal Ukraine, Buhler, CherkasyElevatorMash, Terra LLC, OLIS LLC, Production Enterprise Basis, Interkargotrak, Motorcar, Venta Lab, ASTRA PROJECT, GVP Equipment Solutions, Grantfinance, Farmet (Anatol Private Enterprise), GraMido LLC, etc.
The partners of the conference were: Cherkasy Khlib LLC, CherkasyElevatorMash, Chift Kartal Ukraine, LESAFFRE UKRAINE, OLIS, ASTRA PROJECT, Oxicom, Enzym Group, Ventalab, Interkargotrak, Motorcar.
The conference is supported by: Ministry of Economy, Ministry of Agrarian Policy, Cherkasy Military Administration, USAID Agro Program, Made in Ukraine, Ukrainian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Ukrainian Business Council, Association of Farmers and Private Landowners of Ukraine.
For more details on the program, speakers, sponsors and conditions of participation, please follow this link.
Don’t hesitate and join the national conference and exhibition “Bread Industry 2024” before the deadline!
Interfax-Ukraine is the official media partner of the forum.


Conference “Bread Industry 2024” will be held on May 15-16

Preliminary program of the conference “Bread Industry 2024“*

Perlyna Resort Hotel Complex (40 Poleva St., Sokyrna village, Cherkasy region)

May 15

Arrival, accommodation and pre-registration

Optional departure to Kaniv and climbing the Chernecha (Tarasova) mountain

May 16th


Registration, welcome coffee


Opening of the conference: greetings from the organizers, Cherkasy Regional Military Administration, general partner of the conference


Panel discussion “Challenges of 2024 for the state and agri-food business and ways to solve them”

Moderator: Olena Kovaleva

Taras Vysotskyi, agrarian policy expert of the IPSA project

First Deputy Minister of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine – Oleksandr Krasnolutskyi

First Deputy Minister of Environmental Protection and Natural Resources of Ukraine – Yuriy Vaskov

Deputy Minister of Development of Communities, Territories and Infrastructure (pending confirmation) – Viktor Sheremeta

First Vice President of the Association of Farmers and Private Landowners of Ukraine – Andriy Tabalov

Chairman of the Supervisory Board of PJSC Cherkasy Bakery


Coffee break


Panel discussion “Sustainability of value chains in the bread industry”

Moderator: Oleksandr Taranenko

First Vice President of the UBA, Deputy General Director of Bread Investments LLC (TM “Tsar Khlib”, “Teremno”, CHANTA) – Nadiya Bigun

Deputy Minister of Economy of Ukraine – Arsen Zhumadilov

Director General of the State Logistics Operator – Yaroslav Zheleznyak

First Deputy Chairman of the Committee on Finance, Taxation and Customs Policy – Oleh Hetman

Coordinator of expert groups of the Economic Expert Platform – Natalia Petrivska

Executive Director of the Ukrainian Food Retail Alliance – Vladyslav Averchenko

General Director of Concern Khlibprom PJSC (TM Agrola, Vinnytsiakhlib, Bandinelli, Grill & Bakery, etc.)




Panel discussion “Do consumers’ desires and producers’ capabilities coincide?”

Moderator: Oleksandr Varavka

Chairman of the Supervisory Board of Alviva Group (Kyivkhlib, Kyivmlyn, Stolychnyi Mlyn) – Maryna Zabarylo

Director of Consumer Panel Services GfK Ukraine – Oleksiy Starikov

Commercial Director of Firma Strilets LLC (TM Zodiac) – Dmytro Zhygunov

Professor, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Head of the Department of Grain Processing Technologies, OtU


Coffee break


Panel discussion “Alternative raw materials, innovative technologies, innovative products”

Moderator: Boris Shestopalov

Co-owner of HD-Group and GFS Group (TM Khlibodar, Zaporizhmlyn, Pervyi Khlib, EveryDay) – Sergiy Sots

Dean of the Faculty of Grain Technology and Grain Business, Odesa National Technological University, PhD – Sergiy Tonkonog

Representative of Astra Group

Representative of USAID-Agro

Representatives of enterprises and companies


Friendly dinner from the general partner – Formula Smaku group of companies

May 17


Panel discussion “How to increase exports of Ukrainian value-added products?”

Moderator: Rodion Rybchynskyi

Director of the Union “Millers of Ukraine” – Igor Novitsky

General Director of First Mill LLC – Oleksandr Yasynskyi

Commercial Director of Terra LLC – Viktor Zhabchyk

Co-owner and director of VILIS PE (TM VILIS, ChiBi, Makarella, Italino, Viverelli)

Representative of AGA Partners Law firm


Coffee break


Offsite session (parallel sessions, lunch will be provided at each session)

Location 1.

CherkasyElevatorMash LLC – specialized session “New products based on extrusion. Demonstration of equipment and products”

Location 2.

Cherkasy Bread LLC – specialized session “What is more profitable to invest in today – technology or marketing?”

Location 3.

“Bo Khlib – specialized session “Is it possible to make money on a bread franchise?”

* The program is subject to change

Interfax-Ukraine and open4business – information partner
