Business news from Ukraine

Registration of used cars imported from abroad in July increased by 9%

Primary registrations of used passenger cars imported from abroad in July increased by almost 9% compared to June-2023 – up to 18.8 thousand units, which was the highest number of registrations per month for the last 11 months, the association “Ukravtoprom” reported in the Telegram channel.

As reported, the demand for new passenger cars in July turned to negative dynamics, having decreased by 5% by June-2023, to 5.3 thousand units.

According to the association, the largest share in the segment of imported used foreign cars still belongs to gasoline cars – 44% (in June – 43%), followed by diesel cars – 33% (35%), electric cars – 15% (14%), cars with HBO – 5% (no change) and hybrids – 3% (3%).

The average age of used cars that switched to Ukrainian license plates in June is 10 years (10.5% in June).

Volkswagen Golf remains the leader of July registrations (1616 units), followed by Renault Megane (1234 units) and Skoda Octavia (929 units).

The top 10 in this market also include Volkswagen Passat, 741 units; Nissan Leaf, 535 units; Ford Focus, 400 units; Volkswagen Touran, 384 units; Nissan Qashqai, 377 units; Volkswagen Tiguan, 377 units and AUDI A4, 369 units.

In total, in January-July, 106 thousand used cars imported from abroad were first registered in Ukraine, which is 3.3 times more than the sales of new cars in the same period last year.

As reported, Ukrainians in 2022 registered 388.5 thousand imported used cars, which is almost a quarter less than a year earlier, but more than 10 times more than the market for new cars.


Cabinet of Ministers has extended “eCrossing queue” to passenger buses and cars

The action of the electronic system “Electronic Border Crossing Queue” (“eCheck”) will be extended to buses carrying out international passenger transportation and passenger cars.
As the representative of the Cabinet of Ministers in the Parliament Taras Melnychuk reported in a telegram channel, the government introduced the relevant amendments to the Resolution No. 1349 on the peculiarities of the implementation of the electronic system “e Queue” at the meeting on Friday.
The State Service of Ukraine for Transport Security (“Ukrtransbezopasnost”) specified that from August 1, the electronic queue for passenger carriers starts operating in a test mode at the Yahodyn-Dorogusk BCP.
“From Tuesday, August 1, the movement of buses of regular flights through the IACP “Yagodin – Dorogusk” will be possible only by entry in the Electronic queue of border crossing on the site”, – stated in the message of the Department in the telegram channel.
It is noted that the record in the “e Queue” for passenger carriers opens on July 31.
The agency specified that the bus driver can extend the queue once in 4, 6, 8 or 10 hours, if he needed more time on the road. At the same time, the data on the driver or vehicle can be changed once without losing a place in the queue.
In “Ukrtransbezopasnost” added that the schedule of buses will remain unchanged. Registered carriers should arrive at the checkpoint at the time stipulated by the bus route.
In the test period, the System will not offer entry times at the checkpoint for buses.
As reported, the Electronic Border Crossing Queue project is implemented by the Ministry of Community Development, Territories and Infrastructure in cooperation with the Ministry of Digital Transformation, Ukrtransbezopasnost, State Agency for Infrastructure Rehabilitation and Development, State Customs Service and State Border Guard Service with the support of USAID/UK aid of the Transparency and Accountability in Public Administration and Services/TAPAS project.


Market of new commercial cars in Ukraine grew 2.5 times – “Ukravtoprom”

Registrations in Ukraine of new commercial vehicles (trucks and special vehicles) in June amounted to 1,068 units, which is 12% more than in May this year and 2.5 times more than in June 2022, “Ukravtoprom” reported in Telegram channel.
“This is the best result in the last 17 months,” stated in the message.
At the same time, compared to the pre-war June-2021 registrations of commercial cars decreased by 26%.
The top five commercial vehicles on the market in June were: Renault – 356 units; Scania – 127 units; Volkswagen – 67 units; Peugeot – 60 units and Mercedes-Benz – 53 units.
Total, according to the Association, in the first half of the year 5,190 new trucks were added to the Ukrainian park of trucks and special vehicles, which is 61% more than during the same period last year.
In its turn, analytical group Auto-Consulting, analyzing the segment of trucks on its web-site on Tuesday, points out that in June there is again a record of their delivery to the Ukrainian market – 440 units, which is 2.2 times more than in June last year.
“And it is not a situational jump, because according to the results of six months we record the growth of the market by 89%”, – the experts state.
According to the group’s data, in June this segment of the market was headed by Scania, which managed to take 29% of the market, the second result was gained by DAF with 9%. IVECO, Renault, Volvo and Mercedes-Benz also increase their sales.
“There is a segment of trucks of 3.6-8 tons with a gross weight which is developing powerfully, where European producers are more and more present. But Chinese brands have started to actively develop the segment of communal machinery and have already achieved certain success. Now any tender on this theme consists of at least three or four proposals on the chassis of Chinese manufacturers”, – is noted in the report.
According to analysts, the high rate of recovery of the truck market is primarily due to the fact that businesses are trying to increase their own fleets to transport goods through the new logistics corridors.
As it was reported with reference to Ukravtoprom, in 2022 the market of new commercial vehicles was added 6.9 thousand new cars – 2.3 times less than in 2021.


Japan hands Ukraine 100 cars and 30,000 food rations for Armed Forces of Ukraine

The Ministry of Defense of Japan held a ceremony of transferring to Ukraine 100 vehicles and 30,000 ready-made food rations for the needs of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, the Ukrainian Ambassador to Japan Sergey Korsunsky said.
“Today in the Ministry of Defense of Japan there was a ceremony of handing over to Ukraine 100 vehicles and 30,000 ready-made food rations for the needs of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. The first two vehicles are already on their way to Ukraine, the others will be sent after passing the technical inspection and necessary preparation,” he wrote on Facebook.
The ambassador stressed that for the first time in Japan’s post-war history, the Self-Defense Forces are transferring military equipment to a belligerent country.
“Continuation follows,” Korsunsky added.

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In April Ukrainians bought record number of used foreign cars – Ukravtoprom

Primary registrations of used cars imported from abroad in April 2023 increased by almost 8% compared to March 2023 – up to 15.3 thousand units, which was the highest number of registrations per month since the beginning of the year, said the association “Ukravtoprom” in Telegram-channel.
The largest share in this segment of the car market belongs to gasoline cars – 45%, followed by diesel cars – 36%, electric cars – 11%, cars with HFO – 5% and hybrids – 3%.
The average age of used cars that switched to Ukrainian plates in April is 11 years.
According to the Association, the top five of the market of used cars compared to March has not changed: the most popular is still Renault Megane – 1273 units, the second result has Volkswagen Golf – 1180 units, the third – Skoda Octavia – 794 units. Volkswagen Passat (694 units) and Ford Focus (377 units) are at the end of the leading five.
Besides, the TOP-10 of the month includes: Nissan Leaf – 366 units; Nissan Qashqai – 337 units; VW Touran – 320 units; Skoda Fabia – 277 units; AUDI A4 – 270 units.
As reported with reference to Ukravtoprom, 5.16 thousand new cars were registered in Ukraine in April, i.e. almost three times less.
“Ukravtoprom” informs that in January-April, 54.5 thousand used cars, imported from abroad, got the first registration in Ukraine, which is 3.3 times more than the sales of new cars during the same period.
Ukrainians in 2022 registered 388.5 thousand imported used foreign cars, which is nearly a quarter less than a year earlier, but more than 10 times more than the market of new cars.


EU postpones adoption of new standards on carbon dioxide emissions for cars

The adoption by the European Union of new carbon dioxide standards for cars and buses is postponed to a later date due to opposition from Germany, some other countries and the center-right wing of European lawmakers, the representative office of Sweden, which holds the EU Council presidency, said.
“The vote (originally scheduled for next week – IF) will take place at a later (EU) Council meeting,” the Swedish presidency said Friday, noting that no date has yet been set.
Last year, EU lawmakers and member state governments agreed that manufacturers must cut emissions from new cars by 55 percent by 2030 from 2021 levels and 100 percent in 2035. In effect, this means that sales of new cars that run on hydrocarbon fuels, such as petroleum products, will be banned.
Some countries, including Germany, have asked the European Commission (EC) to make an exception for cars running on “green fuel. It can be made from renewable energy sources and carbon emitted from the air. However, the EC is still silent.
The center-right European People’s Party (EPP), the largest faction in the European Parliament, opposes the ban and calls on the governments of the Union to do so.
The EPP’s chief negotiator on the issue, Jens Gieseke, motivated the conservatives’ position by the fact that the ban would hinder innovation, lead to the loss of thousands of jobs and the decline of a crucial European industry.
“The world will continue to drive cars with internal combustion engines. Our job is to make them as CO2-efficient as possible, not to ban them. Green fuels can help,” Gieseke said.
The European Greens are of a different opinion. Their leader in the European Parliament, Philippe Lambert, believes that this should not be a topic for further debate. Germany has already agreed to phase out internal combustion engines, and Brussels has already decided on this. Germany must remain a reliable European partner, he said in a statement sent to journalists.

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