Business news from Ukraine

Business news from Ukraine

“Kametstal” increases stability of CCM engines

Kametstal” plant of mining and metallurgical group “Metinvest”, created at the facilities of Dneprovsky Iron and Steel Works (DMK, Kamenskoye, Dnepropetrovsk region), in the converter shop implements a program to improve the stability of motors on continuous casting machine (CCM) streams.

According to the press release, this program is carried out for more reliable operation of the main equipment.

It is specified that the operation of motors on the caster creeks in high-temperature conditions and aggressive environment leads to their frequent failure and, consequently, to the reduction of the overhaul period. That is why the team consisting of specialists from the Engineering Directorate, BOF Shop, Chief Power Engineer Department with the participation of Metinvest-Promservice specialists set a task to increase the service life of the equipment.

Within the framework of the program, the CCM has already installed shelters-casing in the places of ingots exit to the block of pulling-right mechanism for additional protection of motors from radiation of red-hot metal, installed a powerful aerator for additional cooling of motors.

“Now specialists are working on the selection of the optimal type of lubricant, which largely determines the stability of the bearings and, consequently, the endurance of the engines. The solution of the task of extending the life of the engines on the creeks will improve the production performance and product quality of the CCM – this is an additional opportunity to avoid unscheduled stoppages of the creeks, to increase the inter-repair periods of equipment operation and, thus, to increase the efficiency of the shop,” said Denis Yeskov, the head of the converter shop, who is quoted by the press service.

“Kametstal” was created on the basis of PJSC “Dneprovsky Coke and Chemical Plant” (DCCP) and CEC of PJSC “Dneprovsky Iron and Steel Works” (DMK).

According to the report of Metinvest Group’s parent company for 2020, Metinvest B.V. (Netherlands) owned 100% of DKHZ shares.
