Business news from Ukraine


Ukraine is already at the peak of the current wave of coronavirus (COVID-19) disease, Minister of Health of Ukraine Viktor Liashko has said at a briefing on air of the Rada TV channel.
“We already have the peak incidence, because we record 41,000 cases a day,” the minister said.
He also added that during this COVID-19 wave, the number of cases is growing, but not the number of hospitalizations, which in turn reduces a burden on hospital care.
At the same time, according to Liashko, there is a large burden on primary medical care, so the Ministry of Health has taken management decisions that should reduce a burden on family doctors. The latest of these solutions is the introduction of remote calling in sick.

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From February 4, 2022, upon arrival in Slovakia, for fully vaccinated persons, as well as for persons who have overcome the disease, home quarantine upon arrival in Slovakia is not mandatory, the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine has said. “From February 4, 2022, upon arrival in Slovakia, persons who have overcome COVID-19 more than 180 days ago have the same conditions as those vaccinated. That is, for fully vaccinated persons, as well as for persons who have overcome the disease, home quarantine upon arrival in Slovakia is not mandatory,” the service said in a statement on its website on Wednesday.
Previously, people who had the disease were required to go into quarantine. Those who were vaccinated and survived the disease were required to register in the eHranica system.
For now, eHranice registration remains mandatory for unvaccinated individuals after each arrival in Slovakia.
“As for the quarantine for the unvaccinated, it is reduced from ten to five days after arrival in Slovakia, or quarantine is terminated after receiving a negative PCR test result, which can be done immediately after arrival in Slovakia,” the service said.
The service also said that under the rules adopted by the European Commission, for travelers with COVID-19 vaccination certificates, from now on, for EU countries, the vaccination certificate will be valid for travel for nine months. Given this decision, Slovakia has canceled the list of risk countries associated with the omicron coronavirus strain and the special conditions for persons arriving from risk countries.

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Citizens of Ukraine who received a booster dose of the coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine will get an additional UAH 500, President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky said in a video statement on Monday evening.
“There is a clear understanding that immunity grows after each subsequent dose of the vaccine, and the ‘boosterization’ strategy has become the unified standard for all developed countries. Boosterization is the third dose of the vaccine, therefore, under the e-Aid program, another UAH 500 will be allocated for those citizens who receive the third dose,” he said.



Almost 1,900 new coronavirus (COVID-19) cases were recorded in Ukraine as of Monday morning, the Ukrainian Health Ministry press service said.
More than 4,500 people have recovered and 133 have died, the press service said.
“A total of 1,864 new cases of coronavirus were confirmed in Ukraine on December 26 (including 138 children and 12 healthcare workers); 29,476 people were vaccinated against coronavirus. The first dose was administered to 8,776 people, 20,434 people received the second dose, 88 people received an additional dose, and 178 people received booster shots. A total of 1,053 people were hospitalized in the past 24 hours; 133 people died; 4,527 people recovered,” the country’s Health Ministry said on Telegram.
A total of 3.647 million people have contracted COVID-19, some 3.433 million people have recovered, and 94,971 people have died of COVID-19 in Ukraine since the start of the pandemic.
A total of 14.593 million people have been vaccinated since the start of the vaccination campaign. 1,900 new coronavirus (COVID-19) cases were recorded in Ukraine as of Monday morning, the Ukrainian Health Ministry press service said.
More than 4,500 people have recovered and 133 have died, the press service said.
“A total of 1,864 new cases of coronavirus were confirmed in Ukraine on December 26 (including 138 children and 12 healthcare workers); 29,476 people were vaccinated against coronavirus. The first dose was administered to 8,776 people, 20,434 people received the second dose, 88 people received an additional dose, and 178 people received booster shots. A total of 1,053 people were hospitalized in the past 24 hours; 133 people died; 4,527 people recovered,” the country’s Health Ministry said on Telegram.
A total of 3.647 million people have contracted COVID-19, some 3.433 million people have recovered, and 94,971 people have died of COVID-19 in Ukraine since the start of the pandemic.
A total of 14.593 million people have been vaccinated since the start of the vaccination campaign.



Ukraine has registered 11,960 new cases of COVID-19, 26,160 recoveries, and 557 related deaths in the past 24 hours, the Ukrainian Health Ministry said on Wednesday.
“Over the past day, November 30, Ukraine has recorded 11,960 new cases of COVID-19, including 1,088 children and 207 medical workers, while 233,471 people have been vaccinated for COVID-19, among them 76,979 people who received their first shot and 156,492 who have completed vaccination. In the past 24 hours, 3,629 persons have been hospitalized, 557 have died, and 26,160 have recovered,” the Health Ministry said on Telegram.
Since the beginning of the pandemic, Ukraine has seen a total of 3,450,341 coronavirus infections, including 2,972,192 recoveries and 86,532 deaths.



About 98% of Ukrainian citizens hospitalized with coronavirus disease COVID-19 are unvaccinated, Health Minister Viktor Liashko said.
“I have one clear answer: there is no need to wait for some region to enter the red level of epidemic danger. Today there is an opportunity to prevent it from getting there: you need to get off the couch, come to the vaccination center and get vaccinated. Why is this important? Because when transferring to the red level of epidemic danger, there are three criteria regarding hospitalization. The rate of hospitalization, the percentage of hospitalized, as well as the occupancy of beds with oxygen. What does statistics show today? That among hospitalized 95-98% are unvaccinated,” Liashko said in a comment to journalists on Thursday at the presentation of the book of MP Yulia Hrishyna “Knowledge that Changes the World.”
Therefore, according to the minister, today we can influence this situation as follows: “we get vaccinated – we prevent hospitalizations, we do not allow the red level of epidemic danger: schools, kindergartens, business, the economy are working, we are raising the level of the economy, we are investing in the health care system.”
Answering the question about the reasons for the low level of vaccination in the country, Liashko noted that in this case, attention should be paid to the dynamics of vaccination.
“Now we see an increase in the number of vaccinated. Three days in a row – a daily record, and yesterday a pleasant record: 251,000 vaccinations per day were made. We have reached the level that European countries reach in four to five months. If you look at when we got access to the vaccine, and this is July, then we have caught up with the same European rates. The main thing is that they do not slow down,” the minister said.

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