Business news from Ukraine

UkrSibbank undergoes cyberattacks

UkrSibbank has been subjected to cyber attacks for several days, but successfully defends against them, according to the website of the financial institution.
“We are making every effort to quickly defeat the “attack” and restore full access to all our services. We apologize for the temporary inconvenience and thank you for your understanding”, – said UkrSibank.
The financial institution explained that to resist cyber attacks and protect customers, it constantly adapts protection systems and applies new mechanisms of counteraction, which may lead to short-term inaccessibility of Internet platforms: the bank website, UKRSIB online and UKRSIB business.
At the same time it’s underlined that bank’s clients can safely pay by its cards in trade network and withdraw money from ATMs in Ukraine as well as abroad.
“We are waiting for positive news. Hold the line!” – summed up the financial institution.
UkrSibbank by total assets (129.8 billion UAH) at the beginning of May ranked 6th among 65 operating banks in Ukraine.
The National Bank of Ukraine in its Financial Stability Report, published this week, with reference to the survey of banks, indicated that after a certain break at the beginning of the war, cyber risk returned to the top three systemic risks. According to the graph it presented, there were three attacks per month in April and May that caused temporary disruptions, compared to zero to two in January and March.
