Business news from Ukraine

Albania allows import of Ukrainian dairy products

The Ministry of Agriculture and Development of Albania has approved the form of international veterinary certificate, which the State Service of Ukraine for Food Safety and Consumer Protection prepared in cooperation with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs for the export of heat-treated dairy products, the press service of the State Service of Ukraine for Food Safety and Consumer Protection reported.

According to the report, currently it is possible to export three types of products to Albania: poultry, meat semi-finished products and heat-treated dairy products for nutrition.

On the official web portal of Gosprodpotrebsluzhba published the form of international certificate for the export of Ukrainian dairy products.

In addition, the agency reminded that in order to export food products, the market operator must submit a request for unscheduled veterinary control, which is carried out according to the requirements of the country of destination, to the main departments of the State Food and Consumer Service in the regions and Kiev, as well as its interregional branches at the state border, through which the products will be exported.

To the application of the market operator it is necessary to attach copies of the foreign economic agreement/contract; documents certifying the existence of special requirements established by the competent authority of the country of destination of the cargo (if any); documents certifying the characteristics of the cargo of food products and the vehicle (if any – invoice, CMR, commodity-transport specification of the food product).

The relevant territorial authority shall issue the international certificate on the working day after receipt of the market operator’s application.

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Canada has opened its market for dairy products from Ukraine

Canada has opened its market for Ukrainian products, particularly milk and dairy products, the press service of the State Service of Ukraine for Food Safety and Consumer Protection said.
“Thanks to the joint work of the State Service for Food Safety and Consumer Protection and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, a new market for the sale of Ukrainian products, namely milk and dairy products to Canada has been opened,” the statement said.
Explanation of the requirements of Canadian legislation on producers of dairy products and indicated in the zoo-sanitary certificate are published on the official web-portal of Gosprodpotrebbey.
The form of the certificate for export of milk and dairy products agreed by the competent authorities of both countries can be found on the official website of the State Consumer Service in the section “International Cooperation” in the section “Certificates for export and zoo products”.
To start the export of food products the market operator must apply to the territorial body of the Service at the location of the production facilities.


Export of dairy products from Ukraine dropped by 27%

Ukraine in April 2023 exported 6.55 thousand tons of dairy products, which is 27% less than in March, while imports increased by 3% and reached 5.17 thousand tons, the Ukrainian Club of Agrarian Business (UCAB) said.
“Despite the fact that some bans have been lifted, they had a very negative impact on the foreign economic situation in the industry. The last time such export volumes were observed a year ago, before the European Parliament supported the termination of import duties on Ukrainian agricultural products”, – UCAB analyst Maxim Gopka said.
According to the experts, the main reasons for the decrease of export were the blockade of import of Ukrainian agricultural products to the EU, difficulties with transit through East European countries and passive demand in the world.
UCAB points out that the decline in supplies can be observed in almost all categories without exception: unthickened milk and cream – by 33%, to 1.66 thousand tons; condensed milk and cream – by 40%, to 988 tons; yogurt and kefir – 17%, to 200 tons.
Exports of milk whey decreased by 17% to 1.03 thousand tons; butter – by 4% to 808 tons; ice cream – by 2% to 824 tons; cheese of all kinds – by 33% to 515 tons.
The Association also stressed that the export of dairy products to Poland fell in April by 29% compared to March and amounted to 242 tons.
The largest importers of Ukrainian products remained Moldova, Kazakhstan and Azerbaijan.
As for imports, the biggest growth – by 74% to 142 tons – was observed for milk and cream, the UCAB stated.


Polish dairy processors concerned about closure of their market for export of Ukrainian dairy products

Polish dairy processors are concerned about the closure of their market for the export of Ukrainian dairy products and expect the use of the reciprocity principle, which will lead to a drop in imports of Polish dairy products by Ukraine, the analytical agency Infagro reported.
“Today I am most afraid of the use of the principle of reciprocity of Ukraine in trade relations with Poland. If Ukraine closes its market for us, we will find ourselves in a very difficult situation. Today 6% of all our cheese exports go to Ukraine. The volume of imports of dairy products to Poland from Ukraine was small compared with Polish exports to Ukraine. Therefore, the income and loss account is obvious,” Agnieszka Maliszewska, vice president of COGECA and director of Izba Mleka (Poland) was quoted by the agency.
Her concerns are shared by Marcin Gidzik, president of Polish Milk Processors Association. According to the principle of reciprocity, we can expect Polish exports to slow down unless other agreements are reached between the Ministers of Agriculture,” he said in an interview with
According to his information, in January-March 2023 Ukraine exported to Poland 1 ton of products marked with code CN 0401 – non concentrated milk and cream without added sugar, 60 tons of butter or other milk fats and 710 tons of milk powder.
In the same period Poland exported 2,213 tons of cheese, 1,080 tons of whey and 1,312 tons of fermented products to Ukraine.


Revenue from export of dairy products from Ukraine in September reached record

Revenue from the export of dairy products from Ukraine in September reached a record since the beginning of the year – $35.9 million, which is 9.2% more than in August 2022, and 2.45 times more than in September 2021.

According to the website of the Association of Milk Producers, such growth was facilitated by high export prices for dairy products and the preferential regime introduced by the EU for the export and transit of Ukrainian goods.

It is specified that in September Ukraine exported 4,900 tonnes of milk powder (more by 51% compared to August 2022) in the amount of $15.8 million (more by 39.8%), 1,100 tonnes of cheese (up 8.9%) worth $5.08 million (up 3.7%), as well as 327 tonnes of fermented milk products (up 19.6%).

At the same time, foreign supplies of butter in September decreased to 1,960 tonnes (down 8.25% compared to August) for a total of $11.3 million (down 5.7%), milk and whole cream – to 2,650 tonnes (down 25.7%) for $1.37 million (down 28.1%).

According to the union, whey exports fell to 1,960 tonnes in September due to problems with its delivery to the largest buyers in China and Malaysia, caused by Russian aggression.

The association clarified that the total import of dairy products to Ukraine in September decreased by 19% compared to August due to the cheap hryvnia. In general, dairy products worth $16.3 million were imported to Ukraine during the month.

It also underlined that a seasonal reduction in dairy exports should be expected in October, but its figures will still be high compared to last year.

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By August, Ukraine brought export of dairy products to pre-war level

Ukraine, in the context of a full-scale Russian military invasion in January-August 2022, exported 59.4 thousand tons of dairy products, which is comparable to last year.
As reported on the Facebook page of the association “Ukrainian Agrarian Business Club” (UCAB) on Monday, the supply of dairy products to foreign markets grew especially rapidly in August – up to 12.7 thousand tons, which is twice as high as in August 2021.
According to the UCAB, in August 2022, Ukraine exported 3.58 thousand tons of non-condensed milk and cream (a threefold increase compared to June), 3.26 thousand tons of condensed milk and cream (twice as much), 273 tons of butter dish (50% less), 2.53 thousand tons of whey (72% more), 2.14 thousand tons of butter (3.5 times more), 1 thousand tons of cheeses of all types (62% more more).
In addition, in the summer of 2022 (June-August), Ukraine exported 31.5 thousand tons of dairy products, which is 52% of actual exports for the eight months of this year, as well as 40% more than in the same period of 2021.
The largest importers of Ukrainian products for eight months of 2022 were Moldova – 4.4 thousand tons, Poland – 2.4 thousand tons, China – 900 tons.
As noted by UCAB, imports of dairy products to Ukraine are gradually declining. Thus, according to its data, 42.3 thousand tons were imported in eight months, which is 37% less than last year. In August, 5 thousand tons of dairy products were imported, of which the majority were cheeses of all kinds (3.1 thousand tons).
“In January-August, the foreign trade balance is passive and amounts to $2.3 million. If in September the export rates remain the same as in August, then the foreign trade balance may already be active and overall trade will be more positive for the industry,” – the association quotes the expert Maxim Gopka.
As reported, in May 2022, the Union of Dairy Enterprises of Ukraine association predicted that this year milk production would decrease by 13-16% – to 7.33-7.56 million tons from 8.73 million in 2021, the depth crisis in the industry will be determined by the development of hostilities.
It is expected that the average milk consumption in Ukraine per capita in 2022 will increase by 8% – from 212 kg in 2021 to 229 kg this year due to internal and external migration of the population.
