Business news from Ukraine

Level of floods in Dnieper decreases

The water level of the Dnieper river in the capital near the Metro bridge has decreased by 4 cm compared to the previous day, the Kyiv city military administration said.
“As of 10:00 on 07.05.2023, the Dnieper in Kiev near the bridge “Metro” is 9,299 cm (according to the Baltic system of heights). Water temperature: 14°C. Compared to the previous day, the flood level has decreased by 4 cm,” – indicated in a message in the telegram channel.
The head of KHWA Sergey Popko noted that for more than 2 weeks the height of the flood in the capital fluctuates around 9300 cm, which is less than 60 cm maximum high water in the middle of April, so there is no threat to the city of high water. Emergency flooding in the city of Kiev has not been recorded.
“The danger level of hydrological phenomena remains I (yellow). At the same time there is flooding of the floodplain with a layer of about 45 cm. Floodplain areas remain flooded – islands in the park Muromets, Hidropark, Trukhanov Island, Galerny bay, Korchevatoe, private areas near Osokorki. Industrial facilities and residential massive cities are out of danger of flooding. Monitoring of the current floods continues”, – said Popko.
