Business news from Ukraine

Business news from Ukraine


A plane chartered by PJSC Donbasenergo on April 19 delivered 12 tonnes of personal protective equipment (PPE) to combat COVID-19 from the Chinese city of Chengdu (Sichuan Province), the company’s press service has said.
According to its data, in particular, the cargo included 15,000 reusable protective suits for doctors, 500,000 disposable masks, 400,000 disposable gloves, 150,000 respirators, 20,000 glasses and protective shields, and 800 non-contact thermometers.
“All these means are intended to protect the public and medical personnel working in the difficult conditions of confronting the deadly disease. Donbasenergo thanks partners from Dongfang Electric International Corporation (Chengdu) who helped implement this difficult project,” the company said.
It is planned that on April 21 most of the PPE will be transferred to the department of health of Donetsk region.

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PJSC Donbasenergo transferred UAH 69.7 million of taxes and other obligatory payments to the national and local budgets in March 2020, which is 2.3 times (by UAH 30.1 million) more than in March 2019.
According to the company’s press release, UAH 69.5 million was transferred to the national budget (VAT, environmental tax, fee for special use of water resources, other taxes of the national level), and UAH 300,000 (land tax, immovable property tax, etc.) were paid to the local budget of Donetsk region.
Donbasenergo owns Starobesheve (located in the occupied territory) and Sloviansk thermal power plants (TPP) with the total installed capacity of 2,880 MW, in particular the capacity of Sloviansk TPP is 880 MW. At the end of March 2017, the generation company announced the loss of control over the operation of Starobesheve TPP, as well as part of structural units located in the temporarily uncontrolled territory.
PrJSC Energoinvest Holding owns 60.86% of the shares of Donbasenergo, another 25% of the shares of the generating company are owned by the state. Currently, control of the company belongs to Maksym Yefimov.


PJSC Donbasenergo plans to increase the consumption of Ukrainian coal at Sloviansk thermal power plant (TPP) from 55% to 70%, Donbasenergo Board Chairman, CEO Eduard Bondarenko has said.
“To date, we use 55% of grade G domestic coal at Sloviansk TPP, the rest is imported anthracite. However, we are working to increase the burning of Ukrainian coal at Sloviansk TPP to 70%,” he told Interfax-Ukraine.
According to the CEO of Donbasenergo, the company has been actively working over the past few years to reduce the dependence of Sloviansk TPP on imported anthracite, but cannot switch to grade G domestic coal completely due to the design specifics of the plant.
“There is a separate dust factory on the territory of Sloviansk TPP, which delivers coal dust to the boilers through pipes. At other plants, coal dust is produced directly under the boilers, and here it is almost one kilometer of distance. The gas group of coal is unsafe and it is hard to completely switch to grade G. This requires a long closure of the plant and a very large investment that will never recover the costs. This is confirmed by all design institutes, both national and foreign, which we turned to for examination,” Bondarenko said.
In addition, the project for the construction of a new sixth unit at Sloviansk TPP is based on the circulating fluidized layer technology, which will allow the burning of low-grade and low-calorie grade G coal, as well as waste coal without natural gas.
“This coal is available to us in the territory of Donbas controlled by Ukraine,” the CEO of Donbasenergo said.
According to him, in the case of obtaining a government guarantee and involving financing from the Bank of China, the construction of the sixth power unit with a total capacity of 600 MW will take 48 months. The commissioning of power unit No. 6 A is planned in 43 months, and power unit No. 6 B in another five months.
Donbasenergo owns Starobesheve (located in the occupied territory) and Sloviansk TPPs with the total installed capacity of 2,880 MW, in particular the capacity of Sloviansk TPP is 880 MW. At the end of March 2017, the generation company announced the loss of control over Starobesheve TPP, as well as part of structural units located in the temporarily government uncontrolled territory.
PJSC Energoinvest Holding owns 60.86% of the shares of Donbasenergo, another 25% of the shares of the generating company are owned by the state. Currently, Maksym Efimov is the head of the company.

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Donbasenergo Board Chairman Eduard Bondarenko does not expect a significant reduction in demand for electricity generated by Sloviansk TPP, despite the general trend of consumption reduction in the country. “The operator of the power transmission system NEC Ukrenergo, according to the results of March, predicts a drop in electricity consumption in the industry as a whole, at least by 8.2% compared to the same period in 2019. At the same time, customers of Donbasenergo will keep their purchases at the same level, which will allow getting production volumes in April at the level of March,” he told Interfax-Ukraine.
As reported, the operator of the power transmission system NEC Ukrenergo predicts a decrease in electricity consumption in Ukraine in March amid quarantine measures by 8.2% compared to the same period in 2019. In addition to quarantine measures, in which the operation of a number of enterprises in different economic sectors is restricted, electricity consumption is also reduced due to warm weather.
Electricity consumption in Ukraine in January-February 2020, taking into account technological losses in networks, decreased by 5.1% (by 1.451 billion kWh) compared to the same period in 2019, to 26.999 billion kWh excluding technological losses by 4.8% (1.63 billion kWh), to 21.29 billion kWh.
Electricity production in the unified energy system of Ukraine in January-February 2020 decreased by 7.5% (by 2.204 billion kWh) compared to the same period in 2019, to 27.318 billion kWh.
Donbasenergo owns Starobesheve (located in the occupied territory) and Sloviansk TPPs with the total installed capacity of 2,880 MW, in particular the capacity of Sloviansk TPP is 880 MW. At the end of March 2017, the generation company announced the loss of control over Starobesheve TPP, as well as part of structural units located in the temporarily government uncontrolled territory.
PJSC Energoinvest Holding owns 60.86% of the shares of Donbasenergo, another 25% of the shares of the generating company are owned by the state. Currently, Maksym Efimov is the head of the company.


PJSC Donbasenergo transferred UAH 68.5 million of taxes and other obligatory payments to the national and local budgets, which is 2.7 times (by UAH 43.1 million) more than in January 2019. According to the company’s press release, UAH 67.7 million was transferred to the national budget (VAT, environmental tax, fees for a special use of water resources, other taxes of the national level), and UAH 800,000 (land tax, immovable property tax, etc.) were paid to the local budget of Donetsk region.
Donbasenergo owns Starobesheve (located in the occupied territory) and Sloviansk thermal power plants (TPP) with the total installed capacity of 2,880 MW, in particular the capacity of Sloviansk TPP is 880 MW. At the end of March 2017, the generation company announced the loss of control over the operation of Starobesheve TPP, as well as part of structural units located in the temporarily uncontrolled territory.
PrJSC Energoinvest Holding owns 60.86% of the shares of Donbasenergo, another 25% of the shares of the generating company are owned by the state



PJSC Donbasenergo by July 2020 plans to complete the introduction of the single automated system to manage the key assets of Sloviansk thermal power plant (TPP). The company said that the system allows general effectiveness of business management.
The natural obsolescence of the key production assets of the TPP, which celebrated its 65th anniversary last year, leads to an increase in the number of breakdowns, malfunctioning of the equipment fleet and, as a result, expenditure growth.
The implemented module of the plant’s resource management and statistical analysis will help reduce the number of restoration repairs. Based on the available scheduled preventive repairs statistics, the economic feasibility of using equipment is determined, a decision is made to continue the operation of the old equipment or purchase new one, the company said in the release.
Donbasenergo owns Starobesheve (located in the occupied territory) and Sloviansk TPPs with a total installed capacity of 2,880 MW, in particular Sloviansk TPP’s capacity is 880 MW. At the end of March 2017, the generation company announced the loss of control over the operation of Starobesheve TPP, as well as part of structural units located in the temporarily uncontrolled territory.

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