Business news from Ukraine

IT Coalition provides Ukraine with equipment worth EUR 900 thousand

The IT Coalition, an initiative led by Estonia and Luxembourg, has provided Ukraine with equipment worth EUR 900 thousand.

According to the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine, this is the first delivery to the Armed Forces of Ukraine within the framework of the IT Coalition. Laptops, monitors and other communication equipment worth EUR 900 thousand will be delivered to the units in the near future. The efficient and fast procurement was made possible by the NATO Support and Procurement Agency.

“The equipment will improve communication and the ability to plan tasks at the tactical level. This is one of our priorities – to meet the needs of the units for communication at the front. I am grateful to our partners for their responsibility and speed in decision-making,” said Kateryna Chornohorenko, Deputy Minister of Defense for Digital Transformation, Digital Development and Digitalization.

The IT Coalition is an ad hoc group of states within the Ukraine Defense Contact Group (Ramstein format) led by Estonia and Luxembourg. It is focused on providing support to the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine and the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the field of IT, communications and cybersecurity. The coalition has already raised financial and in-kind contributions of more than EUR 36 million, with contributions of more than EUR 23 million still expected.


“Metinvest” donated optics and equipment for 10 mln UAH to National Guard of Ukraine

Metinvest Mining and Metallurgical Group, within the framework of Rinat Akhmetov’s Steel Front military initiative, transferred optics and equipment for 10 million UAH to the National Guard of Ukraine.
According to the company, heavy and dangerous battles continue along the frontline – in order to increase the efficiency of offensive operations and reduce losses of Ukrainian defenders, Metinvest transferred a large batch of optics and equipment worth 10 million UAH.
It is specified that the assistance within the framework of Rinat Akhmetov’s Steel Front militarized initiative was once again received by the unit of the Offensive Guards of the National Guard of Ukraine. Now the soldiers have a number of useful equipment at their disposal: 20 night vision devices, 7 rangefinders, 30 collimator holographic sights and magnifiers for them, 10 binoculars Schteiner, 7 quadcopters DJI MAVIC 3T and FMC, as well as tablets and a laptop. And to increase the mobility of fighters to the front will go be a bus and a pickup truck.
The press service emphasizes that all the devices received are high-tech and of high quality. According to the soldiers, they will help to perform special combat tasks more effectively and with fewer losses.
“With the help of the new rangefinders, we can determine the distance to the targets very accurately at a distance of up to 2 km. And accordingly, we can plan our actions more effectively, and adjust fire to hit all units. So this is a very necessary equipment for us! Most of the enemy have no such devices, they are far behind – both in tactics and in technical equipment. So having these things in service is a great advantage for us. With equipment from the Steel Front, we will destroy the enemy even more effectively, leaving no chance. This is exactly the kind of equipment our troops need to win,” explains the company deputy chairman of one of the offensive units, call sign Leo, who is quoted by the press service.
Despite the fact that this equipment is quite scarce on the market, Metinvest is doing its best to provide the troops with everything they need.
“The night vision devices that we transfer are full-featured devices that meet NATO military standards. Supply of such highly professional military equipment requires approval of documents of permissive nature for movement across the border, control over logistics and transfer itself. We assess the needs and quality of equipment more and more thoroughly with each new request from the military. We are trying to meet specific requirements of defenders, where, due to complexity of centralized supplies, assistance is needed the most”, – comments Alexander Kul, Senior Manager of Mergers and Acquisitions Department of Project Office of Metinvest Group.
Earlier Metinvest delivered a batch of equipment worth UAH 2.3 million to the Donetsk direction. The defenders received six drones, Starlink complex, two EcoFlow batteries, three radios, five night vision devices, as well as gas masks. In total, since the beginning of the full-scale war within the framework of Rinat Akhmetov’s Steel Front militarized initiative, the company has allocated more than UAH 1.6 billion to help the Ukrainian army.
“Metinvest” is a vertically integrated group of mining and metallurgical enterprises. Its enterprises are located in Ukraine – in Donetsk, Lugansk, Zaporozhye and Dnepropetrovsk regions, as well as in European countries.
The major shareholders of the holding are SCM Group (71.24%) and Smart Holding (23.76%) that manage it jointly.
Metinvest Holding LLC is the management company of Metinvest group.

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Switzerland will donate fire extinguishing equipment to Ukraine

At the request of the Ukrainian authorities, Switzerland is providing Ukraine with a batch of equipment for extinguishing fires, cleaning polluted water and clearing rubble, the Federal Council of Switzerland reports.

“The Federal Ministry of Defence, Civil Defense and Sports and the city of Basel provided equipment worth a total of 5.2 million Swiss francs. The Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation, which is part of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, will finance and organize the transport of goods. The first two trucks left today Switzerland,” the statement said.

It is noted that all cargo will be transported by land transport in stages. The first two trucks with four construction vehicles left for Ukraine today. In total, Switzerland will supply 20 construction vehicles, three fire trucks and a smaller vehicle to transport equipment and personnel, two mobile containers for the collection and treatment of contaminated water, and two containers for emergency response, including handling equipment, lighting equipment and generators.

The goods will be handed over to the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine after on-site training of specialists conducted by the Swiss Humanitarian Aid Unit. Then the Ukrainian authorities will transport the equipment to places, including Kharkiv, for restoration and repair work.

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A manufacturer of grain processing and grain cleaning equipment, Olis LLC (Odesa), has built and put into operation a grain workshop of its production Optimatic K-15 in Poltava region.
“Good news not only for Olis as a manufacturer and supplier of grain processing equipment, but also for the region, where, thanks to a quality grain workshop, there will be no shortage of cereals. After all, local food production is very important today,” the machine-building company wrote on Facebook on Wednesday.
According to it, Optimatik K-15 is an aggregate universal grain mill designed for production of wheat, barley, pearl barley, peas, corn and millet.
A unit with a rated power of 30 kW/h can process 400-600 kg of millet, pearl barley or corn, or 700-800 kg of wheat, barley or peas per hour.
As reported, Olis resumed the work of its plant in Odesa region at the end of March and resumed the manufacture of equipment under new and previously concluded contracts.
Olis produces about 200 items of equipment for the grain processing industry. The enterprise is able to produce grain cleaning complexes, mills and grain workshops from the stage of technology development to commissioning of facilities.
The company’s products are exported to more than 25 countries around the world.

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11 units of fire and rescue equipment, five resuscitation vehicles, as well as equipment and machinery from Austria have arrived in Ukraine, the State Emergency Service reports.
“11 units of fire and rescue equipment and five reanimobiles arrived in Ukraine today. They were provided by the emergency services of Vienna. In addition to equipment, a lot of other equipment and equipment arrived, which is so necessary for our victory over the Russian occupiers,” reads a message published in telegram channel.
It is emphasized that “all this valuable technical assistance will be able to strengthen the combat capability of the units of the State Emergency Service of those regions that are working to eliminate fires and emergencies caused by the war.”



LLC “Zaporizhzhya Casting and Mechanical Plant” (ZLMZ), created on the basis of the production workshops of the department of the chief mechanic of PJSC “Zaporizhstal”, which is part of the Metinvest group, in record time, together with the Kryvyi Rih Mechanical Repair Plant, mastered the production of equipment for mining and processing plants (GOKov).
According to the company’s information, now ZLMZ will produce butars for mills for ore processing plants (ROF). Already in June, it is planned to produce seven such products for the company’s mining enterprises.
Andrey Khrapach, ZLMZ’s chief machining specialist, explained that earlier this equipment was purchased from third-party organizations.
“Butara is a conical drum that is used at mining and processing plants for grinding and sorting material. One product that we are currently working on will go to the Ingulets mining and processing plant. Previously, other enterprises supplied butars. But we are striving to develop new products. The product was developed together with colleagues from the Krivoy Rog Mechanical Plant in a very short time. Kryvyi Rih specialists developed a drawing, and we made a metal product. Two such drums are already in operation by miners, we received positive feedback,” Khramach said, quoted by the press service.
According to him, it took ZLMZ specialists less than three months from the idea to the final result. Two such butars of Zaporozhye production have already been installed at the ROF InGOK. ZLMZ produced two more similar butars for this enterprise. The plans are to increase the volume of production of these products. Currently, ZLMZ has already received an order and plans to manufacture seven more such products within a month.

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