Business news from Ukraine

Business news from Ukraine

Ukraine again began exporting coke, while imports decreased by 86%

Ukraine in January-April this year decreased the export of coke and semi-coke in physical terms by 73.6% compared to the same period last year to 668 tons.
According to statistics released by the State Customs Service (SCS), Ukraine did not export coke in January-March this year, as it did in December last year. All exports for the four months of 2023 came in April. In monetary terms, it fell by 77.6%, to $170 thousand.
Ukraine imported 32,168 thousand tons of coke and semi-coke in January-April 2023, down 86.2% from the same period in 2022. In monetary terms, imports fell by 86.2% to $16.095 million.
Exports were to Moldova (100% of supplies in monetary terms) and imports were mainly from Poland (91.29%), Hungary (5.14%) and Colombia (3.56%).
As earlier reported, in 2022, Ukraine reduced the export of coke and semi-coke in volume terms by 98% compared with the previous year – up to 3.856 tons, in monetary terms by 97.6% – to $1.011 million. The main export was carried out in Hungary (42.63% of supplies in monetary terms), Georgia (37.69%) and Turkey (17.41%).
Ukraine imported 359.192 thousand tons of coke and semi-coke in 2022, down 54.5% compared to 2021. In monetary terms, imports decreased by 50.3% to $174.499 million. Imports were mainly from Russia (43.43% of supplies in monetary terms, before the war), Poland (30.07%) and the Czech Republic (13.15%).
Due to the war, a number of mines and coke plants are located in territories temporarily outside Ukrainian control.

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Ukraine in January-April reduced foreign exchange earnings from ferrous metals exports by more than 3 times

Metallurgical enterprises of Ukraine in January-April this year reduced revenues from ferrous metals exports by 3.2 times compared to the same period last year – to $823.406m.
According to the statistics released by the State Customs Service (SCS), during this period, ferrous metals accounted for 6.18% of total revenues from the export of goods against 15.65% in January-April 2022.
In April, proceeds from exports of ferrous metals amounted to $239.718 million, while in the previous month – $226.613 million.
At the same time for four months of this year, Ukraine increased imports of similar products by 27.4% – to $360.802 million. In April, $100.221 million worth of products were imported.
In addition, in January-April, Ukraine reduced exports of metal products by 0.6% – to $334.065 million. In April, they exported by $90.859 million.
At the same time, imports of metal products in the first four months of the year increased by 11.1% – to $221.719 million. In April, Ukraine exported these products at $47.423 million.
As reported, metallurgical enterprises of Ukraine in the first quarter of 2023 decreased export revenues of ferrous metals in four times compared to the same period of 2022 – to $ 583.689 million from $ 264.56 million. During this period, the country increased imports of similar products by 4.5% – to $ 260.487 million.
In addition, in January-March, Ukraine reduced exports of metal products by 9.6% to $243.726 million and imports by 30.1% to $174.191 million.
Ukraine’s metal companies in 2022 decreased revenues from exports of ferrous metals by 67.5% compared to 2021 – up to $4 billion 533.088 million – ferrous metals accounted for 10.26% of total revenues from the export of goods during this period against 20.49% in 2021. At the same time, Ukraine has reduced imports of similar products last year by 38.3% – to $954.387 million.
In addition, in 2022, Ukraine reduced exports of metal products by 18.6% – to $ 1 billion 52.512 million. Imports of metal products for the year fell by 42.9% – to $ 643.162 million.


Ukraine increased exports of pig iron by 18%

Ukraine in January-April of this year increased the export of pig iron in physical terms by 18.3% compared to the same period last year – up to 533.844 thousand tons.
According to statistics released by the State Customs Service (SCS), exports of pig iron in monetary terms amounted to $203.125 million (a decrease of 7.7%) for the period.
At that, export was carried out mainly to Poland (60.42% of supplies in monetary terms), Spain (15.23%) and the Czech Republic (9.84%).
During the first four months of the year, Ukraine imported 32 tons of pig iron worth $42 thousand from Germany (52.38%) and Brazil (47.62%), whereas in January-April 2022, the country imported 15 tons of pig iron worth $25 thousand from Germany.
As reported, in 2022, Ukraine reduced the exports of pig iron in volume terms by 59% compared to the previous year – up to 1 million 325.275 tons, in monetary terms by 61.1% – to $638.774 million.
In 2022, Ukraine imported 40 tons of cast iron worth $23 thousand, while in 2021 – 185 tons of cast iron worth $226 thousand.
Exports were mainly to the United States (38.47% of supplies in monetary terms), Poland (32.91%) and Turkey (8.12%), and imports were from Germany (100%).


Export changes in % to previous period in 2021-2023

Export changes in % to previous period in 2021-2023

Source: and

Export of goods in Jan-Feb 2023 on most important positions and in relation to Jan-Feb 2022

Export of goods in Jan-Feb 2023 on most important positions and in relation to Jan-Feb 2022

Source: and


Ukraine exported 90 thousand MWh of electricity in April, with Moldova as the main market

Electricity exports, which resumed in April after being halted in October, totaled 89,700 MWh for the month, according to data on the website of the ENTSO-E network of continental European system operators.

Most of the electric power was exported to Moldova – over 40 thousand MWh, another 30.4 thousand MWh was supplied to Poland and 19.2 thousand MWh – to Slovakia.

For Moldova, traders have been gradually increasing their booked cross-section capacity for exports and in recent days have booked about 85-95% of the 650 MW of offered hourly capacity. The market claims that most of the electricity supplied to Moldova goes on to Romania.

On the whole, the biggest volumes were reserved by “ECU” (150 MW per hour), PrJSC “Ukrhydroenergo” (100 MW per hour), “D. Trading” (130 MW per hour), “Artlex Energy” and “Sipige Energy” (mostly 50 MW per hour). DE Trading, ERU Trading, EES, Kub Energy, Smart Grid Ukraine, NAP-Comunity, NAP-Comunity Trading, and Astat Energy also booked the section. Besides, on April 26, Centrenergo PJSC started exporting electricity, having booked 10-11 MW per hour.

DTEK Zakhidenergo exports electricity to Poland, traditionally at 1800 MWh per day, reserving for this purpose the maximum at this time of the cross section capacity – 75 MW per hour.

The section to Slovakia, the only one paid by traders because of the great interest and competition in this direction, was shared by DTEK Zakhidenergo, which bought up to 146 MW of its 200 MW hourly capacity, DE Trading (about 50 MW), ERU Trading, Le Trading Ukraine, TES and once state energy trader EKU, which bought 10 MW for one hour.
