Geographical structure of foreign trade in goods in 2018-2022 (%)
Geographical structure of foreign trade in goods in 2018-2022 (%)
The law “On the transfer, compulsory alienation or seizure of property under the legal regime of martial law or state of emergency” and the order of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine dated 6 November “On the decision of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief’s headquarters dated 5.11.2022” have become the grounds for the National Commission for Securities and Stock Market Resolution that concerns the order of such alienation of the shares of five enterprises.
According to a copy of the NCSSM decision dated November 6, which is available to the Interfax-Ukraine news agency, there were also five corresponding orders issued by the commander of the AFU Logistics Force for the compulsory alienation of property – shares in Ukrnafta, Ukrtatnafta, Zaporizhtransformator, Motor Sich and AvtoKrAZ.
According to the decision of the Commission, the securities account, on which the shares are alienated (except for the shares owned by Naftogaz), will be managed by the Ministry of Defense.
The Commission also pointed out that the operation on alienation of shares should be carried out despite the existence of other burdens on circulation of shares.
The said law implies that in case of impossibility of preliminary full compensation, such property shall be forcibly alienated under martial law with subsequent full compensation of its value within the next five budget periods after the cancellation of martial law at the expense of the state budget.
Assessment of property subject to compulsory alienation shall be carried out in the manner prescribed by law on the assessment of property, property rights and professional valuation activities, says the law.
As reported, the National Commission on Securities and Stock Market (NSCSM) decision of November 6 settled the issue of depositary records of depositary operations for forced alienation of shares into state ownership, the issuers of which are PJSC “Ukrnafta”, PJSC “Ukrtatnafta”, “Motor Sich” JSC, PJSC “AvtoKrAZ” and PJSC “Zaporozhtransformator.
In addition, on the same day the National Commission for Securities and Stock Market allowed meetings of joint stock companies during martial law, if the number of shareholders does not exceed five and if they own 100% of the shares, while until recently it only allowed remote meetings.
In Ukrnafta, the controlling stake belongs to Naftogaz Ukrainy, while the minority stake of about 42% belongs to Igor Kolomoysky and Gennady Bogolyubov’s so-called Privat Group, while in Ukrtatnafta (Kremenchug refinery) the situation is the opposite.
The circulation of all shares of Motor Sich, the largest owner of which was the recently arrested president of the company Vyacheslav Boguslayev, has been blocked since April 2018 after the sale a year earlier of a controlling stake in the Chinese Skyrizon and related parties.
“AvtoKrAZ and Zaporizhtransformator, controlled respectively by Konstantin Zhevago and Konstantin Grigorishin, have been in bankruptcy proceedings for the past few years.
The Verkhovna Rada on Wednesday adopted law No. 7737 that brings the Customs Tariff of Ukraine in line with the requirements of the International Convention on the Harmonized Commodity Description and Coding System in the 2022 version.
According to information on the website of the parliament, 289 MPs voted “for” with the required minimum of 226 votes.
The head of the Rada committee on the fuel and energy complex, Andriy Herus, proposed exempting from customs duties the import of equipment by companies engaged in the transportation, production and distribution of gas and electricity as humanitarian aid, but was not supported.
Hanna Kolesnyk, who represented the position of the committee, pointed out that the list of goods proposed by Herus is too broad and needs to be revised, that exemption from import duties is provided by the Customs Code and does not relate to the regulation of the Customs Tariff, while the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Economy are against supporting this proposal.
As the Ministry of Economy explained earlier, the current Customs Tariff of Ukraine is based on the international system of the 2017 version, while most countries of the world (China, the USA, the EU, Turkey, Switzerland) have already switched to the 2022 version. In this regard, there are a number of complications associated with differences in commodity codes in the customs clearance of imported products or when comparing the customs statistics of Ukraine and trading partners.
The ministry clarified that the law introduces more than 350 changes to commodity codes, mainly in relation to agricultural, chemical, forestry goods, textiles, non-ferrous metals, engineering, transport, etc.
It was emphasized that the new customs tariff does not provide for changes in the rates of import duty on goods.
Foreign trade turnover by most important positions in Jan-Aug 2022 (export)
SSC of Ukraine , graphics of the Club of Experts
The negative balance of Ukraine’s foreign trade in goods in January-August 2022 increased by 2.9 times compared to the same period in 2021 – to $5.421 billion from $1.895 billion, the State Statistics Service (Gosstat) reported on Thursday.
According to its data, the export of goods from Ukraine for the reporting period compared with January-August 2021 decreased by 30.8% – to $28.946 billion, imports – by 21.4%, to $34.367 billion.
The State Statistics Service clarifies that in August this year, compared to July 2022, the seasonally adjusted volume of exports increased by 0.1%, to $3.137 billion, and imports, by 1.3%, to $4.504 billion.
The seasonally adjusted foreign trade balance in August 2022 was negative and amounted to $1.367 billion, while in July 2022 it was also negative and amounted to $1.314 billion.
The State Statistics Service specified that foreign trade operations were carried out with partners from 227 countries of the world.
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