Business news from Ukraine

French Quarter to be Built in Vorzel

A French quarter is planned to be built around the Vorzel History and Culture Museum “Uvarovsky Dom” (a local architectural monument), Bucha Mayor Anatoliy Fedoruk said.
“For several months now, a group of French architects has been working on the concept of developing this part of Vorzel, which we intend to develop as a cultural and educational space. On the one hand, it is important to preserve and restore the Uvarovsky House itself. On the other hand – to build a new building of school № 10 and preschool educational institution, which was destroyed by the Rashists”, – he reported in Telegram-channel.
The mayor of Bucha specified that the project of modern cultural space was presented by the president of the Architectural Association AMO Martin Duplantier.
“The proposed new building combines modern solutions for such spaces with traditional wooden elements for Vorzel. Funding has been agreed to be sought together. We expect that the idea of such a neighborhood will also like the residents of Vorzel and those citizens of France who want to support our community in the recovery,” said Fedoruk.
Vorzel since 2018 is a part of the Buchatskaya city community.
“The Uvarovsky House, a symbol of the city, was built in Vorzel in 1902 for the famous Kiev industrialist Karl-Henrich Septer. It was later purchased by Countess Natalia Uvarova, the daughter of the famous sugar manufacturer and patron of the arts Feodor Tereshchenko.
