Business news from Ukraine

Business news from Ukraine


Georgia exported 78 million bottles of wine from grapes (0.75-liter bottles) in January-November 2018, 11% more than in the same period last year, the Agriculture Ministry’s National Wine Agency reported. Exports in 11M are 1.7% higher than the total for 2017 as a whole, which was the highest annual mark in 30 years.
Georgia exported wine to 53 countries in 11M 2018. Revenue from the exports rose 19% to $184.1 million.
Russia was the leading importer of Georgian wine in the period, boosting imports 10.7% to 48.588 million bottles or 62.3% of the total. Other major importers included Ukraine – 9.5 million bottles, China – 6.3 million, Kazakhstan 3.4 million and Poland 3 million. Exports increased significantly to countries outside traditional markets: Japan, UK, Romania, Czech Republic, Netherlands, France, Germany, Canada and elsewhere. Georgia also exported 17.8 million bottles of brandy (0.5-liter bottles), 9% more than in 11M 2017, to 25 countries. Revenue rose 3% to $36.4 million.
Overall exports of wine, brandy and other products – chacha, other alcoholic beverages, wine materials and brandy spirits – were worth $281 million, 10% more.
Georgia exported 76.7 million bottles of wine from grapes in 2017, 50% more than in 2016. Exports to Russia rose 76% to 47.779 million bottles or 62.3% of the total.

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