The Belgian company Granex-Cherkasy LLC (Dengi village, Cherkasy region) is completing the construction of a grain drying complex with a capacity of up to 600 tons per day, according to the project developer ProjectLine.
“The customer set the task to make the most compact layout possible, so ProjectLine specialists placed the complex on a plot measuring only 19×23 m,” the designers noted.
According to the report, the farm plans to build an elevator for 15 thousand tons of simultaneous storage, a grain final cleaning department, and a loading unit for vehicles.
Granex-Cherkasy LLC was established in 2002. The company specializes in growing grains, oilseeds, potatoes and onions under irrigation, with 450 hectares of the total land bank of 3.5 thousand hectares under cultivation. The company has a floor potato storage facility with a capacity of 6 thousand tons and a vegetable storage facility for onions with a capacity of 2 thousand tons. The main beneficiary of the company is a Belgian citizen Tom van Goy, and the manager is a Belgian citizen Wim de Schutter.
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