Business news from Ukraine

Business news from Ukraine

Supreme Court has recognized the preparation of hookahs in restaurants as advertising and promotion of tobacco products

The Supreme Court of Ukraine (SCU) has ruled that hookahs in restaurants are a promotion of tobacco products, and therefore hookahs are absolutely prohibited in restaurants, regardless of their composition.

In this way, the Ukrainian judiciary has defended the right of citizens to health in order to strengthen the fight against the tobacco epidemic.

Since 2012, advertising and promotion of tobacco products, including hookah tobacco, have been banned in Ukraine. Despite this, unscrupulous business entities provided hookah services, which by definition is a form of advertising and promotion of tobacco sales.

The Supreme Court of Ukraine, having considered the cassation appeals of the Main Department of the State Service of Ukraine on Food Safety and Consumer Protection in Kyiv in cases No. 320/29317/23 and No. 320/23655/23, issued decisions confirming the legality of the imposition of financial sanctions by the State Service of Ukraine on Food Safety and Consumer Protection on business entities for stimulating the sale of tobacco products by providing hookah services, which are violations of Article 16 of Law 2899-IV.

The Supreme Court notes: “The provision of hookah services by an establishment should be considered as a promotion of tobacco products and tobacco use, even if there is no direct advertising of the product.”

In addition, it is prohibited to place information about hookah services on the menu: “The placement of information about tobacco products or related services in the menu of a restaurant establishment or on posters falls under the prohibition of advertising and promotion of tobacco products, trademarks for goods and services.”

Thus, restaurant establishments are not allowed to provide hookah services at all. Theposting of information about tobacco products and items related to their use is prohibited (except for one poster no larger than 40×30 cm per point of sale, which provides textual information printed in black on a white background about tobacco products available for sale and their prices).

The above positions of the Supreme Court are fully consistent with international standards, in particular the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control, the WHO FCTC Guidelines and Directive 2014/40/EU, which prohibit any advertising of tobacco products, including hookah tobacco and hookah accessories.

The Law No. 2899-IV stipulates that violation of Article 16 is punishable by a fine of UAH 30 thousand, and in case of repeated violation within a year – UAH 50 thousand for each fact of advertising on a separate advertising medium or each separate event to promote the sale of tobacco products.

“The decision of the Supreme Court is extremely important as it confirms that the actions of the State Service of Ukraine on Food Safety and Consumer Protection in preventing advertising and promotion of tobacco products through hookahs are in line with the law. Thus, we see in action that the health of citizens is a priority for the state and it is able to defend it,” emphasized Dmytro Kupyra, executive director of the NGO ‘Life’.

Hookah smoking is dangerous for the health of both smokers and people around them, as hookah smoke contains a high concentration of toxic substances and carcinogens. The World Health Organization emphasizes: 1 hour of hookah smoking can be equal in terms of smoke exposure to a hundred cigarettes smoked. During a hookah session, a smoker takes about 200 puffs, inhaling 30-40 times more smoke than when smoking cigarettes.

Prolonged inhalation of secondary hookah smoke can cause dizziness, carbon monoxide poisoning, and later asthma, coronary heart disease, stroke, and even lung, esophageal, and stomach cancer.

WHO surveys show that 2.6% of Ukrainians are hookah smokers, with this share concentrated in the youngest age group of 18-29 years old.

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