Business news from Ukraine

Business news from Ukraine


Ukraine in January-March 2019 exported 1,650 tonnes of cheese, which was 14% less that in January-March 2018.
According to customs statistics released by Ukraine’s State Fiscal Service (SFS), cheese exports in monetary terms amounted to $5.8 million, which was 19% lower than the figure for the first three months of 2018.
At the same time, imports of cheese in January-March 2019 totaled 4,000 tonnes, which was 43% more than in January-March last year. The imports in monetary terms increased 31%, to $18.9 million.
Exports of Ukrainian creamery butter in January-March 2019 decreased 35%, to 5,900 tonnes. The exports in monetary terms decreased 38%, to $23.8 million. Imports of creamery butter, according to the SFS, decreased by 33%, to 211 tonnes ($1.44 million).
In January-March 2019, exports of condensed milk and cream decreased by 23%, to 5,900 tonnes. Ukraine supplied condensed milk and cream to the tune of $11.3million, which was 13.6% less than in January-March 2018. Their imports decreased 10.6%, to 468 tonnes ($970,000).
As was reported, Ukraine in 2018 imported 13,720 tonnes of cheese (37.1% up from 2017) and exported 8,340 tonnes of cheese (7.8% down from 2017).
Last year, exports of butter remained at the level of 2017, imports increased slightly, to 1,100 tonnes.
Exports of condensed milk and cream totaled 35,550 tonnes (24.1% down from 2017), imports were 2,360 tonnes (38.6% up from 2017).



Coke plants of Ukraine imported 1.87 million tonnes of coking coal and coal concentrate for coking in January and February 2019, which is 3% more than in January and February 2018.
According to the Ukrmetallurgprom association, in February 2019, 870,000 tonnes was imported (86% compared with January 2019).
Ukrainian coal in the amount of 450,000 was shipped to the plants in January-February 2019, which is 10% less on January-February 2018. In February, 200 tonnes were delivered (86% compared with January).
In January-February 2019, Ukrainian coke plants received 2.32 million tonnes of coking coal, which is 2% more compared with January-February 2018. The share of imported coal was 80.6%. In February 2019, 1.07 million tonnes of coking coal was shipped (85% compared with January 2019).
Steel enterprises in Ukraine received 1.54 million tonnes of coke in January-February 2019 (91% compared with January-February 2018), including 1.43 million tonnes of Ukrainian coke and 0.11 million imported coke. The share of imported coke of total supplies was 7.2%.
In February 2019, steel enterprises received 727,000 tonnes of coke (89% compared with January), including 677,000 tonnes of Ukrainian coke and 50,000 tonnes of imported coke.



Ukrainian enterprises increased imports of copper and copper products in terms of money by 51.8% in January 2019 compared with January 2018, to $8.22 million. Exports of copper and copper products decreased 57.5% over the year to $6.278 million, according to customs statistics released by the State Fiscal Service of Ukraine.
In December, copper and copper products were imported to the tune of $10,327 million, and copper exports were estimated at $7.130 million.
In addition, Ukraine in January 2019 boosted imports of nickel and products made of it by 55.9%, to $9.235 million (imports in December were estimated at $4.566 million), while imports of aluminum and products made of it fell by 2.8%, to $23.378 million ($33.745 million). Imports of, lead and products made of it rose by 5.1-fold, to $1.074 million ($1.195 million) and imports of zinc and zinc goods decreased 67.8%, to $112,000 ($378,000). At the same time, imports of tin and products made of it decreased 46.3%, to $3.674 million ($4.302 million).
Exports of aluminum and products made of it decreased 34.1% in January 2019, to $6.623 million ($7.902 million in December alone), while shipments of lead abroad decreased 62.4%, to $1.395 million ($1.773 million). Exports of nickel fell by 4.4%, to $175,000 ($541,000 in December).
Zinc exports in January 2019 amounted to $39,000 (some $28,000 in December 2018) compared to $7,000 in January 2018.
Exports of tin and products made of it in January 2019 were estimated at $3,000 (some $1,000 in December) compared to no exports in January 2018.



Ukraine in January 2019 exported 455 tonnes of cheese, which was 23.5% up on January 2018. According to customs statistics released by Ukraine’s State Fiscal Service (SFS), cheese exports in monetary terms amounted to $1.5 million, which was 20% higher than the figure for the first month of 2018.
At the same time, imports of cheese in January 2019 totaled 1,180 tonnes, which was 35.7% more than in January last year. The imports in monetary terms increased by 30%, to $5.6 million.
Exports of Ukrainian creamery butter in January 2019 decreased by 28.5%, to 1,750 tonnes. The exports in monetary terms decreased by 37%, to $7.1 million. Imports of creamery butter, according to the SFS, decreased by 21%, to 90 tonnes ($585,000).
In January 2019, exports of condensed milk and cream decreased by 9%, to 2,150 tonnes. Ukraine supplied condensed milk and cream to the tune of $3.67 million, which was 3% less than in January 2018. Their imports decreased by 21%, to 167 tonnes ($325,000).
As was reported, Ukraine in 2018 imported 13,720 tonnes of cheese (37.1% up from 2017) and exported 8,340 tonnes of cheese (7.8% down from 2017).
Last year, exports of butter remained at the level of 2017, imports increased slightly, to 1,100 tonnes.
Exports of condensed milk and cream totaled 35,550 tonnes (24.1% down from 2017), imports were 2,360 tonnes (38.6% up from 2017).



Ukraine in January-November 2018 imported 10.014 billion cubic meters of natural gas for a total of $3.015 billion, in particular in November some 1.012 billion cubic meters for $341.604 million, according to the State Statistics Service.
Thus, the average price of gas imported by the country in November 2018 was $337.5 per 1,000 cubic meters against $347.3 in October, $320 in September, $293.9 in August, $309.1 in July, $267.4 in June, $263.5 in May, $310.8 in April, $278.7 in March, $261.1 in February, and $279.4 in January.
In the 11 months of the last year, the main counterparties were companies from Switzerland with 3.679 billion cubic meters of gas worth $1.102 billion, Germany with 3.146 billion cubic meters for $929.324 million, Poland with 714.061 million cubic meters for $213.391 million, the UK with 629.451 million cubic meters for $186.219 million, and Hungary with 532.563 million cubic meters for $169.845 million.
There were no gas imports from the Russia for the specified period.
