Ukraine in January-September 2018 exported 6,050 tonnes of cheese, which is 7.8% less than in the same period of 2017. According to customs statistics, promulgated by the State Fiscal Service, in monetary terms exports amounted to $22.5 million, which is 2.3% less than in the nine months of 2017. At the same time, imports of cheese in January-September 2018 amounted to 9,200 tonnes, which is 35.6% more than in the same period of 2017. In monetary terms imports increased by 44.6%, to $44.9 million.
In January-September this year, exports of butter from Ukraine increased by 9%, to 23,250 tonnes. In monetary terms this figure increased by 16.3% and amounted to $100.1 million. According to the State Fiscal Service, butter imports rose by 2.1 times, to 780 tonnes ($5.4 million).
In January-September exports of milk and cream (condensed) decreased by 21.5%, to 29,200 tonnes. Ukraine supplied condensed milk and cream for a total of $48 million against $63.8 million in January-September 2017. Imports of this group of goods increased by 1.6 times, to 1,630 tonnes ($3.96 million).
Ukraine has resumed imports of natural gas via Slovakia, suspended from October 2 through October 6 over the scheduled repair works.
According to Slovakia’s Eustream transmission operator, gas supplies on October 7 totaled 23.6 million cubic meters (mcm), which is slightly lower than average imports in September. The application for October 8 is also 23.6 mcm.
As reported, according to the schedule of repair, the second section line of the Dolyna-Yuzhgorod-state border gas pipeline is being repaired, in particular, at compressor stations Dolyna, Rososh, KS-1 and KS-2 Yuzhgorod.
Ukraine in January-September 2018 reduced import of natural gas by 24.7% (by 2.640 billion cubic meters, bcm) compared to the same period in 2017, to 8.065 bcm. Imports from Slovakia during this period amounted to 5.017 billion cubic meters of gas (36.4% less compared to January-September 2017), from Hungary to 2.509 billion cubic meters (27.9% more), Poland to 538.7 million cubic meters (37.4% less).
Ukrtransgaz, fully owned by Naftogaz Ukrainy, operates a system of trunk gas pipelines and 12 underground gas storage facilities in the country.
Ukraine decreased imports of crude oil (foreign trade code 2709) by 3.3% or 14,071 tonnes in January-June 2018 year-over-year, to 416,520 tonnes.
The State Fiscal Service reported that oil for $227.374 million was imported, which is 24.4% more than in January-June 2017 ($182.777 million).
Ukraine in January-June 2018 imported crude oil for $214.112 million from Azerbaijan, $7.176 million from Algeria, $4.018 million from Iran and $2.067 million from other countries.
The country did not export crude oil in January-June. As reported, Ukraine in 2011 imported 5.826 million tonnes of oil for $4.384 billion, in 2012 – 1.544 million tonnes for $1.233 billion, in 2013 – 761,058 tonnes for $630.282 million, in 2014 – 178,613 tonnes for $146.533 million, in 2015 – 248,158 tonnes for $89.039 million, in 2016 – 515,954 tonnes for $173.835 million, in 2017 – 1.013 million tonnes of oil for $442.219 million.
Ukraine in January-June 2018 exported electricity worth $160.663 million, including $23.485 million in June alone. Hungary bought electricity worth $97.355 million, Poland $39.004 million, Moldova $20.483 million, other countries $3.821 million, Ukraine’s State Fiscal Service has said.
Exports of Ukrainian electricity in monetary terms in January-June-2018 increased by 17.8% compared to the same period in 2017 ($136.351 million).
Over the period under review, Ukraine imported electricity worth $0.803 million, in particular, electricity imports from the Russian Federation were estimated at $0.766 million, from Belarus at $0.035 million, from Moldova at $0.002 million.
As reported, Ukraine plans in 2018 to increase exports of electricity to the EU and Moldova by 13.3% from 2017 to 5.855 billion kWh. According to the forecast for 2018, deliveries from the Burshtyn TPP energy island to Hungary, Slovakia, Romania will be 3.6 billion kWh, to Poland 1.2 billion kWh, and to Moldova 1.055 billion kWh.
Ukraine increased imports of crude oil (foreign trade code 2709) by 36.8% or 102,260 tonnes in January-May 2018 year-over-year, to 380,196 tonnes.
The State Fiscal Service reported that oil for $205.489 million was imported, which is 66.8% more than in January-May 2017 ($123.194 million).
Ukraine in January-May 2018 imported crude oil for $194.853 million from Azerbaijan, $7.176 million from Algeria, $1.844 million from Iran and $1.616 million from other countries.
The country did not export crude oil in January-May.
As reported, Ukraine in 2011 imported 5.826 million tonnes of oil for $4.384 billion, in 2012 – 1.544 million tonnes for $1.233 billion, in 2013 – 761,058 tonnes for $630.282 million, in 2014 – 178,613 tonnes for $146.533 million, in 2015 – 248,158 tonnes for $89.039 million, in 2016 – 515,954 tonnes for $173.835 million, in 2017 – 1.013 million tonnes of oil for $442.219 million.
Ukraine exported 2,670 tonnes of cheese in January-April 2018, which is 7.8% more than in the same period in 2017. According to customs statistics released by the State Fiscal Service, in monetary terms exports increased by 20%, to $10.18 million. Cheese imports in January-April 2018 amounted to 3,730 tonnes, which is 31.7% more than in the same period in 2017. In monetary terms this figure increased by 1.5 times, to $19.01 million.
Exports of butter from Ukraine in January-April of this year increased by 2.2 times, to 12,160 tonnes. In monetary terms the figure amounted to $52 million against $19.97 million in the same period in 2017. Butter imports rose by 2.4 times, to 393 tonnes ($2.53 million).
Exports of milk and cream (condensed) in January-April 2018 decreased by 1.4 times, to 9,830 tonnes. Ukraine supplied condensed milk and cream for a total of $16.69 million, which is 1.5 times less than in January-April 2017.