Business news from Ukraine

Half of Ukrainians have not defined their attitude to Indonesia – Experts Club and Active Group

Active Group and Experts Club conducted a joint study on the attitudes of Ukrainians towards the countries of East Asia and the Middle East. The research was presented at the Interfax-Ukraine news agency in June 2024. The research was presented by Maksym Urakin and Oleksandr Poznyi. The results of the study are as follows:

The results of the survey are as follows:
Completely positive – 7.9%.
Mostly positive – 34.2
Mostly negative – 5.7
Completely negative – 3.8
Difficult to answer – 48.3%.
Positive – Negative – 32.5

On June 11, 1992, diplomatic relations between Ukraine and Indonesia were established.

The joint research by Active Group and Experts Club on the attitudes of Ukrainians towards the countries of East Asia and the Middle East was conducted in April-May 2024. It covers such countries as Turkey, Iran, Israel, Egypt, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, UAE, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Azerbaijan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Kazakhstan, Georgia, Armenia, India, China, Republic of Korea, DPRK, Japan, Vietnam, Indonesia, Syria, and Iraq. Full information on the research is available on the website of the Club of Experts at

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Indonesia has elected a new president

Indonesia has completed the counting of votes in the presidential election, which resulted in the election of Defense Minister Prabowo Subianto as the new head of state, The Jakarta Post reported on Wednesday, citing data from the election commission.

Subianto has 58.6 percent of the vote – enough for the candidate to be declared the winner of the election without a runoff. His rivals, former Jakarta governor Anis Baswedan, have 24.9% and Ganjar Pranowo has 16.5%.

General elections in Indonesia were held back on February 14. The counting of votes and publication of results in the country takes up to 35 days.

According to the Indonesian constitution, the presidency is limited to two terms.
Earlier the analytical center Experts Club included the elections in Indonesia in the list of the top 10 most significant for the world, more video about it is available at the link –

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Demand for Ukrainian grain is growing in Indonesia

Export sales of Ukrainian wheat are steadily growing. Since the beginning of February, more than 2 million tons have been contracted, which could be a record volume of deliveries for the season. As of March, 1.4 million tons of wheat have already been sold.

This issue was discussed on February 20 during the weekly briefing organized by the analytical center of the First Agricultural Ukrainian Cooperative (FUAC), created within the Ukrainian Agri Council.

“Traders say that Indonesia is very actively involved in purchases of Ukrainian feed wheat. This Asian country has sky-high prices on the domestic market and is interested in importing grain. The demand price from Indonesia is USD260-265/t CIF. It is very profitable to export Ukrainian wheat to Indonesia. The fly in the ointment for these plans is the conflict in the Red Sea, where there is a high risk of shelling of the merchant fleet. This is still a systemic problem that negatively affects trade in the Black and Mediterranean Seas. The risk is holding back Ukrainian traders from fixing their positions in this direction. The market expects that in the second half of March, the passage of ships through the Red Sea may stop completely. A logistical solution would be to detour ships by sea through Africa, but this will raise the cost of freight by USD10-12 per ton,” was mentioned by the FUAC.

Ukrainian wheat continues to be the cheapest on most markets.

“Last week, Ukraine sold wheat with a protein content of 12.5% to Egypt at USD224 per ton for delivery to Egypt. For comparison, Russian wheat cost USD245 on an FOB basis. Ukrainian wheat is very cheap compared to other grains in the EU, Egypt and Turkey. The trade tries to keep prices low so that it makes sense to trade on many bases. Price gaps are large, which keeps the CPT market at low levels. Nevertheless, there are more and more sellers of wheat on FOB basis, many farmers are willing to sell for USD195 per ton at the Danube ports. At the same time, on CPT terms, wheat costs USD175-188 per ton, and by the end of the week, the price tags may lose another USD2 per ton,” added the analytical department of the FUAC.

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Vessel from Ukraine to deliver wheat to Indonesia

A dry cargo ship with more than 71,000 tons of wheat left a Ukrainian port on Thursday, the Joint Coordination Center (JCC) reported.
“On December 15, the vessel Star Emerald left the port of Pivdenniy, it is carrying a total of 71,400 tons of wheat to Indonesia as part of the Black Sea Grain Initiative,” the report said.
Two dry-cargo ships Sea Bridle and Tuo Fu 8, which passed through the sea humanitarian corridor on December 15, are heading to Ukrainian ports.
69 vessels capable of exporting about 2.5 million tons of food are awaiting permission to enter Ukrainian ports, while 21 loaded vessels are preparing to be inspected to proceed further to their destinations.
“As of December 15, the total tonnage of grain and other agricultural products exported from the three Ukrainian ports is 13,990,897 tons. A total of 1,106 vessels have been allowed to move so far: 551 to arrive at Ukrainian ports and 555 to leave them,” the JCC summarized.


Cabinet of Ministers canceled visa requirements between Ukraine and Indonesia

The Cabinet of Ministers has approved an agreement between the governments of Ukraine and Indonesia on the mutual abolition of visa requirements.
As the representative of the Cabinet of Ministers in the Verkhovna Rada Taras Melnychuk said in the Telegram channel, the corresponding decision was made at a government meeting on Friday.
In particular, an agreement was signed between the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine and the Government of the Republic of Indonesia on the mutual abolition of visa requirements.
The agreement provides for the possibility for citizens of the states of the contracting parties using valid passports to travel abroad to enter, transit and stay in the territory of the state of the other party without visas for a period of: up to 30 days during each visit of Ukrainian citizens to Indonesia; up to 30 days within 60 days for trips of citizens of the Republic of Indonesia to Ukraine.

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President of the Republic of Indonesia Joko Widodo announced that he had gone to Kyiv.
“From platform 4 of the Przemysl Glavny station in Przemysl, Poland, at 9 pm, I and a limited group of people went by train to Kyiv, Ukraine. We started this peaceful mission with good intentions. I hope it gets easier,” he wrote on Twitter .

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