Business news from Ukraine

Business news from Ukraine


The Antimonopoly Committee of Ukraine (AMCU) may permit Gorky Agrofirm (Kyiv), part of the agricultural holding Ristone Holdings, to purchase Kosari distillery (the village of Kosari and the town of Smila, Cherkasy region), the right to which the company won at a privatization auction in November for UAH 162.88 million.
The state regulator considered the relevant issue at a meeting on December 30.
According to the website of the State Property Fund of Ukraine (SPF), the privatized asset consists of 1,360 names of buildings, structures, movable and other property, including an industrial building, a fermentation department, a granary and a distillery, a company store, a pig farm, warehouses, hangars, etc. The facility is equipped with basic technological equipment, as well as the necessary communications.
The enterprise is located on nine land plots with a total area of 75.74 hectares the village of Kosari and the town of Smila.
Ristone Holdings is an agricultural vertically integrated holding.
Ristone Holdings cultivates 65,800 hectares on the territory of Dnipropetrovsk, Kharkiv and Zaporizhia regions. It is engaged in the cultivation of grain and industrial crops, animal husbandry, production and wholesale and retail trade in agricultural products, in particular, flour, bread, bakery products, etc.
Privatization of the alcohol industry involves the sale by the State Property Fund of 41 distilleries of the state-owned enterprise Ukrspyrt and another 37 factories united in the Ukrspyrt concern. In total, it is expected to attract about UAH 2 billion. At the same time, in 2020, the amount of assets sold at 20 auctions amounted to UAH 1.26 billion.

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