Business news from Ukraine


Uber has started testing the UberEats food delivery service from Kyiv-based restaurants, the company’s press service told Interfax-Ukraine.
“We’ve started testing Uber Eats in Kyiv. The announcement of the launch of the service will be made soon,” the company said.
At the end of 2018, Uber appointed the ex-CEO of the consulting company Civitta as the head of the UberEats service in Ukraine. Since the end of January 2019, it has actively been recruiting drivers and couriers to work with the UberEats service.
In particular, the largest partners of Uber in Ukraine say that income when working with UberEats could be UAH 11,000 for a walking courier, up to UAH 20,000 for a courier on a scooter or bicycle, and up to UAH 25,000 for drivers with their own car in case of cooperation with the company partner UberDRIVE. When working with Uberlin, income may reach UAH 10,000 without specifying the format.
As previously reported, the international delivery service Glovo, a Spanish start-up founded in Barcelona in 2015 as an on demand service that purchases, picks-up and delivers anything that is ordered through the app, was launched in Kyiv.
Uber in the summer of 2018 announced the launch of UberEats in Kyiv. Also, the company specified that they did not plan to start the work of this service in Ukrainian towns whose population is smaller than 500,000 people.

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The Kyiv City Council at a meeting on Thursday approved the tourism fee rate in the amount of 0.4% of the minimum wage for Ukrainian tourists and 1% of the minimum wage for foreign tourists. A total of 76 deputies backed the decision. “In 2019, the amount of this fee for domestic tourism will amount to UAH 16.69, for inbound tourism – UAH 41.73. Taking into account the rates, the city budget should receive at least UAH 35 million,” the press service of the Kyiv City Council reported, citing First Deputy Head of the Kyiv City Administration Mykola Povoroznik.
Earlier, he reported that in 2018, the budget of Kyiv city received UAH 33 million, which is almost a quarter more than in 2017.
As reported, Ukraine’s Verkhovna Rada in 2019 changed the base for accruing the tourism fee and obliged tourists living in private accommodation to pay it, according to the law amending the Tax Code and other legal acts on the review of some tax and duty rates (bill No. 9260 from the so-called “budget” package of bills).
In addition, the law changes the tourism fee rates in 2019. In particular, for domestic tourists, the rates should not exceed 0.5% of the minimum wage per day, which from January 1, 2019 will be UAH 20.87, for inbound tourism – up to 5% of the minimum wage (UAH 208.65). The final rates will be determined by local councils, but they will not depend on the cost of accommodation or hotel category.

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On February, 2 and 3 a «Horse program – interactive with the visitors» will take place near Kyiv in the «Kyivan Rus Park», during which the guests will get acquainted with the unique horses of historical breeds. An unforgettable journey into the epoch of the Middle Ages, live communication with the purebred horses, ancient Slavic winter amusements, master-classes, delicious dishes prepared on open-fire by the princely cooks and a lot more of new and interesting from the life of our ancestors will be waiting for the guests.
Ancient Kyiv opens at 10:00. The program starts at 13:00.
The ticket price: a full adult ticket – 150 UAH, for pensioners and students – 100 UAH, for schoolchildren – 50 UAH, for preschool children – for free.
Ancient Kyiv in the «Kyivan Rus Park» is situated in the vill. Kopachiv, Obukhiv district, Kyiv region.
Route taxis leave from Kyiv from the «Vydybitchi» metro station.
Detailed information on the website
The Interfax subscribers can save money with the “openbusiness-20” promo code for a 20%-discount for a full price adult ticket to the Principality of Kyivan Rus:
– by previous order by tel.: +38 044 461-99-37, +38 050 385-20-35
– or at the cash desk at the entrance to the «Kyivan Rus Park».

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Four-star hotels in Kyiv in 218 systematically reduced Average Daily Room Rate (ADR) to boost occupancy and competition with five-star hotels, which committed to increasing prices. “In February 2018, compared to other months, was the highest ADR, and by the end of the year, with the exception of May (hosting the final of the Champions League), it gradually decreased,” Partner at DEOL Partners Maryna Rymarenko said at a press breakfast.
According to DEOL Partners, the average occupancy of four-star and five-star hotels in Kyiv in 2018 decreased slightly: to 47.7% from 47.6%. At the same time, the five-star hotel occupancy rate decreased to 45% from 46%, in four-star hotels it increased to 60% from 47% in 2016.
“In the four-star hotel segment, there was a significant increase in occupancy, but it occurred along with a substantial decrease in ADR, which dropped to $113-115. That is, it was necessary to significantly lower prices in order to become more competitive. This also indicates that now the market dictates the conditions,” Rymarenko said.
According to her, ADR in five-star hotels in Kyiv in 2018 increased to $195 from $178 in 2016. “However, considering the 45% occupancy, it is not economically viable to build a five-star hotel today,” the expert said.
At the same time, according to her, due to the increase in occupancy in the four-star segment and the increase in prices at five-star hotels in 2018, Revenue Per Available Room (RevPAR) increased by an average of 8% in the market compared to 2017.
“On average, it was $78: for the five-star hotels it was $89, for the four-star hotels it was $70. Compared with other countries, it is catastrophically low to talk about the prospects of opening new facilities next year. The return on investment is very long. Stable occupancy of 64% in 2012 helped to keep a balanced ADR and on average for the market it was $164.
The main clients in DEOL Partners hotels are business tourists: they make up 90-95% of the total number of guests, she said.
“We see an increase in the number of guests from Israel, Turkey, and always a significant share is occupied by Americans and Europeans, among which No. 1 is the United Kingdom, while Belgium and France are second… But if earlier we felt the movement of business for the years, at some period of time the bankers, at another period agrarians, then lawyers – that is, it was possible to distinguish a trend in the market, now it is very difficult to outline and understand what business is coming in. That is, we cannot say what particular segment of the economy is growing and how business travel will transform tomorrow,” Rymarenko said.
According to the expert, Kyiv needs a strong mix of hostels and cheap hotels.
“There is not enough a strong mix of hostels, two-star and three-star hotels in the market that could attract more tourists to Kyiv… One can single out only Dream Hostel, which is categorized on the international market and has already entered the Eastern European market. This segment can have a fast payback period – from three to five years. However, it should be located in the center of the city, and the cost per square meter is growing now,” Rymarenko said.
According to NAI Ukraine, the number of rooms in Kyiv in 2018 increased by 7% and amounted to 12,983 in 110 facilities. According to the current number of rooms, Kyiv exceeds the figures of such European capitals as Bucharest (10,000) and Sofia (8,500), but still lags behind Warsaw (15,800) and Budapest (21,800) which is the number one capital in Eastern Europe in terms of visits of guests.
Investment and development company DEOL Partners has been operating in Ukraine since 2005.
The company is a developer and operator of the first Ukrainian network of apartment hotels – Senator Hotels and Apartments – and the first Ukrainian design-hotel 11 Mirrors.

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On January, 26 and 27 a show-program “The world of Horses” will take place in the «Kyivan Rus Park».
An interesting and cognitive program with horse performances, live vocal, theatrical performances on historic theme, ancient Slavic amusements will be waiting for the guests. Also the guests will be presented a historical horse breeds collection from all over the world in the Princely stable.
Ancient Kyiv opens at 10:00. The program starts at 13:00.
The ticket price: a full price for adult – 150 UAH, for pensioners and students – 100 UAH, for schoolchildren – 50 UAH, preschool children – for free.
Ancient Kyiv in the Principality of Kyivan Rus is not far from modern Kyiv – only in a 45-minutes’ drive – in the Kyiv region, Obukhiv district, vill. Kopachiv. Route taxis leave from Kyiv from the «Vydybitchi» metro station, according to the schedule on the website.
The Interfax subscribers can save money with the “openbusiness-20” promo code for a 20%-discount for a full price adult ticket to the Principality of Kyivan Rus:
– by previous order by tel.: +38 044 461-99-37, +38 050 385-20-35
– or at the cash desk at the entrance to the «Kyivan Rus Park».



It is planned to launch automobile traffic through the Podilsko-Voskresensky bridge in Kyiv in a year or two, Kyiv Mayor Vitali Klitschko has reported.
“Now you can see the rusty constructions – these are pylons. In summer we will remove them and you’ll see what a beautiful bridge is that,” the mayor said.
He noted that the bridge will be two-level. The upper level is for motor vehicles, while the metro line will be below.
According to Klitschko, for all the years about UAH 5 million of budget funds were spent on the bridge construction. Another UAH 7 million is needed to complete it.
