Business news from Ukraine


Charitable Foundation (CF) “MHP-Gromade” launched a program to help small businesses in 11 regions of the country, as a result of the competitive selection of business plans, entrepreneurs will be able to receive 50-100 thousand UAH for the implementation of their start-ups.
Representatives of the MHP-Gromade charitable foundation, which is part of the MHP agricultural holding, announced the launch of the corresponding competition during a press conference at the Interfax-Ukraine agency on Monday.
It is specified that this project is being implemented annually, however, in the context of a full-scale Russian invasion of Ukraine, the fund plans to focus on grants for internally displaced persons, military personnel and their relatives, as well as people who have lost their homes due to the Russian invasion.
“For the first time, MHP launched this competition in 2016. During this time, 250 business ideas worth over UAH 11 million were supported. In 2021, this project was implemented by MHP-Gromade in partnership with the United Nations Development Program in the country and with the support of the Government of Sweden “, – said the director of the BF Tatyana Volochay.
According to her, in 2022 the competition is held in 11 regions of the country – Vinnitsa, Dnipropetrovsk, Kyiv, Lviv, Cherkasy, Ivano-Frankivsk, Ternopil, Khmelnytsky, Chernihiv, Sumy and Volyn regions.
Representatives of the fund will rob the most viable startups twice a month and issue grants to their authors for the implementation of the project.
The implementation of this project will contribute to the development of the Ukrainian economy, replenish the state budget and help the Ukrainian army, form a business asset in small towns and villages, and motivate the growth of entrepreneurship.
MHP is the largest chicken producer in Ukraine. It is also engaged in the production of cereals, sunflower oil, meat processing products. On the European market, MHP supplies chilled half-carcasses of chickens, which are processed, including at its enterprises in the Netherlands and Slovakia. In February 2019, the agricultural holding completed the acquisition of the Slovenian company Perutnina Ptuj.
MHP generated $393 million in net profit in 2021 against a net loss of $133 million in 2020, while its revenue grew by 25% to $2.37 billion.
The founder, majority shareholder and head of the board of MHP is Ukrainian businessman Yuriy Kosyuk.

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Agroholding MHP, the largest producer of chicken in Ukraine, and in April 2022 due to the Russian military invasion of Ukraine reduced its production by 12% compared to April 2021 – up to 55.5 thousand. tons, and its sales – by 40%, up to 35 thousand. tons.

At the same time, foreign sales of chicken fell by 55% to 14.3 thousand. tons, while the Ukrainian market decreased by 20% to 20.7 thousand. tons, the company said on the London Stock Exchange on Tuesday.

Thus, the share of chicken exports in April 2022 decreased by 14 percentage points compared to April 2021 – from 55% to 41%. The average selling price of poultry meat increased by 18% to $ 1.8 / kg.

MHP also reduced the production of meat products and semi-finished products by 67% – from 4.44 thousand. tons in April 2021 to 1.45 thousand tons in April 2022.

“In March, due to the closure of ports, MHP recorded a significant decline in exports of poultry and vegetable oils. Since April, the company has been actively developing alternative routes to resume exports. In addition, the company’s local team has focused on improving poultry sales in Ukraine by optimizing logistics and sales channels, “the agricultural holding said in a statement.

In turn, in April, the agricultural holding doubled sales of sunflower oil compared to the same period last year, to 17.3 thousand. tons, and 30 times compared to March 2022, when export logistics from Ukraine were disrupted due to the Russian military invasion and blockade of its seaports by Russian ships.

MHP in April sold 2% less soybean oil than in April 2021 – 4.3 thousand. tons. However, this figure is 19% higher than soybean oil exports in March 2022.

“Spring sowing is completed on time and within the budget. Winter crops – wheat, barley, rapeseed – are in good condition. The company has access to all necessary PPE, pesticides and fertilizers, which are expected to be applied in a timely manner and in full,” the agricultural holding concluded. work in April.

MHP is the largest producer of chicken in Ukraine. Also engaged in the production of cereals, sunflower oil, meat products. MHP supplies the European market with chilled chicken carcasses, which are processed, including at its plants in the Netherlands and Slovakia. In February 2019, the agricultural holding completed the acquisition of the Slovenian company Perutnina Ptuj.

MHP in 2021 received $ 393 million in net profit against $ 133 million in net loss in 2020, and its revenue grew by 25% to $ 2.37 billion.

The founder, majority shareholder and head of the board of MHP is a Ukrainian businessman Yuri Kosyuk.



MHP Agroholding sold 159.02 thousand tons of chicken meat in January-March 2022, which is 3% more than in January-March 2021, while its sales in Ukraine decreased by 6% to 66.8 thousand tons , and exports increased by 9% – up to 89.34 thousand tons, the agricultural holding said on the London Stock Exchange on Friday.
According to its production report, the agrarian group produced 175.64 thousand tons of chicken meat during the reporting period (+5% compared to the first quarter of 2021). Thus, the agricultural holding managed to sell 90.5% of its products.
“From the start of the war, the company faced serious logistical and infrastructural problems in Ukraine. While MHP continued commercial sales in Ukraine from the start of the war, export sales stopped due to the closure of seaports, and export deliveries by road remained almost impossible,” clarified the chicken producer of the consequences of Russian aggression.
MHP also noted that it was forced to reduce the capacity utilization of poultry farming to 80-85% of the nominal in March due to reduced demand for chicken meat in Ukraine and logistical difficulties in exporting its products, due to which the agricultural holding is forced to look for alternative export routes.
In January-March 2022, the share of chicken exports reached 56% against 53% in the same period in 2021.
MHP in the report noted an increase in the price of chicken for the reporting period by an average of 28% compared to the first quarter of 2021 – up to $1.84/kg (excluding VAT), including in Ukraine up to $1.6/kg (+8%) , in export markets – up to $2.01/kg (+45%). The increase in prices was mainly due to a significant increase in prices for energy resources (mainly natural gas) and utilities.

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Myronivsky Hliboproduct agricultural holding (MHP) received a net loss of $133 million in 2020 versus a net profit of $215 million in 2019, mainly due to exchange rate losses of $204 million due to the annual depreciation of hryvnia by 16%, and the company’s revenue decreased by 7%, to $1.91 billion. According to the quarterly financial statements of the holding, released on London Stock Exchange on Wednesday, its adjusted EBITDA and operating income decreased by 7%, respectively, to $395 million and $201 million, while the profitability of sales (EBITDA margin) remained at the 2019 level of 21%.
The agricultural holding noted the impact of exchange rate losses in the amount of $204 million on the company’s financial indicators, saying that excluding exchange rate differences, the company’s net profit in 2020 would have been $71 million against $30 million in 2019.
MHP said that in 2020, export revenue decreased by 9.1%, to $1.015 billion, which is 53% of total revenue (56% of total revenue in 2019).
The agricultural holding said that the situation in export markets has deteriorated significantly due to several outbreaks of bird flu in early and late 2020 and the effect of coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic throughout the year.
In the fourth quarter of 2020, MHP reduced its net loss by 60%, year-over-year, to $24 million, its total revenue decreased by 10%, to $497 million, and export revenue decreased by 19.3%, to $255 million (51% of total revenue).
MHP’s gross profit in the fourth quarter of 2020 increased by 44%, year-over-year, to $75 million, operating profit amounted to $7 million against an operating loss of $2 million, however EBITDA decreased by 10%, to $63 million.
Chief Executive Officer of the company Yuriy Kosyuk said in the statement that the company managed not only to adapt to the serious challenges of 2020, but also to become more resilient and take advantage of new opportunities. He said that as part of the strategic shift announced a year ago towards more customer-oriented products, including with additional processing and added value, for the domestic market of Ukraine and some export markets, the company launched a number of pilot projects for culinary transformation, including Meat Market convenience stores and DönerMarket houses.
“These offerings are at an early pilot stage and I look forward to updating you on progress in due course as this model is rolled-out more extensively over the next several years, transforming the group’s sales […] to a branded value-added base,” Kosyuk said.
According to the report, revenue for the company’s main chicken production segment in 2020 decreased by 5%, to $1.298 billion, and gross profit due to a decrease in meat prices by 30%, to $191 million, EBITDA by 31%, to $194 million. In the fourth quarter, sales in this segment decreased by 3%, to $328 million, while gross profit and EBITDA due to higher prices for cereals fell 66.7%, to $15 million and $14 million, respectively.
In the crop production segment, MHP’s revenue fell by half in 2020 due to a lower harvest, to $134 million, but due to price increases, gross profit increased 3.2 times to $94 million, and EBITDA by 38%, to $150 million.
In meat processing, sales over 2020 decreased by 3%, to $144 million, while gross profit and EBITDA remained at the same level of $19 million and $20 million, respectively. In the fourth quarter, revenue in this segment decreased by 10%, to $38 million, gross profit by 44%, to $5 million and EBITDA by 38%, to $5 million.
At the same time, the company managed to achieve significant improvement in the performance of Slovenian Perutnina Ptuj and its operations in Croatia and Serbia, which are reported as a European operating segment. Its revenue in 2020 increased by 24%, to $335 million, gross profit by 21%, to $93 million, EBITDA by 25%, to $55 million. In the fourth quarter, sales increased by 12%, to $87 million, gross profit by 5%, to $22 million, and EBITDA remained at $15 million.
In terms of other indicators, the company said that its capital investments in 2020 decreased by 30%, to $79 million, available cash from $341 million to $218 million, and net debt increased from $1.139 billion to $1.244 billion.
In its forecast, MHP said the prospects for the development of poultry farming in 2021 will be very difficult, given the ongoing COVID-19 crisis, weak economic conditions, high feed prices, a very active winter season for bird flu and global oversupply, however the company is confident in its business.
“Transformation to a culinary company: MHP is expanding its focus. The experience of global poultry producers supports MHP’s strategic shift to a culinary company. Moreover, we are transforming our relationship with retail, HoReCa and franchisees in order to reach more customers and meet their evolving needs by providing them with new safe and high quality products. Current challenges have led us to accelerate this strategic shift,” the company said in the report.
The company said that its continued vertical integration provides a significantly lower cost base compared to peers in the industry, as well as improved quality control and better biosecurity of poultry stock, and added that the demand for poultry meat is growing globally along with the decline in demand for red meat.
With regard to possible mergers and acquisitions (M&A), the agricultural holding indicates that it continues to monitor global developments and the potential for mergers and acquisitions. “MHP is well positioned to become an active participant in the ongoing consolidation of the industry,” the company said in the report.
MHP is the largest chicken producer in Ukraine. It is also engaged in the production of cereals, sunflower oil, meat products. MHP supplies the European market with chilled half-carcasses of chickens, which are processed, including at its factories in the Netherlands and Slovakia.


Myronivsky Hliboproduct agricultural holding (MHP) received a net loss of $133 million in 2020 versus a net profit of $215 million in 2019, mainly due to exchange rate losses of $204 million due to the annual depreciation of hryvnia by 16%, and the company’s revenue decreased by 7%, to $1.91 billion.
According to the quarterly financial statements of the holding, released on London Stock Exchange on Wednesday, its adjusted EBITDA and operating income decreased by 7%, respectively, to $395 million and $201 million, while the profitability of sales (EBITDA margin) remained at the 2019 level of 21%.
The agricultural holding noted the impact of exchange rate losses in the amount of $204 million on the company’s financial indicators, saying that excluding exchange rate differences, the company’s net profit in 2020 would have been $71 million against $30 million in 2019.
MHP said that in 2020, export revenue decreased by 9.1%, to $1.015 billion, which is 53% of total revenue (56% of total revenue in 2019).
The agricultural holding said that the situation in export markets has deteriorated significantly due to several outbreaks of bird flu in early and late 2020 and the effect of coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic throughout the year.
In the fourth quarter of 2020, MHP reduced its net loss by 60%, year-over-year, to $24 million, its total revenue decreased by 10%, to $497 million, and export revenue decreased by 19.3%, to $255 million (51% of total revenue).
MHP’s gross profit in the fourth quarter of 2020 increased by 44%, year-over-year, to $75 million, operating profit amounted to $7 million against an operating loss of $2 million, however EBITDA decreased by 10%, to $63 million.
Chief Executive Officer of the company Yuriy Kosyuk said in the statement that the company managed not only to adapt to the serious challenges of 2020, but also to become more resilient and take advantage of new opportunities. He said that as part of the strategic shift announced a year ago towards more customer-oriented products, including with additional processing and added value, for the domestic market of Ukraine and some export markets, the company launched a number of pilot projects for culinary transformation, including Meat Market convenience stores and DönerMarket houses.
“These offerings are at an early pilot stage and I look forward to updating you on progress in due course as this model is rolled-out more extensively over the next several years, transforming the group’s sales […] to a branded value-added base,” Kosyuk said.
According to the report, revenue for the company’s main chicken production segment in 2020 decreased by 5%, to $1.298 billion, and gross profit due to a decrease in meat prices by 30%, to $191 million, EBITDA by 31%, to $194 million. In the fourth quarter, sales in this segment decreased by 3%, to $328 million, while gross profit and EBITDA due to higher prices for cereals fell 66.7%, to $15 million and $14 million, respectively.
In the crop production segment, MHP’s revenue fell by half in 2020 due to a lower harvest, to $134 million, but due to price increases, gross profit increased 3.2 times to $94 million, and EBITDA by 38%, to $150 million.
In meat processing, sales over 2020 decreased by 3%, to $144 million, while gross profit and EBITDA remained at the same level of $19 million and $20 million, respectively. In the fourth quarter, revenue in this segment decreased by 10%, to $38 million, gross profit by 44%, to $5 million and EBITDA by 38%, to $5 million.
At the same time, the company managed to achieve significant improvement in the performance of Slovenian Perutnina Ptuj and its operations in Croatia and Serbia, which are reported as a European operating segment. Its revenue in 2020 increased by 24%, to $335 million, gross profit by 21%, to $93 million, EBITDA by 25%, to $55 million. In the fourth quarter, sales increased by 12%, to $87 million, gross profit by 5%, to $22 million, and EBITDA remained at $15 million.
In terms of other indicators, the company said that its capital investments in 2020 decreased by 30%, to $79 million, available cash from $341 million to $218 million, and net debt increased from $1.139 billion to $1.244 billion.
In its forecast, MHP said the prospects for the development of poultry farming in 2021 will be very difficult, given the ongoing COVID-19 crisis, weak economic conditions, high feed prices, a very active winter season for bird flu and global oversupply, however the company is confident in its business.
“Transformation to a culinary company: MHP is expanding its focus. The experience of global poultry producers supports MHP’s strategic shift to a culinary company. Moreover, we are transforming our relationship with retail, HoReCa and franchisees in order to reach more customers and meet their evolving needs by providing them with new safe and high quality products. Current challenges have led us to accelerate this strategic shift,” the company said in the report.
The company said that its continued vertical integration provides a significantly lower cost base compared to peers in the industry, as well as improved quality control and better biosecurity of poultry stock, and added that the demand for poultry meat is growing globally along with the decline in demand for red meat.
With regard to possible mergers and acquisitions (M&A), the agricultural holding indicates that it continues to monitor global developments and the potential for mergers and acquisitions. “MHP is well positioned to become an active participant in the ongoing consolidation of the industry,” the company said in the report.
MHP is the largest chicken producer in Ukraine. It is also engaged in the production of cereals, sunflower oil, meat products. MHP supplies the European market with chilled half-carcasses of chickens, which are processed, including at its factories in the Netherlands and Slovakia.



Myronivsky Hliboproduct agricultural holding (MHP) received a net loss of $133 million in 2020 versus a net profit of $215 million in 2019, mainly due to exchange rate losses of $204 million due to the annual depreciation of hryvnia by 16%, and the company’s revenue decreased by 7%, to $1.91 billion.
According to the quarterly financial statements of the holding, released on London Stock Exchange on Wednesday, its adjusted EBITDA and operating income decreased by 7%, respectively, to $395 million and $201 million, while the profitability of sales (EBITDA margin) remained at the 2019 level of 21%.
MHP said that in 2020, export revenue decreased by 9.1%, to $1.015 billion, which is 53% of total revenue (56% of total revenue in 2019).
In the fourth quarter of 2020, MHP reduced its net loss by 60%, year-over-year, to $24 million, its total revenue decreased by 10%, to $497 million, and export revenue decreased by 19.3%, to $255 million (51% of total revenue).
MHP is the largest chicken producer in Ukraine. It is also engaged in the production of cereals, sunflower oil, meat products. MHP supplies the European market with chilled half-carcasses of chickens, which are processed, including at its factories in the Netherlands and Slovakia.

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