Business news from Ukraine

Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine starts selection process of candidates for post of education ombudsman

The Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine starts the process of selecting candidates for the position of educational ombudsman.

“Educational Ombudsman is an important position in the system of protection of rights in the field of education. Its main task is to ensure the rights and freedoms of a person and a citizen in the field of education,” the ministry said in a statement.

Candidates for the post of educational ombudsman must have citizenship of Ukraine, higher education, work experience in the field of education or science for at least 5 years, reside in Ukraine for the last 5 years, fluent in the state language.

“Please note that the educational ombudsman can not be a person who has a criminal record, limited in capacity or recognized as incapable by a court decision. In addition, this position is incompatible with other types of paid activities, except for teaching, scientific and creative”, – added in the department.

According to the message, the documents will be accepted until July 28, they can be submitted in person or sent by mail to the Ministry at the address: Beresteisky Avenue, 10, comp. 136, 138, Kyiv 01135.

“MES invites to join the competition specialists who have extensive experience in the field of education and are ready to actively protect the rights of all participants of the educational process”, – summarized in the Ministry of Education.

In this regard, Minister of Education and Science Oksen Lisovy thanked the current educational ombudsman Serhiy Gorbachev for his work in the post for the last five years.

As reported, the Director of Kyiv specialized school № 148 Serhiy Gorbachev was appointed to the post of educational ombudsman in August 2019. He became the first educational ombudsman in Ukraine.

In June 2018, the Cabinet of Ministers approved the establishment of the educational ombudsman service from January 1, 2019.



Education Ministry has distributed more than 18bn hryvnias among 134 Ukrainian higher education institutions

The Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine has approved the distribution of 18.8 billion UAH of state budget expenditures among 134 state-owned higher education institutions, which fall under the management of the Ministry of Education.

According to the press service of the ministry, the amount of allocated state funds for each university is determined taking into account 5 main criteria that an educational institution must meet.

In particular, the main criterion of distribution is the contingent of applicants who study at the expense of the budget, as well as we are talking about such indicators as: scientific activity – the number of funds that the university has earned from the provision of scientific and technical, consulting services or received in the form of grants for scientific research; internationalization – place in international rankings or participation in European projects Erasmus+; employment – the percentage of employed graduates; regional coefficient – to support the educational institutions of the largest number of graduates in the country.

Thus, the most funds will go to: National Technical University Kyiv Polytechnic Institute named after Sikorsky (UAH 1,530.9 mln.), National University Lviv Polytechnic (UAH 980.1 mln.), National University of Bioresources and Nature Management (UAH 620 mln. ), Lviv Frank National University (UAH 568.4 million), National Aviation University (UAH 498.8 million), National Technical University “Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute” (UAH 496.6 million), Kharkiv National University named after Karazin (UAH 412 million).

“The MES is developing methodological recommendations on the use of the reserve, the amount of which amounts to UAH 504 million. It is envisaged that part of this reserve will be directed to solve problems related to the functioning of displaced educational institutions”, – stated in the message.

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