Business news from Ukraine

State-owned Oschadbank retains leadership in number of branches – NBU

The number of structural units of Ukrainian banks in the third quarter of 2023 decreased by another 55 to 5,098 due to the closure of branches of the liquidated Concordbank and Ukrbudinvestbank, according to information published on the NBU website.

According to the information, the second largest state-owned Oschadbank by assets in the third quarter reduced the number of branches by one to 1182, retaining its first place among all banks in the country by this indicator.

PrivatBank, the largest bank by assets, kept the number of branches at the same level in July-September – 1131.

Raiffeisen Bank rounds out the top three, adding five branches to its 324 operating branches, becoming the leader in terms of branch growth in the third quarter of this year, while at the beginning of the year its network shrank by 27 branches to 323.

The fourth-ranked Ukrsibbank significantly reduced its network in July-September, from 230 to 222, and now FUIB, which closes the top five and whose network remained the same in the reporting period, is only one point behind it.

Two other banks have more than 200 branches: Ukrgasbank (218, minus one for the quarter) and A-Bank (202, no changes).

Sense Bank, which was nationalized in July, reduced its network by two branches to 138, making it one of the top ten banks with the largest networks in the market, followed by Accordbank (147) and Credit Agricole Bank (141).

OTP Bank (down to 71), Metabank (down to 25) and Piraeus Bank (down to 13) each had one less branch.

At the same time, RadaBank opened three branches in July-September and increased its network to 28 outlets, while Asvio Bank opened two outlets and its network reached 30 branches across the country.

TAScombank, Cominbank, MTB Bank, RBC Bank and Unex Bank each opened one outlet in the third quarter, expanding their networks to 94, 54, 43, 21 and 19 outlets, respectively.

In general, the rate of decline in the number of bank branches in the third quarter of this year accelerated to 1.1% from 0.8%, which is, however, lower than the 2.7% in the first quarter, as in the fourth quarter of last year it was 3.3%, in the third quarter – 7.9% and in the second quarter – 8.1%.

In February of this year, the National Bank proposed to the Ministry of Finance, as the owner of state-owned banks, to impose a moratorium on the reduction of their branch network during the war.

According to the updated data, since the beginning of 2022, the number of branches has decreased by 420 at Oschadbank, 366 at PrivatBank, 50 at Ukrgasbank, and 5 at Ukreximbank, to 48.

As of the beginning of October 2023, state-owned banks accounted for 53.3% of all bank branches in Ukraine.

As reported, the number of structural units of Ukrainian banks in 2022 decreased by 20.2%, or by 1349 branches, to 5,336 thousand.

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Oschadbank’s net profit has quadrupled

State-owned Oschadbank quadrupled its net profit in January-August this year compared to the same period in 2022 – from UAH 2.3 billion to more than UAH 9.4 billion, including a net profit of UAH 1.2 billion in August.

“The final financial result was also affected by the revaluation of financial instruments in the securities portfolio: it added about UAH 1.5 billion to the total profit,” the press service of the financial institution told Interfax-Ukraine on Monday.

The state-owned bank notes an improvement in all key financial indicators. In particular, its net interest income increased by 39% to UAH 12.1 billion compared to the figures for 8 months of 2022, and net commission income by 30% to UAH 4.4 billion.

Operating profit amounted to UAH 7.8 billion, which is more than twice as much as in the same period last year.

In addition, as noted in the press service, Oschad has sufficient liquidity and capital at its disposal.

According to the information provided, the regulatory capital adequacy ratio of the financial institution as of September 1 this year amounted to 18.48%, while the established standard of the National Bank of Ukraine (NBU) is 10%.

At the same time, the bank has so far refrained from forecasting its financial results for this year.

According to the NBU, as of July 1, 2023, Oschadbank ranked 2nd in terms of assets (UAH 324.74 billion) among 64 banks operating in the country, and first in terms of the number of branches in the country (1183).


JSC “Oschadbank” has put up for electronic auction right to conclude financial leasing agreement for cannery in Transcarpathian region

JSC “Oschadbank” has put up for electronic auction at OpenMarket (State Enterprise “SETAM” of the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine) the right to conclude a financial leasing agreement for non-residential real estate and a lease agreement with the purchase of a land plot in the Transcarpathian region, Fanchykovo village.

The right to conclude:
– Financial leasing agreement in respect of buildings and structures of the cannery, a canning shop with a warehouse and warehouses.
– Total area of real estate: 14,773.9 square meters.
– The exact address: 94, 97, 98, 100, 101, 103, Stepan Kutlan Street, Fanchykovo, Zakarpattia region.
– Lease agreement with land purchase option.
– The total area of the land plot: 1.6342 hectares.
– Cadastral number: 2121285300:02:001:0020.
– Exact address: Zakarpattia region, Fanchyky village council, contour No. 524, “Outside the settlement”.

The initial sale price of the lot: the minimum amount of the first payment under the financial leasing agreement and the lease agreement with the purchase of the land plot is UAH 1,303,621.40 (consisting of the amount of the minimum amount of the first payment under the financial leasing agreement – UAH 1,233,356.21 and the minimum amount of the advance payment (contribution) under the lease agreement with the purchase of the land plot – UAH 70,265.19).

The sale price of the non-residential real estate (redemption value) under the financial leasing agreement is UAH 12,333,799.

“Oschadbank and I have already had several successful cases of selling the rights to enter into a financial leasing agreement. We have sold an elite residential building in Kyiv on Darwin Street and a cannery with equipment in Kirovograd region. Now our buyers have a great opportunity to conclude an agreement with the Bank and get a plant specializing in processing and canning of fruits and vegetables, production of canned fruits and vegetables. The auction will start on October 13,” said Oleksandr Mamro, CEO of SE SETAM.

To read the auction terms and conditions and to participate in the auction, please follow the link:

The OpenMarket auction (SE SETAM of the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine) is a simple and effective means of selling and purchasing property via the Internet. The online auction has been operating throughout Ukraine since 2014. The total amount of sales since its launch is UAH 21 billion.

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Oschadbank has made foreign currency transactions abroad free of charge

State-owned Oschadbank has canceled the 1% conversion fee on transactions with its cards abroad, the bank’s CEO Sergey Naumov said.

“It has become even more favorable to use our payment means in other countries,” he wrote in Telegram.

Naumov added that the bank also automatically extended until December 31 the validity of cards that were to expire after February 2022, including cards for internally displaced persons.

“These cards are fully functional: you can pay with them in the trade and service network, withdraw cash from them at ATMs and the like,” – specified the head of the Board.

The previous time Oschadbank extended the validity of cards for three months at the end of May.

As indicated by the National Bank in the report for 2022, the leaders in Ukraine in the issuance of payment cards are state-owned PrivatBank and Oschadbank – respectively 43.8% and 15.4%, as well as Universal Bank (mono) – 13.2%.

In general, according to the NBU data, in 2022 the total number of issued payment cards in Ukraine increased by 23.2% – from 89.1 million pcs to 109.8 million pcs, while a year earlier – by 21.3%.

At the same time, the total number of active bank cards, after reaching a historic high of 47.2m units at the end of March this year, decreased by 0.6m units, or 1.3%, to 46.6m units in April-June, according to the National Bank.

Oschadbank has doubled number of agro-clients since beginning of 2022

Oschadbank has increased the loan portfolio of the agribusiness and agricultural trade sector by 91% since the beginning of 2022 and doubled the number of clients, the state bank said on Wednesday.

“As of today, Oschadbank occupies about 14% of the market of working loans of the agrarian sector,” the press release said.

According to Yuriy Katsion, deputy head of the bank’s board responsible for corporate business, such a rapid increase is caused by the objective need of businesses to attract external financing, which is related to losses caused by the war and the unpreparedness of many commercial banks and international organizations, unlike the state bank, to lend during the war without insurance guarantees.

Katsion also stressed the importance of state support for the agricultural sector during a full-scale war, particularly through the introduction of state guarantees, the “Affordable Loans 5-7-9%” program, and support for exporters through ECAs.

According to Oschadbank, the agribusiness sector leads in lending from the banking sector: the volume of working loans as of April 1, 2023 exceeds UAH 144 billion, or 31.2% of the total loan portfolio. Wholesale trade (21.6%) and energy (10.5%) follow.

According to the National Bank of Ukraine, as of June 1, 2023, Oschadbank ranked 2nd in terms of assets (UAH 313.65 billion) among 65 banks operating in the country, and as of midtin this year had the largest number of branches in the country – 1183.


Oschadbank launched online lending for MSMEs

State-owned Oschadbank (Kyiv) has launched an online lending service for clients of the micro/small and medium business segment (MSME), said Natalia Butkova-Vitvitskaya, member of the bank’s Management Board responsible for MSME, at a forum dedicated to digital lending and finance – Digital lending 2023.
“Any client regardless of its legal form of ownership can get a preliminary decision in 24 hours, provide a list of documents and get a final decision through this service,” explained a representative of Oshchadbank.
Butkova-Vitvitskaya noted that the average micro-business credit check through the new service is 1.5 million UAH, small businesses – 5 million UAH, medium-sized – 10 million UAH.
“Prior to that four banks in the Ukrainian market offered similar financing, but only for one segment of customers – FLP. Today I can say that Oschadbank is destroying the “myth” and makes the first step to the legal entities”, – emphasized the member of the board.
Oschadbank was created in 1991, and its sole owner is the state.
According to NBU, on January 1, 2023 it ranked second by total assets (UAH 298.2 billion) among the 67 operating banks in the country.
