Business news from Ukraine


This summer, the International charity organization Parimatch Foundation financed the organization of sports camps for the physical and psychological rehabilitation of children affected by Russian military aggression in Ukraine.  The foundation assumed all the costs arising from the organizing camps in three countries as part of the «Help to Ukraine» program.

– Children are our future, and our main task is to do everything possible to feel protected and be distracted from the worrying everyday life so they can immerse in the atmosphere of joy, sports, and communication with peers. We strive to preserve the childhood of Ukrainian children. Each of us understands how much children need summer rest and recovery. That is why the Parimatch Foundation initiated the organization of sports camps where children can not only dive into a positive atmosphere, choose a sports hobby, but also receive psychological support in this difficult time, – The President of the Charitable Foundation, Kateryna Biloruska, told.

Under the initiative of the Foundation, more than 300 children will be able to spend time in camps both in Ukraine and abroad.

On July 1, the first children’s camp will start in Zakarpattia and last for two weeks. The next camp is scheduled for early August.

The camp will host 200 children of different ages from different parts of Ukraine. There will be an exciting and busy 14 days for them. Yoga, football, volleyball, dance, gymnastics, hiking, and swimming classes are planned for kids. They will be divided into groups according to age and sports training preferences and will work with a separate sports mentor and coach of the Vodogray camp. In addition, under the initiative, children can choose classes based on their interests: music, singing, drawing, journalism, blogging, web design, foreign languages, etc. These classes are suitable for both children and teenagers.

One more camp program’s feature is the patriotic upbringing of the younger generation. They will learn about the State, its structure, central values, and its achievements. Every new day in the camp will be dedicated to a new topic. It can be The Day of Spirit and Unity, The Day of Economy and Financial Literacy, or The Day of Elections and Democracy. Each camp participant will be involved in quests, conferences, concerts, etc.

In addition, the first camp in Cyprus will start on July 3. From July to August, the BySport camp will be visited by more than 50 children from Ukraine, who can rest in the sunny country and learn its culture and traditions. As it is in Ukraine, the camp in Cyprus will be focused on sports and various training.  Daily the children will have multiple sports training as well, as they will enjoy beach time. The camp program that includes not only physical but also mental relief for children was developed by our partners, the international Hope for Children Foundation.

The Parimatch Foundation is preparing a surprise for all children who visit the camps both in Ukraine and Cyprus – the visits of famous athletes who will spend the whole day with the children and share their success stories and sports secrets.

The final foreign camp will have 50 children from Ukraine in August. Everyone will have an opportunity to feel better and gain strength before the new school year.

The Parimatch Foundation believes that every child in Ukraine should get the necessary rest and energy boost this summer. First of all, we invited to the camp the displaced children from Kharkiv, Donetsk, Luhansk, and Zaporizhia regions, children from large families in the Kyiv region, Lviv region, and Ternopil region, as well as children whose parents have been injured in the war or are currently defending Ukraine at the frontline. Also, children-athletes from the Mykolaiv region will join the camp.

The Parimatch Foundation keeps doing everything possible to improve the health and well-being of society by providing children with equal opportunities and access to sports and education. That is why children’s camps initiated by the Foundation are focused on sports and physical activities. We are sure that sports will help to improve children’s mental health. While staying in the camps, the children will get psychological rehabilitation which is the priority area of work supported by the Foundation. Therefore, all centers’ programs include art therapy and group works with children to overcome fears, stress, and aggression.

We are sure that every day spent at Parimatch Foundation camps will be unforgettable for children, and summer 2022 will become calm, cozy, and full of love and support.



The decision to leave Belarus was made a long time ago – and this means a complete termination of all relations that takes time to finalize. When the war started we did not want to leave our people in Belarus. However, the compromises are no longer possible – we transfer business control to a local team so they could decide their destiny. We finally take the Parimatch brand away from Belarus.

The holding transfers the services and client support to the management of the local team in Belarus, which is no longer part of the Parimatch holding. The holding will no longer receive profit from the company operating in Belarus, either today or in the future. We expect to bear substantial losses as a result of this decision.

We are in the process of breaking off relations with the Republic of Belarus in compliance with all laws and ensuring the continued safety and support of our employees and customers. During the transition period, the services will remain available in Belarus and will be managed by the new owner.

Earlier, the company announced the withdrawal of the franchise from the Russian Federation. The platform has not been available there since March, and Parimatch brand is prohibited to use.

Despite the magnitude of this decision, we as a company are confident in the future of our business and strive to deliver quality and reliable services to our customers worldwide.

We urge you to stop speculation on this topic.

Parimatch has been building its reputation over the years. We are proud of numerous worthy deeds for society, honesty to customers and partners, and care for employees.

We are ready to defend our position in court. The strongest argument on our side is the truth. And the funds that competitors sent to black PR and custom publications would be better directed to the needs of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

Ukraine is above All!


Parimatch Ukraine and Oleksandr Usyk make a strong appeal to Ukrainians in a new joint campaign aimed to support Ukraine
Ukrainians are new superheroes. They discover their new hidden superpowers day after day. The whole world is amazed by the bravery, resilience, and courage of the Ukrainians and admired by their unity. No matter what is happening our people create the thing that cannot be seized – the victory of a free nation.
Parimatch Ukraine, the first officially licensed betting company in our country with Ukrainian roots, and Oleksandr Usyk, the Ukrainian boxer, and heavyweight champion, made a powerful and victorious appeal to all our citizens – «Born in Ukraine – Fired up to Win».

«We know that Ukraine starts with every one of us. And everyone is doing everything possible for our common victory. Our brave soldiers fight fiercely for Ukraine, and the volunteers help 24/7 those who desperately need it. Athletes take part in charity matches for peace and join high-profile media campaigns in support of our country. We believe and bringing the victory closer together. Businesses need to keep a cool mind, balance, and responsibility to the country. We have to defend the economic and digital front». – Natalia Hilevych, Parimatch Ukraine CEO said.
Parimatch Ukraine is a Ukrainian business. The company is proud of its Ukrainian roots and strongly condemns military aggression against Ukraine. The national business duty today is to resume work, adhere to all financial obligations to the State, and keep the spirit of Ukrainians high.
Parimatch – Born in Ukraine. Fired up to win!



During the first three months of 2022, Ukraine’s largest gambling company paid UAH 147 million in licenses, taxes, and fees to the state budget.
In the condition of Russia’s full-scale military invasion of Ukraine, the country needs more stable budget revenues than ever before. After the legalization of the gambling industry in Ukraine, it has the potential to become a new growth point for the country’s economy, and now legal gambling operators use the opportunity to fill in the State budget during the war.
Parimatch Ukraine (legal entity – Parimatch LLC) became the first officially licensed bookmaker in Ukraine in 2021. For two years of activity, the organizer of gambling paid UAH 262.8 million to the state budget of Ukraine: UAH 216 million paid for a license to carry out gambling activities, and UAH 46,8 million paid for an online casino license.
The President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky has declared recently that despite the war, the state budget must be filled and provide the necessary expenditures. Parimatch Ukraine, as a responsible business and leader in the gambling industry, continues to meet all its financial obligations on time. In particular, the company has already fully paid for operating licenses in 2022, as well as all necessary taxes to the state budget of the total amount of UAH 147 million.
We will continue to adhere to all financial obligations to the state and demonstrate what honest and responsible business is. We have adapted the company’s strategy and understand how to move forward and what our new goals are. Restoring the company’s economic condition and keeping jobs is the most important and urgent help to the country. After all, now we need stable financial revenues, and people need timely wages and a social assistance program, – Natalia Gilevych, CEO of Parimatch Ukraine said.
A successful business is impossible without a team, and the team needs more help in times of uncertainty and increased danger. During the first days of the war, Parimatch Ukraine focused on supporting colleagues by reconnecting with everyone, making sure they were safe, and evacuating them and their family members if needed.
We have revised the social assistance list, added the rent compensation to those who were forced to leave their homes, and travel compensation for those who moved around Ukraine or abroad. We also provided military ammunition for our colleagues who decided to join the Armed Forces and the Territorial Defense, – the company’s CEO added.
After solving the most pressing issues, the company launched psychological support and regular online meetings with psychologists, and daily yoga or stretching classes to restore physical condition.
Over the years, Parimatch Ukraine has become known as a company that has devoted much effort to the development of sports in Ukraine, it is the largest patron and sponsor that worked with top teams in the world as well as the most famous athletes. It is to be recalled, the Parimatch brand has announced that it is to withdraw its franchise from Russia. The decision has already been implemented at the legal and technical levels.


The International Charitable Foundation for Helping Children Parimatch Foundation donated two modern artificial lung ventilation (ALV) machines worth UAH 2.5 million to the Okhmatdet National Children’s Specialized Hospital (Kyiv).
According to a press release from the fund, the devices have already been installed and are working.
“If you ask any resuscitator in the world what their biggest problem is, the answer is ventilators, you can never have too many of them. we have as many devices as there are patients. And this is a big problem,” said Alexander Urin, head of the department of intensive and efferent therapy for acute intoxications at Okhmatdet.
He stressed that Okhmatdet has now turned into a full-fledged hospital, where children and adults wounded as a result of Russian shelling are continuously treated.
In turn, the representative of the Parimatch Foundation in Ukraine, Vadim Misyura, noted that with the outbreak of the war, the foundation opened a fundraiser to help civilians in troubled spots in Ukraine. All funds raised will be used to purchase and deliver food, medicines, essentials, as well as to organize evacuation from the temporarily occupied territories and areas where hostilities are taking place, the press release says.

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The Gambling and Lotteries Regulation Commission has agreed to issue a license to Parimatch LLC (Kyiv) for organization of gambling activities.
This is evidenced by the decision of the commission of March 2 posted on its website.
According to the law on the regulation of the gambling market, the company is obliged to pay UAH 108 million for the license. Its validity is five years.
Earlier, Parimatch LLC, registered in November 2019 with a charter capital of UAH 60 million, received a license to conduct casino gambling on the Internet.
The main activity of the company is the organization of gambling. The ultimate beneficiary is Kateryna Biloruska.
