Business news from Ukraine

Business news from Ukraine

Challenges of Ukrainian economy are related to lack of insurance – Penny Pritzker

The challenges of the Ukrainian economy are related to the lack of insurance and it is already obvious that this hinders the attraction of investors, who first of all think about the protection of their capital.

This opinion was expressed by the US Special Representative for Ukraine’s Economic Recovery Penny Pritzker at the Ukraine Recovery Conference (URC2024) in Berlin on Wednesday.

“We all understand: in order for private investors to come in, insurance is needed. This is the first thing an investor thinks about,” she said.

According to Pritzker, she and her team took this as a call to action It was seconded by the US-based Development Finance Corporation (DFC) and global reinsurance broker Aon, which found practical innovative solutions to the issue. DFC already provides an insurance product designed for SMEs.

“We have purposely built an insurance model that is scalable. However, for this sector to flourish in Ukraine, many players are needed. I will encourage other insurance organizations, international institutions to think how they can join this model. I am confident: this mechanism will bring to Ukraine the necessary capital for its economic growth both when there is a war and when there is peace and reconstruction begins,” she emphasized.

According to DFC Executive Director Scott Nathan, before the war the corporation had a large portfolio in Ukraine, including risk insurance. Currently, to support the private sector and the country’s economy, one of the important toolkits in its portfolio is political risk insurance, which has closed $350 million worth of arrangements for three contracts in agriculture, manufacturing and education over the past year.

“Together with our partner ARCS, we as DFC can provide $50 million in war risk insurance, air raid risk, etc. to different clients. These can be small policies that can go to larger policies,” he noted.

At the same time, Nathan said that projects are being developed with Aon that can be scaled. One such project will be announced soon.

“Practically, we are helping local insurance companies build capacity for the country. Insurance is a mechanism to mobilize capital in the country and we hope to offer such an innovative tool. This is just the beginning, just part of our joint efforts to invest in Ukraine’s future, to lay the foundation for future investments when its recovery and reconstruction begins. It is important for the economy to work every day already now, during the war, and for this we need to build capacity in the insurance market. This is the key to success,” he said.

According to Aon President Erik Andersen, it is very important to provide protection by Ukrainian insurance companies, as well as to have a mechanism of pooled resources to provide insurance in the health care system, for small businesses, etc.,” he said.

“What we are saying is that we wanted to participate and invest our capital through the DFC, through local insurers. We have been working in Ukraine for a long time, it’s a big insurance program, and we want this capital to go to companies that operate in the country,” he said.


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