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Indonesia has elected a new president

Indonesia has completed the counting of votes in the presidential election, which resulted in the election of Defense Minister Prabowo Subianto as the new head of state, The Jakarta Post reported on Wednesday, citing data from the election commission.

Subianto has 58.6 percent of the vote – enough for the candidate to be declared the winner of the election without a runoff. His rivals, former Jakarta governor Anis Baswedan, have 24.9% and Ganjar Pranowo has 16.5%.

General elections in Indonesia were held back on February 14. The counting of votes and publication of results in the country takes up to 35 days.

According to the Indonesian constitution, the presidency is limited to two terms.
Earlier the analytical center Experts Club included the elections in Indonesia in the list of the top 10 most significant for the world, more video about it is available at the link –

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