Business news from Ukraine

Ukraine’s president to visit UK and Ireland

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky is expected to pay a visit to Veliobritain next week, The Guardian reports.
According to the publication, Zelensky will also make his first visit to Ireland on Saturday morning. He is scheduled to meet with Irish Foreign Minister Simon Harris there.
Ireland, which has long maintained a policy of military neutrality but has provided non-lethal aid to Ukraine, is expected to offer more support. In particular, it will support Ukraine’s efforts to return some 20,000 children who were forcibly displaced to Russia and Belarus.
The Ukrainian president met with British Prime Minister-designate Keir Starmer at the NATO summit in Washington last week, but this will be his first opportunity to meet with a wider delegation from the Labor government, which will be keen to confirm further UK support.
The conference is reportedly the fourth meeting of the European Policy Community, a collective set up after Russia invaded Ukraine in February 2022, which was the brainchild of French President Emmanuel Macron.
“It is designed to foster stronger ties between EU and non-EU leaders in an informal setting. Previous conferences have been held in Spain, Moldova and the Czech Republic,” it said.
In addition to the UK, non-EU countries invited include Norway, Iceland, Georgia, Kosovo, Serbia, Albania and Turkey, although Recep Tayyip Erdogan, Turkey’s president, who has not attended previous summits, has not confirmed his participation.


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Ukrainian president discusses creation of hubs for Ukrainian grain in African ports with Kenyan president

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky discussed with Kenyan President William Ruto the creation of hubs for Ukrainian grain in African ports.

“Held a meeting with the President of Kenya William Ruto. Thank you for participation in the Peace Summit and a principled position of support for the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine,” – wrote Zelensky in his Telegram channel on Sunday night.

The Ukrainian head of state noted that at the meeting they discussed food security issues, which are very important for both countries, the development of Ukrainian-Kenyan relations and projects in the field of agricultural exports.

In addition, the parties considered the possible participation of Kenya in the creation of hubs for Ukrainian grain in African ports.


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By decrees of June 24, President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky appointed Ukraine’s ambassadors to the Republic of Tajikistan and New Zealand.
The relevant decrees No. 444/2022 and No. 445/2022 are published on the website of the head of state.
Valery Evdokimov has been appointed Ambassador to Tajikistan.
In turn, Vasyl Miroshnichenko, Ukraine’s Ambassador to Australia, has been appointed concurrent Ambassador to New Zealand.



President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky during a telephone conversation with Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi Mohamed Bin Zayed Al Nahyan discussed cooperation between Ukraine and the United Arab Emirates, as well as the implementation of joint projects.
“Had a phone conversation with Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi, Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed Al Nahyan. The importance of strengthening cooperation between Ukraine and the UAE was noted. The implementation of joint projects was discussed. Invited Mohamed Bin Zayed to visit Ukraine,” Zelensky said on Twitter on Friday.



President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky has signed a law on the development of biomethane production in Ukraine (No. 5464), which was adopted by the Verkhovna Rada at the second reading on October 21. The corresponding note appeared on the page of the bill on the parliament’s website on Tuesday.According to the press service of the State Agency for Energy Efficiency and Energy Saving of Ukraine, this law lays the foundation for the production and development of biomethane in Ukraine, as well as its export to the countries of the European Union.It is specified that for this purpose it is planned to introduce the appropriate terminology, the possibility of verifying purified biogas (biomethane), the physical and chemical characteristics of which must meet the requirements of regulatory legal acts for natural gas, issuing a guarantee of origin for the volume of biomethane produced, entering a register of production and consumption of biomethane.“Development of a register of production and use of biomethane and cooperation with similar registers of EU countries is a potential opportunity to sell biomethane to other countries, confirmed by a guarantee of origin,” the message reads.It notes that, in pursuance of the State Energy Efficiency Law, work has already begun on the development of a procedure for the functioning of the biomethane register.As reported, bill No. 5464 adopted by the Verkhovna Rada regulates the concept of “biomethane” as “biogas,” which in its physical and technical characteristics corresponds to the regulatory legal acts on natural gas for supply to gas distribution and transmission networks or for use as a motor fuel.In addition, the document provides for the creation of a biomethane register for accounting in the system, establishes the procedure for the formation of guarantees of origin of biomethane.According to the Bioenergy Association of Ukraine, the potential for biomethane production in Ukraine is 8 billion cubic meters annually, which corresponds to 25% of domestic gas consumption.According to Minister of Agrarian Policy and Food Roman Leschenko, the development of biomethane production gives Ukraine every chance to become a center for its production and supply, as well as a source of energy security for Europe. Its use in production chains will allow Ukrainian farmers to obtain an alternative source of energy from waste and secondary products of their own production and, as a result, to use biomethane instead of natural gas for generating heat and electricity, as well as to use it as a fuel for transport and as a raw material for the chemical industry.



During a telephone conversation, President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky and President of Poland Andrzej Duda agreed to exchange visits and hold a number of events dedicated to the landmark anniversary dates of Ukrainian-Polish relations, the 30th anniversary of Poland’s recognition of Ukraine’s independence, the establishment of diplomatic relations and the signing of the Treaty on friendship and cooperation.“The sides exchanged views on the difficult situation that has developed on the Polish-Belarusian border. The head of the Ukrainian state informed about the security situation on the Ukrainian-Belarusian border and the measures that are being carried out and will be taken for its proper protection,” the presidential press service has said.Particular attention was paid to coordinating the positions of the parties in countering the Nord Stream 2 project. The interlocutors were unanimous in their assessments of Nord Stream 2 primarily as a security threat and confirmed their unwavering commitment to further opposition to the project.“This is in the interests of the energy security of Europe as a whole,” Zelensky said.It is noted that the heads of state paid special attention to promising projects of cooperation in the energy sector, in particular, to establish alternative routes for gas supplies.Zelensky briefed Duda about the development of the security situation in eastern Ukraine.
