Business news from Ukraine

Khmelnitsky “Maidan-Vilsky quarry” plans to expand production and mining

Maidan-Vilsky quarry LLC, part of Golden Tile ceramic group, intends to expand production and continue mining.
According to documentation available to the Interfax-Ukraine agency, it is expected to “conduct an environmental impact assessment procedure in connection with the expansion and changes in the planned activities for the construction and subsequent operation of the feldspar feldspar charge magnetic enrichment complex by the wet method.”
The timing of the environmental impact assessment is not disclosed.
Golden Tile Ceramic Group is a vertically integrated group of companies providing a full cycle of production and distribution of ceramic tiles.
According to the official website of the group, its structure includes PrJSC Kharkiv Tile Plant (Kharkiv), Maidan-Vilsky Quarry LLC, Maidan-Vilsky Refractories Plant LLC (both in Khmelnytsky region), PA Shakhtostroy (Donetsk region) and Golden Tile LLC (Kiev, official distributor of the Kharkiv Tile Plant).

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LNZ Group Agro Holding increases production of frozen berries and fruits

In 2022 LNZ Group agricultural holding produced 7 thousand tons of frozen berries, fruits and vegetables at its plant for frozen berries, vegetables and vegetables in Shpole (Cherkasy region). They are sold under TM Tevitta – raspberry, sweet corn, seedless cherry, pumpkin, elderberry, currant, blueberry etc.
According to the LNZ website, the Tevitta brand has a closed circle of production and performs all production processes on its own, from growing to direct sales of packaged products.
In particular, the nursery has grown 2 million seedlings of strawberry, 220 thousand of raspberry and blackberry and about 50 thousand of other cultures: dog rose, elderberry, currant and cherry. In addition, in 2022, the company planted two new nurseries for raspberries and strawberries, a nursery for nursery seedlings, and built nearly three dozen tunnels for growing berries on an area of more than 2 hectares.
“Despite the war, the Tevitta brand was able to ramp up production, storage and direct processing capacity. And while the brand was already in operation in 2021, it was 2022 that was the year to fully launch and operate. The brand combined seedling production, berry, vegetable and fruit freezing and market sales. That is, the full-scale military invasion of the Russian Federation, the company actually met at the stage of formation,” the company said.
In addition, in the fields Tevitta planted 60 hectares of land for growing different raw materials for processing – from strawberries to rose hips. The nursery works not only to meet its own needs, but also supplies seedlings to farmers who are engaged in industrial berry production.
“The company is pleased with the result: the plant in 2022 came out to almost 100% utilization. What’s more, it has expanded its export boundaries. Products have already reached the markets of France, Belgium, Germany, Estonia and England. In addition, in early 2023 frozen products of Tevitta brand can be found on the shelves of stores in Ukraine and other European countries”, – summed up the holding.
LNZ Group was established on the basis of Lebedinsky seed plant. It specializes in selling corn, sunflower, wheat and barley seeds, as well as growing agricultural products and livestock. The group cultivates 70 thousand hectares of land, the number of cattle is about 6 thousand heads.
LNZ Group owns two elevator complexes in Sumy and Kirovograd regions with total storage capacity of 170 thousand tons of grain, and also has its own fleet of cars.
In the unified state register of legal entities and individuals the ultimate beneficiary of PJSC Lebedinsky seed plant (Cherkasy region) is Dmytro Kravchenko.

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World leader in furniture manufacturing and rental begins production in western Ukraine

Home Essentials, a world leader in production and rental of furniture and interior items, is launching production of furniture and mattresses in Kremenets (Ternopil region), head of the Ternopil Region Investment Office Vladimir Vasilevsky told Interfax-Ukraine.
According to him, all registration activities have already been completed and a site has been chosen for the production location.
“Kremenets community received a powerful American investor – LLC “Home Essentials Ukraine”. The project enters the stage of implementation and begins to live its own life – hiring employees, importing production equipment and forming a circle of suppliers,” he said.
According to Vasilevskyy, already in the second quarter of 2023 the shipment of products will begin. In the first phase of the project creates 50-60 jobs, by the end of 2023, 300 jobs will be created.
“The investor is transferring part of the back office operational processes from the headquarters in Hong Kong to Ukraine and managers and creatives – logisticians, marketers, etc. – will be employed here,” he added.
Mr. Vasilevsky estimates that, by analogy with similar factories in Ukraine, the production in Kremenets will give a turnover of about $12-15 million, “in the first months of work it is possible to export products at $ 0.5-1 million per month,” – he said.
We are planning to start exporting to Spain, Portugal, Italy and France, and in the second quarter of 2023 to most of the EU countries.
For the production start, on equipment and circulating assets, in the first half of 2023 will be about $ 1 million of investments, in the 2-3rd quarter – up to $ 5 million.
Oksana Donska, a board member of the Ukrainian Association of Furniture Manufacturers (UAM) and coordinator of furniture cluster development, said in a comment for Interfax-Ukraine that this investor is an example of active interest of foreign companies to our market and interest of local authorities.
“I met a representative of Home Essentials at an international exhibition, where UAM represented the products of Ukrainian furniture makers. It was a happy accident for him. Next we met at the buzzer. I gave him an analysis of the domestic market, data on the specifics of exports, told him about the geographical location of production in Ukraine. In four months, the Ternopil Region Investment Office team was able to secure the entry of the American investor,” Donska said.
Home Essentials is a world leader in manufacturing and renting out furniture and interior furnishings. The head office (headquarters) is in Hong Kong. The European office is in Madrid. The company operates in more than 26 countries.

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Ukraine reduced production of scrap by 77%

In January-November this year, enterprises on operations with scrap ferrous metals reduced the procurement of scrap metal by 76.6% compared to the same period last year – to 886.1 thousand tons from 3 million 783.6 thousand tons.
As reported in the operational information of the Ukrainian Association of Secondary Metals (UAVtormet), the export of scrap metal during this period amounted to 42 thousand tons, which is 13 times less compared to 11M2021 (547.5 thousand tons). In this case, the import of scrap was 2.3 thousand tons, compared to 21.3 thousand tons in January-November 2021.
Scrap shipments to the country’s metal companies in 11M-2022 decreased by 72.4% compared to January-November-2021 – to 841.9 thousand tons from 3 million 55.9 thousand tons.
As of December 1, 2022, the level of scrap metal stock at Ukrainian steel mills was estimated at 30-35 thousand tons.


Lviv Cardboard and Paper Company increased production volume by 50%

LLC “Carton and Paper Company” (Lviv), a major Ukrainian manufacturer of cardboard sleeves and sanitary products in January-November 2022 increased production volume by 50.2% compared to the same period of 2021 – up to 1 billion 076 million UAH.
According to the statistical data of “UkrPapir” association, provided to “Interfax-Ukraine” agency, thus, the company has slightly increased the growth rate of this indicator compared to the same period of the last year (according to 10 months, the increase was 49.4%).
In physical terms, the company has kept the output of base paper for sanitary products almost at last year’s level – 6.42 thousand tons, while increasing the output of toilet paper in rolls by 41% – to 3.7 million pieces.
Production of cardboard products increased insignificantly – to 24.2 thousand tons.
As reported with reference to “UkrPapir” statistics, the mill has continued to work all months from the beginning of this year, reducing the output of paper and paperboard in March (to March 2021), but in April has already gone to a positive trend, which remained in subsequent months.
“Carton and Paper Company” (until 2011 – “Lvivkartonoplast”) produces products and semi-finished products from waste paperboard (cardboard sheets, corners, sleeves), cellulose and recycled waste paper (toilet paper, towels, napkins TM Papero).
In 2021 the company produced UAH 782.7 mln worth of products – 47% more than the year before.

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Ukrainian steelmakers cut production of total rolled products by 70.1%

Ukrainian steelmakers in January-November this year, according to operational data, reduced the production of total rolled steel by 70.1% compared to the same period last year – to 5.242 million tons.
According to the association Ukrmetallurgprom, for eleven months of 2022, steel production fell by 68.6% – to 6.157 million tons, iron – by 68.4%, to 6.144 million tons.
As reported, in 2021, 21.165 million tons of cast iron (103.6% by 2020), 21.366 million tons of steel (103.6%), 19.079 million tons of rolled steel (103.5%) were produced.
