Business news from Ukraine


In January-June 2022, Zaporizhstal reduced output of rolled products by 46.6% compared to the same period last year, to 839,400 tonnes.
According to the enterprise on Friday, steel production decreased by 53.6% over six months of 2022, to 922,300 tonnes, and cast iron – by 48.1%, to 1.134 million tonnes.
In June of this year, the steel plant produced 146,900 tonnes of cast iron (43.1% compared to June 2021), 69,600 tonnes of steel (21.2%), 83,000 tonnes of rolled metal (50.2%).
“The decline in production compared to the same period last year is associated with a shortage of raw materials and logical problems caused by full-scale hostilities on the territory of Ukraine,” the press release explains.
At the same time, it is recalled that in connection with the aggravation of hostilities in the region since the beginning of March, Metinvest Group has transferred part of the equipment of Zaporizhstal to the hot conservation mode. At the end of March, Zaporizhstal partially resumed the work of the cold rolling shop for production and shipment of cold rolled coils to the European consumer. A month after the forced shutdown, the plant took the equipment out of conservation and partially resumed production. Since April 2022, the plant has been operating at an average of 50% of its capacity.
It is also reported that the Ukrainian defenders received another batch of ammunition and drones from Zaporizhstal of Metinvest Group. So, over the past two weeks, Zaporizhstal has handed over 2,100 body armor, 1,000 Kevlar helmets, as well as three reconnaissance drones to the servicemen of the National Guard of Ukraine and the territorial defense, who protect Zaporozhia and Dnipropetrovsk regions.
Zaporizhstal is one of the largest industrial enterprises in Ukraine, whose products are in great demand among consumers both in the domestic market and in many countries of the world.

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Production of paper and cardboard in Ukraine in January-May of this year decreased by 44.7% compared to the same period in 2021 – to 198.2 thousand tons, corrugated packaging – by 57%, to 126.9 million sq. m, according to the statistics of the association “UkrPapir”.
According to the statistics provided by the association to the Interfax-Ukraine agency, if in January of this year the production of paper and cardboard lagged behind last year by 4.6%, and corrugated boxes exceeded by 3.5%, then already in January-March, taking into account suspension of many enterprises with the beginning of a full-scale war of the Russian Federation against Ukraine, the production of these products decreased by 44% and 54%, respectively.
At the same time, some of the enterprises that stopped work at the beginning of the war never resumed it – in particular, due to the damage received in Rubizhne, the largest Ukrainian manufacturer of corrugated packaging, the Rubezhnoye Cardboard and Container Plant, stopped working (but its “daughter” in the Kyiv region – Trypilsky packing plant).
According to information in the disclosure system of the National Commission for Securities and the Stock Market (NKTSBFR), a remote extraordinary meeting of the plant’s shareholders is scheduled for July 4 with the issue of transferring the location of the Rubezhsky CPC legal entity to Kyiv.
According to UkrPapir, the damaged Rogan cardboard factory in the Kharkiv region has not resumed work (and does not plan to).
From the producers of corrugated packaging, Dunapak Tavria LLC, located in the Kherson region, also does not work (it produced boxes for Novaya Poshta – IF), and the Mena Pak company in the Chernihiv region, according to information available to the association, was able to resume work in May.
Zmievskaya paper mill (Kharkiv region) after three months of forced downtime in May reported the production of 1863 tons of recycled paper against 783 tons in May 2021.
At the same time, after the February suspension of production, the industry leader Kyiv Cardboard and Paper Mill has been operating since March (in terms of the production of corrugated packaging last year – the second after Rubezhansky CPC), Zhydachevsky Pulp and Paper (Lvov region) and Izmail Cardboard (Odessa region), Malinsky paper factory and “Papir-Mal” (Zhytomyr region)
In addition, according to statistics, the Lviv Cardboard and Paper Company did not stop working, maintaining the output of paper and cardboard in January-May at the level of last year, Poninkovskaya (Khmelnytsky region) and Lutsk (Volyn region) cardboard and paper factories, Kokhavinskaya paper mill (Lviv region).
As reported, in 2021, the production of paper and cardboard in Ukraine increased by 9.8% by 2020, to 898.2 thousand tons, corrugated boxes – by 5.9% to 752.9 million square meters.
Association “UkrPapir” unites 35 enterprises and companies, in particular 20 manufacturers of cardboard and paper products and printing enterprises, 11 distributors, two suppliers and suppliers of waste paper.

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Cardboard and Paper Company LLC (Lviv), a major Ukrainian manufacturer of cardboard tubes and sanitary and hygienic products, increased production by 43.3% in January-May compared to the same period in 2021 – to UAH 403.7 million.
According to the statistics of the UkrPapir association provided to the Interfax-Ukraine agency, in natural terms, over this period, the company increased the production of paper – the basis for sanitary and hygienic products – by 16.1%, to 26.4 million tonnes, while increasing the production of toilet paper in rolls by 66.4% – to 1.8 million pieces.
At the same time, the output of cardboard products decreased by 4.8% – to 10.43 million tonnes.
According to the statistics of UkrPapir, the factory continued to work all months since the beginning of the year, reducing the production of paper and cardboard in March, but in April and May it already increased their production by 16.4% and 6.7%, respectively (compared to the same months last year).
Cardboard and Paper Company (until 2011 – Lvivkartonoplast) produces goods and semi-finished products from recycled cardboard (cardboard sheets, corners, tubes) and cellulose paper (toilet paper, towels, napkins of White Line and Papero trademarks).
In 2021, the company produced products worth UAH 782.7 million, which is 46.7% more than in 2020.



In January-May 2022, Ukraine produced 7.831 billion cubic meters of natural gas, which is 1.9% more than in the same period last year (7.687 billion cubic meters), according to the infographics of the Energy Suppliers Association (ESA).
According to it, the average daily gas production in May increased by 1% compared to April, but is still below the pre-war production of this year. In particular, in January this figure was 55.4 million cubic meters per day, in February – 54.5 million cubic meters, in March – 49.9 million cubic meters, in April – 49.6 million cubic meters, and in May – 50.1 million cubic meters.
At the same time, according to the association, in May a number of private companies managed to bring gas production to a double level.
According to the association, amid Russian military aggression, gas consumption in the country continues to decline, which amounted to 11.726 billion cubic meters in the first five months of this year. In particular, in January 2022 it amounted to 3.972 billion cubic meters (less by 4% compared to January 2021), February – 2.822 billion cubic meters (less by 34%), March – 2.735 billion cubic meters (less by 24%), April – 1.483 billion cubic meters (less by 33%), and May – 0.714 billion cubic meters (less by 46%).
Earlier, the Cabinet of Ministers instructed NJSC Naftogaz Ukrainy to increase gas reserves in underground storage facilities (UGS) to 19 billion cubic meters at the beginning of the heating season 2022-2023, while 10 billion cubic meters on June 1, 2022.
While maintaining consumption of about 25 million cubic meters per day and production of about 50 million cubic meters per day during June-September, Ukraine will be able to replenish stocks in storage facilities during this period by 3 billion cubic meters, while up to 6 billion cubic meters of gas will be needed to import. Some of these volumes can be brought into UGS facilities for their storage by foreign companies.
At the same time, the head of the Energy Committee of the Verkhovna Rada, Andriy Gerus, specified in early June that plans for 19 billion cubic meters in storage could be adjusted depending on a number of factors.

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PJSC ArcelorMittal Kryvyi Rih (Dnipropetrovsk region) is gradually restoring production after a forced shutdown in March this year.
According to the company, during the visit to the enterprise, head of Dnipropetrovsk regional military administration Valentyn Reznichenko, chairman of Dnipropetrovsk regional council Mykola Lukashuk and head of Kryvy Rih military administration Oleksandr Vilkul discussed the restart of metallurgical production.
At the same time, it was stated that one blast furnace, two coke oven batteries, three pouring machines, a rolling mill, a converter and one of the three continuous casting machines are currently operating at the enterprise.
“One of the largest mining and metallurgical plants, ArcelorMittal Kryvyi Rih, resumes work. It is still a long way before the launch of all capacities, but the company has embarked on this path. The company is building new logistics and looking for new sales markets. Thousands of employees of the plant have a salary, and the budget – taxes,” the head of Dnipropetrovsk regional military administration said.
Vilkul, in turn, stated that important production facilities had resumed work in the industrial sector over the past two weeks.
Serhiy Lavrynenko, Deputy General Director for Metallurgical Production at ArcelorMittal Kryvyi Rih, added that thanks to the support of the parent company ArcelorMittal, the government of Ukraine, Ukrzaliznytsia managed to restore part of the production operations at ArcelorMittal Kryvyi Rih.
“We are optimistic… We hope to arrange coal supplies in sufficient quantities to restart another blast furnace in the near future, and then increase the level of rolled products production,” Lavrynenko said.
At the same time, it is recalled that in early March, the company’s management decided to stop all blast furnaces of the enterprise and the processes of metallurgical production. The coking plant is now in a state of hot downtime – this is a necessary measure to avoid causing irreparable damage to the equipment. The work of the mining department did not stop after the Russian invasion, although the level of ore production was reduced due to interruptions in the operation of logistics routes and the shutdown of blast furnaces, the company said.
However, since April, the plant has been gradually resuming production processes. The restart began with the return to operation of blast furnace No. 6, it resumed operation on April 9.

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The agricultural holding KSG Agro has signed a contract with a Ukrainian oil extraction plant for production of sunflower and soybean oil from its raw materials with subsequent export of finished products to the European Union, according to a press release from the agrarian group on Thursday.
“Our military realities are pushing for the search for new strategic solutions. So we decided that rapeseed and sunflower seeds will be processed, since there are more chances to sell such products abroad in the form of the same vegetable oil, ready for consumption, at a better price than just sunflower seeds,” KSG Agro quotes its board chairman Serhiy Kasyanov.
He recalled that the blockade of Ukrainian seaports due to Russian military aggression makes traditional supply chains and export supplies of grain and oilseed agricultural products impossible.
It is specified that the refinement and packaging of vegetable oil will be carried out in the EU countries, and relevant negotiations are currently underway with European partners.
Sunflower and soybean oil from Ukraine to Europe will be transported by trucks, for which KSG Agro has already purchased flexitank containers in Turkey, which will allow transporting 22-24 tonnes of oil in conventional trucks.
The vertically integrated holding KSG Agro is engaged in pig breeding, as well as production, storage, processing and sale of grains and oilseeds. Its land bank is about 21,000 hectares.
According to the agricultural holding itself, it is among the top five pork producers in Ukraine.

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