Business news from Ukraine

lifecell increased its net profit by 45.5%

In July-September 2023, Ukrainian mobile operator lifecell increased its net profit by 45.5% year-on-year to UAH 555.4 million.

According to the report of Turkcell’s parent company on its website on Tuesday, lifecell’s revenue in the third quarter of this year increased by 25.7% to UAH 2.98 billion, which is explained by price adjustments.

The operator’s EBITDA increased by 16.3% to UAH 1.65 billion, while the EBITDA margin decreased by 4.5 percentage points to 55.3%.

“lifecell achieved an EBITDA margin of 55.3%. The decline is due to increased costs for roaming, interconnection services and electricity costs,” Turkcell said in a press release.

The operator’s capital expenditures in the third quarter increased by 48.9% to UAH 952.1 million.

According to the report, lifecell’s active subscriber base amounted to 9.1 million in the third quarter, up from 8.6 million in the previous quarter and 8.2 million a year earlier. The total number of customers increased to 11.4 million from 11.1 million in the previous quarter and 10.1 million a year earlier.

At the same time, ARPU (average revenue per user per month) among active users increased by 19.2% year-on-year and by 0.9% quarter-on-quarter to UAH 113.7.

“The penetration of lifecell smartphones amounted to 84.3% at the end of the third quarter. As of the end of June, on average, about 97% of stores in the country were open daily,” the report said.

Turkcell added that lifecell’s current cash reserves are “more than sufficient” to support its operations.

Overall, in the first nine months of the year, lifecell’s revenue increased by 26% year-on-year to UAH 8 billion 571.8 million, EBITDA by 26.1% to UAH 4 billion 968.9 million, and net profit by 2.9 times to UAH 1 billion 68.6 million. The company also increased its capital investments by 51% to UAH 3 billion 035.7 million.

lifecell is the third largest mobile operator in Ukraine. Turkcell owns 100% of the shares in Lifecell LLC.

In the third quarter, lifecell’s revenue accounted for 75.9% of Turkcell International’s revenue and 8.4% of Turkcell’s total revenue. The Ukrainian operator accounted for 10.6% of consolidated EBITDA and 7.4% of consolidated profit of Turkcell.


Kostopil Glassworks increased its net profit by 3.6 times

In January-September of this year, a major Ukrainian glass container manufacturer PJSC Kostopil Glassworks (KZG, Rivne region) posted a net profit of UAH 408.56 million, up 3.6 times compared to the same period in 2022.

According to the company’s interim reports published on its website, net income for the period increased by almost 26% to UAH 1 billion 402 million.

The company’s operating profit grew 3.3 times to UAH 504.2 million, while gross profit increased 2.6 times to UAH 567.1 million.

In January-September, the company mainly sold beverage containers (95% of total sales), which amounted to 259.2 million units for UAH 1 billion 344 million.

According to the information published on Monday in the disclosure system of the National Securities and Stock Market Commission, on December 7, the company’s shareholders intend to approve the transfer deed between JSC and Kostopil Glassware Plant LLC at an extraordinary meeting.

The decision to transform into a limited liability company (LLC) was made at the general meeting of shareholders of KZP JSC on April 28 this year “in order to simplify the management system and minimize the costs associated with servicing a private joint-stock company.”

As of the second quarter of 2023, 19.4639% of KZS PrJSC shares are owned by Dmytro Oliynyk, Chairman of the Federation of Employers of Ukraine, more than 30% of shares are owned by three other members of his family, Bulgarian Fisherman Investments owns almost 22%, and Andriy Rybytskyi owns more than 9%.

The plant produces bottles for perfumery and medical products, as well as bottles for alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages, and two-liter decanters.

The company, according to its website, is one of the leading industrial enterprises in Rivne region and one of the five largest glass container manufacturers in Ukraine. The company’s capacity allows it to produce 432 million pieces of glass per year.

The company’s main customers are Nemyriv, Khortytsia, Khlibnyi Dar, Pepsi-Cola, and Carlsberg brands.

The products are sold in Ukraine and exported to Poland, Hungary, Romania, Slovakia, Spain, and Moldova.

In 2022, 84% of the company’s products were exported (compared to 49% a year earlier), mostly to Poland and Hungary.


Lekhim reduced its net profit by 36.5%

In 2022, Lekhim JSC (Kyiv) reduced its net profit by 36.5% compared to 2021, to UAH 247.308 million.

According to the company’s announcement in the NSSMC’s information disclosure system, the performance indicators will be considered by its shareholders at an extraordinary meeting on December 4.

In addition, the shareholders plan to amend the corporate governance system and re-elect Valeriy Pechaev as Chairman of the Board of Directors, Tatyana Pechaeva as Deputy Chairman of the Board, Olga Pechaeva as Chief Executive Officer, and Valentina Mazuryk, Lesya Redkina, Lyubov Lazko, and Svetlana Pechaeva as members of the Board of Directors.

Lekhim JSC owns 100% of Lekhim-Obukhov LLC, 98.2% of Lekhim Kharkiv PrJSC, 81% of Technolog (Cherkasy region), 100% of Lekhim-Vilnius CJSC and 100% of Lekhim’s foreign representative office in Uzbekistan.

Lekhim produces more than 200 medicinal products of almost all therapeutic groups, and annually registers more than 10 new drugs. its products are exported to more than 35 countries. One of Lekhim’s anti-tuberculosis drugs is prequalified by the WHO.

As reported, in 2023, Lekhim Group of Pharmaceutical Companies signed a sublicense agreement with the Medicines Patent Pool (MPP) for the production of a generic version of the innovative Japanese antiviral drug Ensitrelvir manufactured by Shionogi, which can be used to treat COVID-19. Seven pharmaceutical companies signed sublicense agreements, and Lekhim is the only Ukrainian pharmaceutical manufacturer among them. In addition, the agreement was signed by three generic pharmaceutical manufacturers from China, two companies from India and a company from Vietnam.


Ukrsibbank increased its net profit by 2.7 times

The net profit of Ukrsibbank (Kyiv) in January-September 2023 amounted to UAH 5.66 billion, which is 2.7 times higher than the same period in 2022, according to the bank’s unconsolidated report for the third quarter.

According to the report, the bank’s net profit for the third quarter amounted to UAH 2.10 billion, which is UAH 0.28 billion more than in the second quarter and UAH 0.72 billion more than in the comparable period of the previous year.

According to the report, Ukrsibbank’s net interest income increased by 60.1% year-on-year to UAH 9.07 billion in January-September 2023, including a 20.9% increase to UAH 3.15 billion in the third quarter, which is UAH 0.10 billion more than in the second quarter of this year.

Net fee and commission income for the first nine months of this year increased by 9.2% to UAH 1.23 billion compared to the results of 2022. However, in July-September, this figure was 7.2% lower than last year, but 7.4% higher than in the second quarter of this year – UAH 0.41 billion.

Overall, net income from operating activities increased by 2.6 times year-on-year, while impairment loss decreased from UAH 2.43 billion in the first nine months of 2022 to UAH 0.25 billion, including only UAH 0.01 billion in the third quarter.

According to the report, in the first nine months of 2023, the bank’s assets grew by 22.7%, reaching UAH 133.09 billion by September 30.

This growth is mainly due to a significant increase in investments in securities – from UAH 45.76 billion to UAH 70.34 billion, mandatory reserves and short-term placements with the NBU – from UAH 5.32 billion to UAH 12.52 billion.

At the same time, the amount of the financial institution’s funds on correspondent accounts, loans and overnight deposits with banks decreased from UAH 34.57 billion to UAH 33.33 billion, as well as cash from UAH 2.7 billion to UAH 2.03 billion.

As for loans and advances to customers, they declined significantly in January-September this year, by 34.7% to UAH 9.62 billion. On the contrary, loans and advances to banks increased by 5.5% to UAH 0.40 billion since December 2022.

The loan portfolio of legal entities decreased by 32.8% to UAH 9.27 billion (excluding allocations to provisions) compared to the same period in 2022, and that of individuals by 32%.

In the first nine months of 2023, Ukrsibbank’s customer accounts increased by 20.1% to UAH 112.50 billion, and equity increased from UAH 13.10 billion to UAH 18.77 billion.

According to the National Bank of Ukraine, as of September 1, 2023, Ukrsibbank ranks 7th in terms of total assets (UAH 73.97 billion) among 64 operating banks in the country. In the third quarter, its network of outlets decreased by 8 to 222 points.


PrivatBank has tripled its net profit

The net profit of state-owned PrivatBank (Kyiv) in January-September 2023 amounted to UAH 43.37 billion, which is 3 times higher than the same period in 2022, according to the bank’s unconsolidated report for the third quarter.

According to the report, the state-owned bank’s net profit for the third quarter amounted to UAH 13.62 billion, which is UAH 0.082 billion less than in the second quarter, and at the same time UAH 6.08 billion more than in the same period last year.

According to the report, PrivatBank’s net interest income increased by 64.5% year-on-year to UAH 43.18 billion in January-September 2023, including a 40.7% increase to UAH 15.32 billion in the third quarter, which is UAH 1.2 billion less than in the second quarter of this year.

Net fee and commission income for the first nine months of this year increased by 25% to UAH 17.45 billion compared to the results of 2022. However, in the third quarter, this figure was 1.5% lower than in April-June this year, but 1.3% higher than in the third quarter of 2022 – UAH 5.81 billion.

A significant contribution to the improvement of the bank’s financial result was made by a decrease in the loss from impairment for the first nine months of this year to UAH 0.072 billion, while in the same period last year this figure was UAH 17.34 billion. According to the report, in July-September, the bank even made a profit of UAH 0.697 billion under this item, compared to UAH 0.051 billion in the previous quarter and UAH 9.73 billion in the third quarter of last year.

PrivatBank also reports that its total profit for January-September this year reached UAH 49.52 billion, 3.5 times higher than in the comparable period of 2022. However, in the third quarter of 2023, the total profit decreased by 42% compared to the second quarter and amounted to UAH 13.63 billion, exceeding the total profit for the third quarter of 2022 by 43%.

According to the report, in 9M2023, the bank’s assets increased by 12%, reaching UAH 605.26 billion as of September 30.

This growth is explained by the increase in the amount of funds with the NBU from UAH 11.46 billion to UAH 59.32 billion, funds on correspondent accounts and overnight deposits with banks: in Ukraine, they amounted to UAH 2 million for this period (data for 2022 are not available), in the countries of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) – from UAH 58.1 billion in 2022 to UAH 75.22 billion as of September 30, 2023.

As for loans and advances to customers, they grew by 32% to UAH 89.82 billion in January-September this year. On the contrary, loans and advances to banks decreased by 10.7% to UAH 93.81 billion since December 2022, including UAH 93.14 billion in NBU certificates of deposit (CDs) and UAH 0.67 billion in escrow with the NBU. At the same time, UAH 55.5 billion of these are CDs at 16%, UAH 26.3 billion are CDs at 22%, and UAH 10 billion are CDs at 25%.

The loan portfolio of legal entities grew by 15.8%, including repurchase agreements to UAH 2.87 billion (no data for 2022). The largest increase in the retail portfolio was recorded in credit card loans (+16.8%), consumer loans (+94.5%), and car loans (up 2 times).

Finance lease loans and receivables increased from UAH 167.93 billion to UAH 169.35 billion. Overall, financial leasing receivables decreased significantly in all segments, both for individuals and legal entities, as well as for small and medium-sized businesses and enterprises.

At the same time, investments in securities decreased slightly for the first time this year, from UAH 239.75 billion to UAH 239.18 billion.

In the first nine months of 2023, PrivatBank’s customer accounts increased from UAH 471.97 billion to UAH 509.94 billion, and equity increased from UAH 57.79 billion to UAH 83.11 billion.

The provision for expected credit losses increased from UAH 174.35 billion in 2022 to UAH 182.41 billion in September this year.

According to the National Bank of Ukraine, as of September 1, 2013, PrivatBank is the leader in total assets (UAH 642.3 billion) among 64 operating banks in the country and ranks third in terms of the number of branches – 1131.


Raiffeisenbank’s net profit increased 2.5 times

Raiffeisenbank (Kyiv) earned UAH 6 billion 135.77 million in net profit in January-September this year, while in the same period of 2022 this figure was UAH 2 billion 394.84 million, according to the bank’s quarterly report.

According to the report, Raiffeisenbank’s net profit for the third quarter amounted to UAH 3 billion 17.11 million, which is 2.8 times higher than in the second quarter and 1.7 times higher than the net profit for the comparable period last year.

According to the report, the bank’s net interest income increased by 41.1% year-on-year to UAH 12.4 billion in January-September 2023. In particular, for the third quarter, this figure amounted to UAH 4.4 billion compared to UAH 3.9 billion in the second quarter and UAH 3.6 billion for the third quarter of 2022.

It is emphasized that the bank’s income from operating activities in January-September amounted to UAH 22.3 billion, which is 37% higher than the result of the previous year.

According to the information provided, Raiffeisenbank received UAH 4.8 billion (or 21% of total income) from interest income on certificates of deposit (CDs) and interest rate swap agreements with the National Bank. At the same time, interest income on domestic government bonds refinanced by the NBU brought the bank UAH 2.5 billion, which is 11% of total income.

The bank reminded that for 9 months of 2022, interest income on DS and interest rate swap transactions amounted to UAH 2.3 billion (or 14% of total income).

“Most of the income from external customers is generated by transactions with residents of Ukraine. Most long-term assets are concentrated in Ukraine,” the financial institution emphasized.

It is noted that net fee and commission income increased by 30.3% to UAH 1.8 billion in the first nine months of this year compared to the results of 2022. However, in the third quarter, this figure was 30% less than in April-June this year, and 33% less than in the third quarter of 2022 – UAH 495 million.

According to the report, since the end of 2022, the bank’s assets have increased by UAH 15.8 billion and reached UAH 182 billion as of September 30. This growth is primarily due to a significant increase in the volume of securities – from UAH 25.4 billion to UAH 41.8 billion.

The amount of cash decreased from UAH 8.2 billion to UAH 7.4 billion, while cash on current accounts with the NBU and other banks increased by 9.2% and 66.5%, respectively, to UAH 12.7 billion and UAH 11.8 billion.

Loans and advances to customers grew slightly compared to the previous quarter, by 6.3% to UAH 53.5 billion, but still remain below the previous year’s level of UAH 61.7 billion. Meanwhile, the debt of other banks increased by 3.5% to UAH 43.7 billion and remains above the 2022 target of UAH 39 billion.

In July-September, the financial institution managed to increase its customer accounts from UAH 146.4 billion to UAH 152.6 billion, while at the end of last year they were at the level of UAH 143.6 billion. Banks’ funds, on the contrary, decreased by UAH 220.5 million to UAH 2.2 billion in the first nine months of 2023.

It is noted that the total amount of the bank’s capital has increased by 36% since December 2022 and reached UAH 23.2 billion, including retained earnings – 4 times, to UAH 6.2 billion. At the same time, Raiffeisen’s liabilities increased from UAH 149.2 billion to UAH 158.9 billion.

The bank spent UAH 2.8 billion on salaries, bonuses, other incentive payments and payroll taxes, compared to UAH 2.6 billion last year.

Raiffeisen Bank was registered in Ukraine in 1992 and is the largest bank with foreign capital in Ukraine. In October 2005, the bank became part of the Austrian banking group Raiffeisen Bank International AG. Currently, Raiffeisen Group owns 68.21% of the bank’s shares, while the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development owns 30%.

According to the National Bank of Ukraine, as of September 1, 2023, Raiffeisenbank ranked 4th (UAH 132.9 billion) among 64 banks operating in the country in terms of assets.
