Business news from Ukraine

Profit of Raiffeisen Bank increased by 62%

Raiffeisen Bank’s profit for January 2023 was UAH 742 million, up 62% from the same period in 2022 (UAH 457 million), the bank’s press service said Thursday.
According to the report, the bank’s income in January amounted to 1.8 billion UAH, which is 1.6 times more than in January 2022 (1.1 billion UAH).
Including net interest income amounted to 1.4 billion UAH, or 78% of the total income.
It is indicated that the fee and commission income increased by 28% up to UAH 270 billion, indicating the growth of client operations, including remote service channels.
The trade result grew by 30% year-on-year and made up UAH 124 mln.
Besides, in January the bank allocated UAH 380 mln. to provisions for possible credit and operational risks caused by war, that is 4.7 times more than a year before.
The share of NPLs in the loan portfolio of the bank by the end of January was 14.8%, while the loan portfolio decreased slightly to UAH 72 bn.
According to the message, funds of corporate clients in Raiffeisen Bank increased by 6 billion UAH to 61 billion UAH, and funds of individuals – by 1% to 6 billion UAH.
It is noted that half of the 300 operating branches of Raiffeisen Bank are equipped with generators and backup communication channels.


Profit of Ukrainian banks in January amounted to 14.7 billion UAH

Ukrainian banks’ profits in January 2023 amounted to 14.694 billion UAH, which is 2.1 times more than during the same month in 2022 (7.145 billion UAH), the press service of the National Bank of Ukraine (NBU) said Wednesday.
The regulator noted that banks’ revenues in January increased by 55% to UAH 38.65 billion, and expenses – by 35%, to UAH 23.956 billion.
At the same time, the fee and commission income rose by 4.6% – to UAH 8.3 billion.
At the same time the result of revaluation and from purchase and sale operations was positive and amounted to UAH 5.9 billion, while in the same period last year it was negative and amounted to UAH 42 million.
At the same time, deductions to the reserves rose by 58%, to 2.488 billion UAH, and the commission expenses increased by 31%, to 3.985 billion UAH,
As reported, the Ukrainian banks in 2022, net profit decreased by 3.1 times – to 24.716 billion UAH compared with 77.376 billion UAH in 2021.


Raiffeisen Bank’s profit decreased by 3 times due to war

Raiffeisen Bank (Kyiv)’s profit in 2022 amounted to UAH 1.5 billion, which is 3 times less than in 2021 (UAH 4.6 billion), the bank’s press service said on Wednesday.
According to the press release, the bank’s operating profit almost doubled to UAH 11.4 billion.
In addition, the bank increased allocations to reserves to cover war-related risks by UAH 9.5 billion.
According to the bank, the share of non-performing assets in its loan portfolio increased to 14%, and the lost income from commission and interest operations, in particular from the abolition of fees and the introduction of “credit customers”, is estimated at UAH 400 million.
It is noted that the financial institution’s liabilities portfolio grew by 35% over the year at the expense of individuals and legal entities, which allowed the bank to increase its share in the liabilities market by 0.8 percentage points to 7.8%.
It is also noted that the bank’s total loan portfolio increased by 1% to UAH 71.39 billion.
At the same time, according to the press service, Raiffeisen Bank focused on lending to critical sectors of the economy, namely the agricultural sector, logistics and retail, pharmaceuticals and fuel supply.
In 2022, the bank issued UAH 10 billion of new loans using its own funds and participation in government programs, declared and transferred UAH 1.9 billion of taxes and fees.
In addition, in 2022, the financial institution increased the volume of cash foreign currency imports into the country by 4 times and helped to return to Ukraine more than UAH 1.2 billion of cash exchanged by Ukrainians abroad for local currencies.
“In 2022, Raif bought $2.5 billion more from its customers than it sold, which is four times more than in 2021. The bank sold most of this currency on the interbank market, thereby reducing the need for the NBU to sell currency from Ukraine’s foreign exchange reserves,” the statement said.
According to the report, in 2022, Raiffeisen Bank invested UAH 370 million in uninterrupted operation, providing 42% of its network, or 120 branches, with generators. The financial institution also increased staff support by UAH 271 million, retaining the salaries of 150 mobilized employees, and allocated UAH 220 million of its own funds for humanitarian aid to war victims.

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PrivatBank’s net profit down by 13.7% in 2022

The net profit of state-owned PrivatBank (Kiev) in 2022 was 30.25 billion UAH, down 13.7% from 2021 (35.05 billion UAH), the bank’s press service said Thursday.
“PrivatBank ended 2022 with a net profit of 30.25 billion UAH amid martial law in Ukraine, prolonged uncertainty and the need to support its own employees customers and small and medium businesses. This is preliminary data on the confirmation of the bank’s annual and financial statements by an external auditor”, – reads the statement.
According to the press-service, since the beginning of the year PrivatBank increased the number of active clients by 150 thousand – up to 19,1 million individuals and legal entities, and the number of active Privat24 clients – by 1,3 million, up to 13,1 million clients.
In addition the volume of payments by cards in POS-terminals of the bank increased by 551 billion UAH or 17%, deposits and funds of population increased by 107.7 billion UAH (or 48%).
Business funds for the year increased by 35.6 billion UAH or 37%, loan portfolio of legal entities (net) – by 58%.
For the year there were given 23,8 billion UAH of loans to small and medium businesses.
Every day 1 thousand branches, 5 thousand ATMs, 10 thousand terminals and 180 thousand commercial terminals work in PrivatBank network.


Oschadbank finished last year with net profit of UAH 690 mln

Oschadbank’s net profit at the end of 2022 is 690 million UAH compared with 1,054 million UAH in 2021, such preliminary data, which can be clarified by the results of annual adjustments and external audit, said the head of the bank’s management board Sergei Naumov.
“In the super-heavy conditions of martial law Oschadbank was able to maintain profitability. This allows us to keep capital at a sufficient level and gives prospects for the payment of dividends to the state,” he wrote in Telegram on Monday.
Naumov specified that compared to 2021, operating income for 2022 increased by 1.6 billion UAH – to 21.7 billion UAH, interest income increased by 1.1 billion UAH – to 22.4 billion UAH, while interest expenses decreased by 0.4 billion UAH – to 7.5 billion UAH.
He added that there was also an increase in net non-interest income – by UAH 0.8 billion to UAH 7.6 billion.
According to the head of the board, the results of Oschadbank had a positive impact on the revaluation of financial instruments in the amount of UAH 4.8 billion because of the presence of securities in his portfolio with indexed value.
Naumov noted that in assessing the risks the bank always adheres to a conservative position, so the bank formed additional reserves of 12.1 billion UAH, which is 4.3 times more than in 2021, because there were weighted possible losses in the reporting year due to the deterioration of the loan portfolio quality, caused by an active war.
Head of the Board also recalled that in 2022 Oschadbank became a member of the Deposit Guarantee Fund, paying 777 million UAH contributions, which also respectively decreased the annual profit compared with the previous year.
Oschadbank was founded in 1991. Its sole owner is the state. According to statistics from the National Bank of Ukraine (NBU), on December 1, 2022, Oschadbank was in second place (282.828 billion UAH) among the 67 operating banks in the country by total assets.


Insulin producer “Indar” increased net profit by 6.4 times

PJSC “Indar” (Kiev), producer of insulin by the end of 2021, has increased its net profit by 6.4 times from 117 thousand UAH in 2020 to 744 thousand UAH.
According to the system of information disclosure of the National Commission on Securities and Stock Market (NKTSBFR), the company’s net profit in 2021 increased almost 1.3 times compared to 2020 – up to 753.184 million UAH.
As reported, “Indar” (Kiev) in 2020 reduced net profit by more than 370 times from 43.017 million UAH in 2019 to 117 thousand UAH. Net income from sales of the company in 2020 decreased 1.6 times compared to 2019 – to 591.543 million UAH.
PJSC “Indar”, created by the decision of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine in 1997 on the basis of Kiev meat processing plant, is a subsidiary of the state company PJSC “Ukrmedprom”, which owns 70.7% of the total number of shares. Another 29.3% of the company belongs to Luraq investments limited (Cyprus).
The manufacturer is included in the list of state-owned objects of strategic importance to the economy and security of the state and is a member of the association “Drug Manufacturers of Ukraine”.

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