Business news from Ukraine


Net profit of Ukrgasbank (Kyiv) in January-September 2021 amounted to UAH 1.748 billion, which is 2.6 times more than in the same period of 2020 (UAH 685.19 million), according to the bank’s quarterly report posted on his website.
According to it, in the third quarter Ukrgasbank’s net profit amounted to UAH 1.021 billion, which is 4.1 times more than in the same period in 2020 (UAH 248 million)
The bank’s net interest income (after deductions on credit losses) in January-September 2021 grew 2.4 times compared to the same indicator a year earlier, from UAH 1.28 billion to UAH 3.131 billion, net fee and commission income rose by 27.5%, to UAH 1.108 billion.
Ukrgasbank’s assets in January-September 2021 fell by 21% to UAH 112.77 billion, and cash and cash equivalents by 23.8%, to UAH 26.88 billion, while loans to customers and finance lease grew by 4.8%, to UAH 49.82 billion
In addition, the bank’s investments, which are measured at fair value through other comprehensive income, decreased 1.7 times in January-September 2021, to UAH 32.08 billion, while investment property remained at the level of UAH 149.255 million.
Liabilities of Ukrgasbank in January-September fell by 33.3%, to UAH 102.9 billion, including customer funds decreased by 28%, to UAH 91.125 billion, while funds from credit institutions increased 46%, to UAH 8.28 billion, and provisions for guarantees, liabilities and legal risks grew by 1.7 times, to UAH 702.9 million.
The bank’s equity capital in January-September 2021 grew by 15.7%, to UAH 9.9 billion. The charter capital remained at the level of UAH 13.84 billion.
JSB Ukrgasbank was established in 1993. The state, represented by the Ministry of Finance, owns 94.94% of the shares of the financial institution.
According to the National Bank of Ukraine (NBU), as of September 1, 2021, Ukrgasbank ranked fifth in terms of total assets (UAH 124.417 billion) among 72 banks operating in the country.



The net profit of OTP Bank (Kyiv) in January-September 2021 amounted to UAH 2.066 billion, which is 1.4 times more than in the same period in 2020 (UAH 1.5 billion).
According to reports on the bank’s website, its net profit for the third quarter of 2021 decreased by 16.6% from the corresponding indicator a year earlier – to UAH 771 million.
Net interest income of OTP Bank for the nine months increased by 26.9% compared to January-September 2020 – up to UAH 3.34 billion, and net commission income – by 13.2%, to UAH 977 million.
The bank’s assets for three quarters increased by 5% – to UAH 64.5 billion, including loans to customers – by 30.2%, to UAH 35.99 billion, while funds in banks decreased by 5%, to UAH 12.95 billion.
The bank’s liabilities for the reporting period increased by 9.3% – to UAH 54.08 billion, in particular, customer accounts – by 9.6%, to UAH 52.4 billion.
According to reports, OTP-Bank’s equity capital for the first nine months of this year increased by 8.7% – up to UAH 10.4 billion, while charter capital remained at the level of UAH 6.186 billion.
OTP Bank is the flagship of the OTP banking group, registered by the NBU, which also includes AMC OTP Capital LLC and OTP Leasing LLC.
According to the National Bank of Ukraine, as of September 1, 2021, in terms of total assets (UAH 65.765 billion) OTP Bank ranked ninth among 72 banks operating in the country.



JSC Ukrposhta in January-September 2021 received UAH 131 million of net profit, which is twice as much as in the nine months of 2020 (UAH 60.9 million).
As the company’s press service reported on Monday, the company increased its net income by 23%, to UAH 8.1 billion.
Ukrposhta notes that the company has increased its volumes and revenues in the main areas of business – remittances, written correspondence, payments. The largest increase occurred in parcels. Thus, among domestic shipments, customers most often chose Ukrposhta Express – here volumes increased by 40% and revenues by 50%. In addition, there was a significant increase in international shipments – volumes increased by 55%, revenues – by 66%.
The company’s labor costs for the specified period increased by 17% and amounted to UAH 4.5 billion. The average salary of employees in full-time equivalent compared to nine months of last year increased by 16.5% and amounted to UAH 9,949.
In addition, Ukrposhta paid UAH 2.4 billion in taxes, single social security tax, fees and mandatory payments in January-September.
“The increase in revenue and profit to UAH 131 million [twice as much as in the same period last year] was due to the growth in the level of trust and business volumes from our customers, especially in the segment of parcels that showed the best dynamics. Given the state of the postal infrastructure, profit is not an end in itself. But it allows us to confidently continue the investment projects that we have already begun, which next year will improve the quality of services for customers and will be a powerful impetus in the development of the company,” Ukrposhta CEO Igor Smelyansky is quoted as saying.



Net profit of UkrSibbank (Kyiv) in January-September 2021 amounted to UAH 990.1 million, which is 2.3% less than for the same period in 2020 (UAH 1.013 billion), according to a quarterly report posted on the bank’s website.
According to it, in the third quarter, UkrSibbank’s net profit amounted to UAH 518.4 million, which is 1.5 times more than in July-September 2020 (UAH 343 million).
The bank’s net interest income (after deductions on credit losses) for nine months increased by 4% compared to the same indicator a year earlier, to UAH 2.6 billion, the net fee and commission income – by 16.7%, to UAH 1.44 billion.
The bank’s assets in nine months increased by 4.2%, to UAH 75.3 billion, including funds in other financial institutions at amortized cost – by 10.6%, to UAH 26 billion, and customer funds – by 20.7%, to UAH 25.4 billion.
Liabilities of UkrSibbank in January-September increased by 3.2%, to UAH 66.15 billion. In particular, customer funds increased by 3.4%, to UAH 65.17 billion.
The bank’s equity capital for nine months increased by 12.1%, to UAH 9.16 billion, the charter capital remained at the level of UAH 5.069 billion.
UkrSibbank was founded in 1990. Its shareholders are BNP Paribas S.A (France), which owns 60% of the bank’s charter capital, and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development – 40%.
According to the National Bank of Ukraine (NBU), as of September 1, 2021, in terms of total assets, UkrSibbank (UAH 72.836 billion) ranked eighth among 72 banks operating in Ukraine.



The profits of ports should be returned to the cities in which they are located for the development of their infrastructure, Mykolaiv Mayor Oleksandr Senkevych has told Interfax-Ukraine on the sidelines of the International Mayors Summit (IMS).
“Mykolaiv was a city of shipbuilders. Now the factories are standing idle, Mykolaiv has turned into a port city. However, we do not receive money from the port infrastructure to the local budget, except for personal income tax and land lease,” Senkevych said.
He recalled that last year the net profit of the Ukrainian Sea Ports Authority amounted to more than UAH 2.6 billion.
“I think that this amount needs to be “halved.” Half of the profits is to be divided between the port cities, in proportion to the transshipment of goods. Cities should receive a portion of what they have earned for the country. Then we will be able to restore our infrastructure,” he said.
In his opinion, it will be possible to talk about the restoration of production and the attraction of significant investments in shipbuilding after the adoption of a law on technology parks. Senkevych considers promising a mechanism for the establishment of tax credits and preferential rates by local governments.
“Roughly speaking: they built a plant for EUR 100 million, you are provided with a tax credit for 50% of this amount for five to seven years. Personal income tax and land tax are paid from this amount. It is profitable for the enterprise to work officially, pay high salaries to employees,” Senkevych said.

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Solvent banks of Ukraine in January-August 2021 received UAH 45.592 billion of net profit, which is 1.4 times more than in the same period in 2020 (UAH 32.677 billion), according to data published on the website of the National Bank of Ukraine (NBU). According to the report, bank incomes for the eight months of this year increased by 2.2% against the figure for the same period last year – up to UAH 172.681 billion, in particular commission income increased by 35% – up to UAH 58 billion.
At the same time, the result from revaluation and from sales and purchases was negative and amounted to UAH 1 billion, while for the same period last year it was positive and amounted to UAH 20.4 billion.
At the same time, the expenses of the banking system in January-August 2021 decreased by 6.8% compared to this indicator in 2020 – to UAH 127.09 billion, including deductions to reserves – by 2.8 times, to UAH 20.4 billion. At the same time, commission expenses increased by 1.5 times – up to UAH 21.8 billion.
As reported, Ukrainian banks in 2020 reduced their net profit by 29% – to UAH 41.3 billion, but in the fourth quarter the decline was 63% due to increased allocations to reserves.
