Business news from Ukraine


A member of the international agro-industrial group Soufflet, malt producer PrJSC Slavuta Malt House (village of Krupets, Khmelnytsky region) increased its net profit 1.9 times in 2020 compared to 2019 – up to UAH 134.66 million.
According to the company’s statement in the information disclosure system of the National Securities and Stock Market Commission, its assets for the year decreased by 12.5% – to UAH 823.16 million, and retained earnings increased by 5.4% – to UAH 531.02 million.
At the end of the year, the total accounts receivable of the PrJSC increased by 46.1% to UAH 323.12 million.
The company announces the annual meeting of its shareholders scheduled for April 22, in the agenda of which it is planned to make a decision on the direction of the retained net profit received in 2020 for the development of the company and replenishment of its working capital. The decision not to accrue or pay dividends to shareholders is also on the agenda.
According to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities and Individual Entrepreneurs, the ultimate beneficiary of PrJSC Slavuta Malt House is chairman of the board of directors of the Soufflet Group, Jean-Michel Soufflet.
According to the data on the website of the Slavuta Malt House, in 2020 it produced 128.640 tonnes of malt, of which it exported 42.36 tonnes.
According to the French diversified Soufflet Group, it is one of the world’s largest malt producers, with 28 malt plants in Europe, Asia and South America. The company is the largest flour producer in France, it produces bread and confectionery in France and Portugal, and operates on the international grain market through the Soufflet Negoce trading business unit.



JSC Koblevo (Mykolaiv region), one of the largest wineries in Ukraine, in 2020 increased its net profit by 24.1% compared to 2019, to UAH 24.76 million.
According to the company’s statement in the information disclosure system of the National Securities and Stock Market Commission, its assets for the year decreased 3.3%, to UAH 375.15 million, and retained earnings grew 2.2 times, to UAH 44.71 million.
The total accounts receivable at the end of the year increased by a quarter, to UAH 44.76 million.
The company announces an annual meeting of its shareholders scheduled for April 29, in the agenda of which it is planned to leave undistributed net profit received in 2020.
According to the unified public register of legal entities and private entrepreneurs, Sviatoslav Nechytailo is the ultimate beneficiary of JSC Koblevo.
Winery Koblevo is a part of Bayadera Group created in 1991. The group unites core assets in the alcohol industry – distribution companies and its own production of alcoholic beverages in Ukraine and Belarus, wines, vermouths and cognacs, and is also the exclusive importer of global alcohol brands in Ukraine.



Premier Palace Hotel (Kyiv) in 2020 received UAH 10.3 million of net profit, while in the previous year net profit amounted to UAH 112.6 million.
According to the message of the company in the information disclosure system of the National Securities and Stock Market Commission on the meeting of shareholders on April 6, net profit per share amounted to UAH 0.007.
Undistributed profit of the hotel slightly decreased to UAH 1 billion.
The total accounts receivable decreased by 26.3%, to UAH 12.7 million, long-term liabilities by 52.8%, to UAH 163 million, while the current ones increased by 87.3%, to UAH 286.7 million.
In general, the company’s assets decreased by 11.7% and amounted to UAH 297.2 million.
The shareholders also intend to use 95% of the profit received in 2020 to cover losses of previous periods, and 5% for the formation of reserve capital.
Premier Palace Hotel is part of the Premier Hotels and Resorts chain managed by Premier International LLC (Kyiv).
Premier Hotels and Resorts (Premier International LLC) unites 17 hotels of categories of three-five stars under the following brands: Premier Palace Hotels, Premier Hotels and Premier Compass Hotels. The hotels are located in Kyiv, Kharkiv, Dnipro, Lviv, Odesa, Poltava, Sumy, Kherson, Pochaiv, Mukachevo (Zakarpattia region), Oleksandriya (Kirovohrad region). The total room supply of the chain is more than 2,100 rooms.

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Euroins Ukraine insurance company (Kyiv) ended 2020 with a net profit of UAH 37.548 million versus a net loss of UAH 14.6 million in 2019, follows from the materials for the agenda of the meeting of shareholders, made public in the information disclosure system of the National Securities and Stock Market Commission.
According to it, the company’s assets over the past year grew by 47%, to UAH 433.2 million, cash and their equivalent – by 22%, to UAH 56.4 million, equity – by 39.8%, to 129.7 UAH million, accounts receivable – by 71.6%, to UAH 67.2 million.
Noncurrent liabilities of the company in 2020 rose by 27.7%, to UAH 209.1 million, current liabilities – by 83.9%, to UAH 94.419 million.
As reported, Euroins Ukraine collected UAH 320 million in insurance payments in 2020, which is 25% more than a year earlier.
The insurer said that, according to the data of the Motor Transport Insurance Bureau of Ukraine, in 2020 Euroins Ukraine entered the top ten insurers of Ukraine in terms of the number of compulsory civil liability insurance of land vehicle owners (OSAGO) policies sold. The total amount of insurance payments of the company over 2020 exceeded UAH 110 million.
PrJSC Euroins Ukraine has been operating on the Ukrainian market since 1992, is a part of Euroins Insurance Group AD (Bulgaria).

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PrJSC Fozzy Group (Vyshneve, Kyiv region) ended 2020 with a net profit of UAH 8.6 million, while in 2019 it saw a net loss of UAH 5 million.
According to the company’s statement in the information disclosure system of the National Securities and Stock Market Commission on the meeting of shareholders scheduled for April 2, dividends for 2020 are not planned to be charged or paid.
As indicated in the report, the net profit per share of Fozzy Group for the last year amounted to UAH 0.27, while in 2019, UAH 0.35 of a loss was per share.
Retained earnings of the company in the past year doubled and amounted to UAH 16.3 million.
The total accounts receivable of the PrJSC last year decreased 63%, to UAH 932.5 million, current liabilities decreased 32%, to UAH 1.6 billion. The company has no long-term obligations.
Fozzy Group’s assets at the end of 2020 decreased 17%, to UAH 3.6 billion.
PrJSC Fozzy Group was established in 2005. According to the National Securities and Stock Market Commission, the shareholder of the PJSC is Fozzy Group LLC (98.7%). In the unified public register of legal entities and private entrepreneurs, Volodymyr Kostelman is indicated as the ultimate beneficiary.
The registered capital of the company is UAH 32 million.



Metinvest B.V. (the Netherlands), the parent company of the Metinvest international vertically integrated mining and metallurgical group, in 2020 increased its net profit by 54% compared to 2019, to $ 526 million from $ 341 million with a 2 percentage point increase in margin (p.p.), to 5% from 3%.
According to the audited consolidated financial results for 2020, published by the company, its revenue decreased by 3%, to $ 10.453 billion, EBITDA increased by 82%, to $ 2.204 billion, with a margin increase of 10 p.p., up to 21% from 11%.
The company’s total debt for 2020 decreased by 3% compared to 2019, to $ 2.937 billion from $ 3.032 billion, while the amount of cash tripled to $ 826 million from $ 274 million.
Net debt decreased by 23%, to $ 2.111 billion from $ 2.758 billion.
Capital investments decreased by 37%, to $ 663 million from $ 1.055 billion.
“Last year, the COVID-19 pandemic brought much of the global economy to a standstill. I am proud to report that Metinvest again proved able to navigate profound market challenges. We achieved higher margins and carried out key investment projects. We also protected our employees and communities while making progress on our environmental, social and governance (ESG) agenda,” Yuriy Ryzhenkov, the Chief Executive Officer of Metinvest, said commenting on the results.
“Our number one priority as the pandemic emerged was to safeguard our employees and local communities. We took firm and immediate steps, implementing enhanced health protocols at all assets and switching administrative staff to work remotely. We also supplied test kits and oxygen equipment to local healthcare institutions,” he said.
“After ensuring the safety of our people, the next task in our COVID-19 response was to maintain uninterrupted production across our assets. We ultimately delivered strong operational results, reflecting the positive effect of investments implemented in recent years,” he noted.
“Anticipating a difficult external environment, the group took the decision to reduce CAPEX in 2020, while maintaining it at a decent level. Key projects completed include launching the new down coiler at Illich Steel Mill’s modernized hot strip mill and upgrading the beneficiation facilities at Central GOK. We are carrying out a planned review of the Technological Strategy 2030 to ensure that projects bring maximum benefits,” he added.
“At the same time, Metinvest’s focus on operational improvements to ensure global cost competitiveness yielded a total effect of $ 376 million in 2020. We increased the efficiency of raw material and energy consumption, improved equipment productivity, streamlined logistics, enhanced the product mix and more,” the director said.
