Business news from Ukraine


PJSC Borschahivsky Chemical Pharmaceutical Plant (Kyiv) increased its net profit 123.77% in 2019 compared to UAH 194.137 million in 2018.
According to the agenda of the shareholders’ annual meeting scheduled for April 22 in the information disclosure system of the National Securities and Stock Market Commission, the total receivables of the company amounted to UAH 327.414 million.
The company’s assets increased by 7.78%, to UAH 1.925 billion, net worth by 11.7%, to UAH 1.62 billion for the year.
According to the results of 2018, the plant reduced its net profit by 16.96%, compared to UAH 86.758 million in 2017.
PJSC Borschahivsky Chemical Pharmaceutical Plant is among the top 20 largest pharmaceutical manufacturers in Ukraine. It is a member of the Association of Manufacturers of Medications of Ukraine (AMMU).

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According to preliminary data, JSC Kharkiv Tractor Plant, belonged to DCH Group of businessman Oleksandr Yaroslavsky, completed 2019 with a net profit of UAH 71.8 million, whereas the loss was UAH 81.4 million in 2018.
According to information on the agenda of the shareholders’ general meeting on April 23, the uncovered loss amounted to UAH 582.76 million by the beginning of 2019 (UAH 654.06 million in 2018).
The draft decision of the meeting provides for directing the net profit received in 2019 to replenish working assets, not to pay dividends.
According to the plant, in 2019, its current liabilities decreased 6.8%, to UAH 1.374 billion, long-term ones increased 45%, to UAH 266 million.
The total receivables as of January 1, 2020 amounted to UAH 155.4 million (UAH 96.71 million in 2019), total assets were UAH 1.280 billion (1.262 billion).
The plant’s equity capital has a negative value of UAH 362.75 million, charter capital was UAH 4.35 million by the beginning of 2020.
According to the plant’s website, it produced 585 units of equipment in 2019 (12% more than in 2018) and sold 638 units (16% more). The plant’s revenue increased by 22%, to almost UAH 800 million.
To date, the plant has about 1,100 employees; the average salary is UAH 10,000 (UAH 7,800 by the beginning of 2019).
Kharkiv Tractor Plant, founded in 1930, currently produces dozens of models of tractors and special-purpose equipment designed for work in agriculture, public utilities and construction areas. The main product range is represented by small tractors with a capacity of 35 hp, as well as large wheeled and tracked tractors with a capacity of 150-280 hp.

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The Danish agricultural company Agromino with assets in Ukraine, the Russian Federation and Estonia saw EUR 2.66 million in net profit in 2019 compared with EUR 9.55 million of net loss in 2018.
According to a company report on its website, total revenue in 2019 grew by 40.9%, to EUR 35.62 million.
Agromino in 2019 saw EUR 9.9 million of earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization (EBITDA) compared with EBITDA loss of EUR 7.6 million in 2018.
“A significant change in net loss in 12m 2019 in comparison with 12m 2018 was due to absence of currency translation losses from disposal of subsidiaries (EUR 10 million loss in 12m 2018),” the company said.
Consolidated assets as of late 2019 amounted to EUR 113.57 million (EUR 46.56 million by late 2018).
Total storage capacity increased to 121,000 tonnes due to setting up new elevator capacities in the group (85,000 tonnes as of 31 December 2018). Total land under control as at December 31, 2019 was 55,500 hectares (47,000 hectares at December 31, 2018). The increase was due to acquisition of Resilient a.s.
The company said that crop harvest in 2019 completed with satisfactory results, mainly due to 31% increase in average net yield to 3.54 t/ha (2.70 t/ha in 2018). Combined harvest of the group including Resilient has reached 198,000 tonnes brutto Agromino itself harvested 156,000 brutto tonnes compared to 124,000 brutto tonnes in 2018.
Wheat on 18,900 ha and oilseed rape on 4,900 0 ha as of December 31, 2019 are in reasonable condition.



The net profit of Credit Agricole Bank (Kyiv) in 2019 amounted to UAH 1.73 billion, which is 18%, or UAH 267 million more than in 2018, the bank’s website reports.
At the same time, the bank’s net profit for the fourth quarter of 2019 amounted to UAH 398 million, which is 43% more than the same indicator a year earlier (UAH 278 million).
The bank’s net interest income for 2019 increased by 7% and amounted to UAH 2.48 billion.
In 2019, the bank’s assets increased by 8%, to UAH 35.3 billion, in particular loans and customers’ debts by 5%, to UAH 25.06 billion, as well as investments and securities by 46%, UAH to 1.46 billion.
The bank’s liabilities since the beginning of the year have grown by 5%, to UAH 30.15 billion, while subordinated debt decreased by 36%, to UAH 679 million.
The bank’s net worth in 2019 rose by 23% and amounted to UAH 5.16 billion.
Credit Agricole Bank was founded in 1993. Its sole shareholder is Credit Agricole S.A. (France).
Credit Agricole Bank ranked 11th among 76 banks operating in the country as of October 1, 2019 in terms of total assets (UAH 38.111 billion), according to the National Bank of Ukraine.



Naftogaz Ukrainy Group in January-September 2019 increased its consolidated net profit by 27.4% (UAH 4.578 billion) compared to the same period in 2018, to UAH 21.309 billion. “Pretax profit in the nine months of 2019 amounted to UAH 28.9 billion, which is 26% more than for the same period last year. This result occurred mainly due to the performance of the Natural Gas Transit and Integrated Gas Business segments,” the report says.
According to the statements posted on the company’s website, its sales revenue in January-September 2019 decreased by 3.7% (by UAH 6.36 billion), to UAH 165.308 billion, while gross profit increased by 10.6% (by UAH 5.164 billion), to UAH 53.848 billion.
In terms of geography of sales revenues, the largest share fell to domestic revenues with UAH 106.748 billion against UAH 113.236 billion in January-September 2018, the Russian Federation (UAH 55.977 billion and UAH 55.931 billion), Europe (UAH 2.31 billion and UAH 2.109 billion), and Egypt (UAH 273 million and UAH 392 million).
Naftogaz Ukrainy unites the largest oil and gas producing enterprises of the country. The group is a monopolist in transit and storage of natural gas in underground gas storage facilities, as well as in the transportation of oil by pipeline through the country.



State-owned enterprise Ukrspyrt in January-September 2019 received UAH 17.15 million in net profit, or 81% of the plan.
According to the published results of the unscheduled audit of the company, the income of Ukrspyrt for the first nine months of this year amounted to UAH 1.24 billion, or 89% of the plan.
In 2018, Ukrspyrt received UAH 21.61 million in net profit (60% of the plan) and UAH 1.86 billion (76% of the plan) of revenue, according to the audit report.
In addition, during the audit, it was determined that the provision of discounts by the state-owned enterprise on the price of alcohol was non-transparent, as a result of which Ukrspyrt saw a shortage of UAH 119.78 million.
In 2018, Ukrspyrt allocated UAH 112.36 million for maintenance of 15 non-performing enterprises, UAH 80.19 million for the nine months of 2019.
During 2018 and in the nine months of 2019, auditors recorded excess consumption of fuel and energy resources by individual plants for a total amount of UAH 19 million. It was also found that the purchase price of grain crops for the production of alcohol was overstated for a total amount of UAH 8.17 million.
