Business news from Ukraine

“Promarmatura” posted net profit of UAH 11.4 mln

Promarmatura PrJSC (Dnipro) reported a net profit of UAH 11.407 million in 2023 compared to a net loss of UAH 29.995 million in 2022.

According to the agenda of the general meeting of shareholders scheduled for April 18 this year, which will be held remotely, the shareholders intend to leave this profit undistributed.

The meeting also intends to consider the CEO’s report for the past year, approve the results of financial and economic activities for 2023, decide on the procedure for distributing profits for 2023 and on the payment of annual dividends on the company’s shares. In addition, the shareholders will have to consider the auditor’s findings and give preliminary consent to significant transactions.

“The net profit earned by the company in 2023 in the amount of UAH 11.407 million shall be retained by the company to fulfill its statutory objectives. Annual dividends based on the company’s performance in 2023 shall not be accrued or paid,” the draft resolutions of the meeting state.

Retained earnings at the end of 2023 amounted to UAH 130.586 million.

Promarmatura was founded in December 1994 and operates in the pipeline fittings market.

According to the third quarter of 2023, 50% of the company’s shares are owned by two individuals – Ukrainian citizens Igor Mezhebovsky and Alexander Chelyadin.

The authorized capital of the company is UAH 7.218 million.


Kokhava Paper Mill to allocate UAH 6.85 mln of its UAH 137 mln profit for dividends

The shareholders of Kokhava Paper Mill JSC (KBF, Lviv region) will receive UAH 6.852 million in dividends for 2023 out of the net profit of UAH 137.043 million at the rate of UAH 2.41 per share of UAH 0.25.

The relevant information is contained in the agenda of the general meeting of shareholders of the company scheduled for April 25, published in the disclosure system of the National Securities and Stock Market Commission (NSSMC).

According to the draft decision of the meeting, the remaining UAH 130.19 million of net profit is planned to be left undistributed.

The authorized capital of the company is UAH 711.83 million, divided into 2 million 847 thousand 328 shares.

According to the NSSMC for the third quarter of 2023, almost 12% of the company’s authorized capital belongs to the Chairman of the Supervisory Board Mykhailo Tytykalo, his daughter and SB member Larysa Tytykalo – 8.49%, his granddaughter Maria Goryanska – 10%, Tamara Tytykalo – 15.5%, Supervisory Board members Oleksandr Telyatkov, Ihor Kostyrko and Roman Pirig – over 11.12%, 11.92% and 7.88%, respectively, and Oksana Serembytska – 7.88%.

The meeting plans to elect for a new three-year term the Supervisory Board chaired by Mykhailo Tytykalo and consisting of Larysa Tytykalo, Ihor Kostyrko, Oleksandr Telyatkov and Roman Pirig.

The Kokhavynka Paper Mill, which has been operating since 1939, produces base paper for sanitary and hygiene products, as well as waste toilet paper and paper towels under the Kokhavynka brand. In 2023, after the commissioning of a new paper machine, the company started producing cellulose sanitary products under the Kokhavynka Paper Mill and Mildi brands.

As reported, in 2023, the mill increased its production by 18% compared to 2022, to UAH 1 billion 151.2 million. Net profit increased 2.7 times.

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lifecell increased its net profit by 2.6 times

In 2023, Ukrainian mobile operator lifecell increased its net profit by 2.6 times compared to 2022, to UAH 2 billion 567.7 million.

According to the report of Turkcell’s parent company on its website on Wednesday, lifecell’s revenue increased by 24.4% last year to UAH 11 billion 712.1 million.

The operator’s EBITDA increased by 25.3% to UAH 6 billion 808.9 million, while the EBITDA margin grew by only 0.3 percentage points to 58.1%.

The operator’s capital expenditures in 2023 increased by 39.9% to UAH 4 billion 207.1 million.

According to the report, lifecell’s active subscriber base reached 11.7 million in the fourth quarter, up from 11.4 million in the third quarter and 10.2 million a year earlier.

As reported, in the first nine months of 2023, lifecell’s revenue increased by 26% to UAH 8 billion 571.8 million, EBITDA by 26.1% to UAH 4 billion 968.9 million, and net profit by 2.9 times to UAH 1 billion 68.6 million. The company also increased its capital investments by 51% to UAH 3 billion 035.7 million.

Lifecell is the third largest mobile operator in Ukraine. Turkcell owns 100% of the shares in Lifecell LLC.

Lifecell’s revenue in 2023 amounted to 75.9% of Turkcell International’s revenue and 8.4% of Turkcell’s total revenue. The Ukrainian operator accounted for 10.6% of consolidated EBITDA and 7.4% of consolidated profit of Turkcell.

On December 29, 2023, Turkcell signed an agreement to transfer 100% of the shares, as well as all rights and debts of Lifecell LLC (TM lifecell), as well as the contact center outsourcing company Global Bilgi LLC and the tower rental service provider Ukrtower LLC to the French investment company NJJ Capital. In the last report, the operations in Ukraine are listed in discontinued operations. However, the deal has been stalled due to the lack of approval from the Antimonopoly Committee of Ukraine and the arrest of some Ukrainian companies in the case against Russian businessman Mikhail Fridman, who is an indirect minority shareholder of Turkcell.


“Dneprovagonremstroy” will allocate UAH 28 mln of profit to pay off past losses

According to preliminary data, in 2023, Dniprovsky Passenger Car Repair and Construction Plant JSC (Dniprovagonrembud) received a net profit of UAH 27.76 million, which is 35.6% more than in 2022 (UAH 20.47 million).

According to the information in the information disclosure system of the National Securities and Stock Market Commission (NSSMC) for the agenda of the company’s general shareholders’ meeting on April 18, the uncovered loss at the beginning of 2024 amounted to UAH 565.8 million.

As in the previous year, the shareholders plan to use the net profit received in 2022 to pay off the losses of previous years, and not to pay dividends.

According to the NSSMC, as of the third quarter of 2023, more than 98.8% of the shares of Dniprovagonrembud JSC belong to Unibudinvest, a venture closed-end corporate investment fund affiliated with businessman Leonid Yurushev.

According to the company, last year its current liabilities decreased by 11.7% to UAH 243 million, while long-term liabilities decreased by 30% to UAH 8.56 million.

The value of Dneprovagonrembud’s assets decreased by 6.3% to UAH 122 million, including total receivables, which increased by 28% to UAH 24.75 million.

The company’s equity is negative at UAH 129.6 million.

Dniprovagonrembud’s main specialization is the repair and manufacture of railway rolling stock and its components.

According to Clarity-project, the company increased its net sales revenue by 21.4% in 2023 to UAH 309 million by 2022.


“Cherkasy Bus” increased its net profit by 2.8 times

Cherkasy Bus JSC ended 2023 with a net profit of UAH 182.44 million, which is 2.8 times higher than in 2022, according to the information on the agenda of the general meeting of shareholders of the JSC for 2021-2023.

According to the draft decision of the meeting scheduled for April 17, published in the information disclosure system of the National Securities and Stock Market Commission (NSSMC), the shareholders intend to keep the profit at the disposal of the company. The net profit of UAH 65.019 million received in 2022 and UAH 22.84 million for 2021 is also planned to be retained by the company.

The meeting also intends to approve the planned net profit for 2024 in the amount of UAH 52.72 million.

According to Cherkasy Bus, at the beginning of this year, its retained earnings amounted to UAH 151.3 million, while in 2022 and 2021, the uncovered loss amounted to UAH 22.6 million and UAH 88.9 million, respectively.

According to the agenda, the company’s shareholders intend, among other things, to approve the report of the Supervisory Board for 2021-2023, measures to improve the financial condition of the JSC in 2024 and maintain production facilities.

In addition, it is planned to introduce the position of corporate secretary, exclude the audit committee from the JSC’s bodies, and re-elect the supervisory board.

According to the company, in 2023, its assets increased by 53.6% to UAH 805.12 million, including total receivables, which almost doubled to UAH 342 million, and inventories increased by 43.8% to UAH 377.22 million.

The company has increased its current liabilities by 34.8% to UAH 358.8 million by 2022, while long-term liabilities grew slightly to UAH 116.9 million.

Founded in 1994, Cherkasy Bus produces small class Ataman buses (including school buses), as well as other wheeled vehicles based on Japanese Isuzu units.

The plant reportedly planned to invest UAH 200 million in the production of larger buses.

According to the Clarity-project website, in 2023 the company doubled its net income by 2022 to UAH 1 billion 725.8 million.

According to the NSSMC, as of the third quarter of 2023, Oleksandr Dorosh, business manager of Isuzu-Ataman Ukraine, owns 42.2883% of the shares of Cherkasy Bus, three individuals, including long-time Chairman of the Board Vitaliy Raabe, own 7.9275% each, and two others own 5.3999% and 8.2498%, respectively.

The authorized capital of the company is UAH 162.97 million.


“Ukrnaftoburinnya” to receive over UAH 1 bln in net profit

According to preliminary data, Ukrnaftoburinnya (UNB) will receive more than UAH 1 billion in net profit in 2023, the company said in a press release on Monday.

“We planned a net profit of up to UAH 1.5 billion. But due to the revocation of the special permit and the shutdown, this figure will fall to about UAH 1.1 billion,” said Oleg Malchyk, chairman of the board, quoted in the document.

According to him, from the beginning of 2023 until the company was actually taken over by Ukrnafta on July 12 last year, UNB’s profit amounted to UAH 186 million, and for the period from July to December, it managed to make a profit of UAH 905 million.

“This is taking into account the fact that the company did not produce throughout December last year,” the company said.

According to UNB, despite the fact that the company was profitable before the transition to state control, the audit of the financial statements found UAH 18 billion of receivables that had signs of being uncollectible.

“This is either prepayment for some goods or financial assistance,” commented Malchyk.

The PJSC explained that bankruptcy proceedings were initiated against some companies that owe almost UAH 5 billion to UNB in June 2023. However, the new management managed to file applications for recognition of monetary claims, and such claims were recognized by the court, as a result of which UNB was included in the list of creditors of those companies in bankruptcy.

As reported, on November 28, 2023, the Sixth Administrative Court of Appeal (CAAC) overturned the order of the State Service of Geology and Subsoil (Derzhgeonadra) and revoked the special permit No. 6349 of July 10, 2019, under which UNB was producing at the Sakhalin field. The company stopped operating the field on December 1.

For its part, on February 9, 2024, the Kyiv District Administrative Court (KDAC) ordered the State Service of Geology and Mineral Resources to reconsider UNB’s application for a special permit for production at the Sakhalin field. On February 27, the court document came into force. However, the State Service of Geology and Subsoil filed an appeal against the ruling of the Kyiv District Administrative Court (KDAC).

“Ukrnaftoburinnya is one of the largest private gas producers in Ukraine. Since 2010, it has been developing the Sakhalin oil and gas condensate field (Krasnokutskyi district, Kharkiv region) with reserves of 15 bcm of gas. The company’s gross production in 2021 amounted to 691.3 million cubic meters of gas and 76.6 thousand tons of oil and condensate.
