Business news from Ukraine

Expert on Ukrainian cement for reconstruction of Ukraine

Cement, as the main building material, will be key to rebuilding Ukraine. The best way to choose high-quality cement is to choose factory cement.

The key to cement quality in accordance with EU Regulation 305 is careful control at all stages of its production.

On June 23, 2022, Ukraine officially received the status of an EU candidate.

We continue to work towards the realization of our goal of providing the construction industry with high-quality and safe building materials, increasing the competitiveness of Ukrainian construction products, and promoting innovative industrial development.

The cement industry was one of the first to adopt EN regulatory standards for cement, even those already translated and adopted into Ukrainian (Order 391 of 27.12.2023 by UkrNDNC).

Today, in Ukraine, at the choice of the manufacturer, cement can be produced according to the Ukrainian DSTU B V. 2.7-46:2010 or the European standard DSTU B EN 197-1:2015.

To inform consumers, Ukrcement’s website – in the ASSORTMENT / CONSUMER section – contains materials about the cements available on the market, including cement cards containing data on the composition, characteristics, properties of cement and its intended use.

Given that the most popular types of cement produced by all manufacturers in 2022-2023 were cements with slag: PC II/A-S 400, PC II/A-S 500, here is an example of one card.

Portland cement with slag PC II/A-S 400 is called Portlandslag cement CEM II/A-S 32.5 according to the European standard.

It contains:

Clinker: 80-94%.

Granulated blast furnace slag S (S): 6-20%

Additional components: 0-5%

PC II/A-Sh-400, according to tests in accordance with DSTU B V. 2.7-46:2010, has:

– 7 days – early strength ≥ 20 MPa (P* – days ≥ 20 MPa);

– 28 days – standard strength ≥ 40 MPa;

CEM II/A-S 32.5 according to tests in accordance with DSTU B EN 197-1:2015:

– 7 days – early strength ≥ 16 MPa (P* – 2 days ≥ 10 MPa);

– 28 days – standard strength ≥ 32.5 MPa ≥ 52.5 MPa.

Such cement may have the designations P-H and R in its name:

H – based on clinker of normalized composition

P – high early cement strength – 2 days ≥ 20 MPa

R – class with high early strength – 2 days ≥ 10 MPa

The main properties of PC II/A-S-400 (CEM II/A-S 32.5) cement are high early strength, uniform strength gain, water resistance and frost resistance.

Cement of this brand (type) is used for residential construction, as well as for winter concreting and for the production of concrete of strength class B7.5 – B30, foundations, floors, paving slabs, construction of monolithic structures and hydraulic structures.

In 2023, the Law of Ukraine “On placing construction products on the market” (EU Regulation 305) came into force.

The two regulations will be in force simultaneously until 2025: The Law of Ukraine “On the Placing of Construction Products on the Market” (EU Regulation 305) and the Technical Regulation (as amended by the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine No. 347 of March 22, 2022).

But the domestic producer is at a disadvantage to the importer.

Today, in Ukraine, a domestic producer cannot go through the entire procedure according to the Law of Ukraine “On the Provision of Construction Products on the Market” for cement manufactured according to European standards, because there are no conformity assessment bodies in Ukraine in accordance with the requirements of Regulation 305. If a Ukrainian manufacturer undergoes a conformity assessment in Europe and draws up a declaration of performance, this declaration is not valid in Ukraine, as the law states that the manufacturer must obtain a certificate from a domestic conformity assessment body to draw up the declaration. At the same time, imports of products under EU declarations with CE marking are allowed under CMU Resolution 347 of 22.03.2022.

The Ukrainian cement industry exports products to neighboring countries, including the EU. This demonstrates high quality standards, compatibility with EU standards and competitiveness.

Ukrcement’s member companies have technical control departments and modern accredited laboratories for all tests of incoming raw materials and finished products.

The cement industry is probably the only heavy industry in Ukraine where players have modernized their production facilities to meet the required quality and quantity of products.

Cement, as the main building material, will be key to Ukraine’s recovery.

Ukrcement, the Association of Cement Producers of Ukraine, includes 5 groups of companies – 9 cement enterprises, 8 out of 9 cement plants are preserved and ready to work (Baltsem PJSC was in the war zone, was damaged and is not working now), but production depends on market demand. Unfortunately, the market is not yet operating at full capacity.

In 2021, cement production in Ukraine was 11.005 million tons, while consumption was 10.5 million tons. In 2022, production decreased by 51%, primarily due to falling demand, consumption was 4.3 million tons. In 2023, cement production was 7.43 million tons, which is 37.5% more than in 2022, but we have not yet reached the indicators of 2021, cement producers operated at only 60% of their real capacity, cement consumption in 2023 was 6.165 million tons. We expect that the reconstruction and recovery programs that have already started in Ukraine will contribute to the stability of growth dynamics.

We are confident that these programs will be fully operational once the war is over. It won’t be an instantaneous recovery to maximum consumption. The market will take 4-5 years to warm up. Demand for construction materials will increase by 30% over the pre-war level.

We can say that Ukraine has its own high-quality cement products that meet European standards and quality requirements. Producing plants are responsible for every ton of cement produced with their reputation. They constantly invest in equipment, processes, personnel and their development in order to supply high-quality products and provide impeccable service to their customers. The best way to choose high-quality cement for the reconstruction of Ukraine is to choose factory cement* produced by full-cycle companies – proven manufacturers to whom you can trust your safety.

The original products of Ukrcement Association members are packaged only in bags made of corrugated, textured paper under their own brands: IFCEM, CEMARK, KRYVYIRIGCEMENT, Dyckerhoff Cement Ukraine.

* Factory cement is cement produced by full-cycle companies – IFCEM, Cemark, Dyckerhoff Cement Ukraine, and Kryvyi Rih Cement!

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Ukraine and Japan to hold conference on rebuilding Ukraine

Ukraine and Japan will hold a joint conference on the reconstruction of Ukraine, President Vladimir Zelensky said on his website following his meeting with Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida at the G7 summit.
In particular, the parties agreed to hold a Ukrainian-Japanese conference on the restoration of Ukraine and to involve private business in this process.
The leaders discussed the possibility of Japanese investment in the production of hydrogen, lithium batteries, cars, energy equipment, as well as in the construction of overpasses and railway infrastructure.
Zelenskyy reportedly thanked Japan for the allocation of a 7.6 billion dollar financial aid package, as well as for the decision to admit wounded Ukrainian servicemen to the Self-Defense Forces hospital for treatment and for additional aid in the form of 100 trucks for the needs of the AFU.
Zelenskyy and Kishida discussed further steps for assistance to Ukraine by the Japanese government, in particular to strengthen the material and technical capabilities of the Ukrainian defense forces.
The head of state stressed that Ukraine counts on Japan’s support for a global summit on the implementation of the Ukrainian peace formula.


In London there will be conference “Rebuilding Ukraine: Renewal on basis of research”

A conference titled “Rebuilding Ukraine: Research-Based Renewal” will be held in London on May 15-16, co-organized by the Presidential Foundation for Education, Science and Sports Support, according to the official portal of the Ukrainian president.
“The Presidential Foundation for the Support of Education, Science and Sport together with the Royal Society of London and the University Political Engagement Network (UPEN) will organize the conference “Rebuilding Ukraine: a renewal based on research,” the press service said in a statement on Wednesday.
The event will reportedly be held May 15-16 in London. The conference is aimed at supporting Ukrainian scientists, strengthening and developing long-term cooperation between government and academic institutions of Ukraine and Great Britain.
“For the first time in the history of Ukraine’s independence, the Royal Society of London will support Ukrainian scientists in conducting research that will form the basis of policy development as part of programs to rebuild our country,” the president’s press service notes.
The conference will be attended by a number of scientists from Ukrainian and British universities and relevant deputy ministers who will present priorities for research that will form the basis for making decisions related to the economic challenges and needs of Ukraine during and after the war in terms of health and well-being, planning “green” recovery and human development.
The academic community of Ukraine will be represented at the conference by representatives of the Odessa National Medical University, Bogomolets National Medical University, Ukrainian Catholic University, Kiev National University of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Kiev National Shevchenko University, and American University Kiev.
“Since the level of complexity of the challenges and conditions in which Ukraine is now developing exceeds all typical tasks, we really need better minds and a culture of interaction. In the future, a pool of talent and an “economy of trust” will play a special role in Ukraine’s recovery. That is why from our side the conference will be headed by the Ministry of Education and Science and the Ministry of Economy”, – said Olga Budnik, advisor – commissioner of the President of Ukraine on the Foundation for Support of Education, Science and Sports, which is quoted by the press service.
The first day of the conference will be held in the form of panel discussions and debates, the second day – in the form of round tables with experts who will form the further plan of joint actions.
The event is sponsored by Universities UK International, Research England and the British Council with the support of the Academy of Medical Sciences, the British Academy and the Royal Academy of Engineering.

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Ukrainian Foreign Minister invited Kuwait to join in rebuilding Ukraine

Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba, who is on an official visit to Kuwait, held talks with Walid Al-Bahar, head of the Kuwait Fund for Arab Economic Development, about projects to rebuild Ukraine.
“In Kuwait, I met with Walid Al-Bahar, acting director of the Kuwait Fund for Arab Economic Development, to invite Kuwait to participate in the reconstruction of Ukraine. We discussed social and humanitarian projects, in particular the construction of schools and hospitals,” Kuleba wrote on Twitter.
According to the press service of the Ukrainian Foreign Ministry, Walid Al-Bahar said that his foundation is ready to participate in the International Conference on the reconstruction of Ukraine, which will be held in late June in London. He also stressed that cooperation with Ukraine will be one of the fund’s priorities.
The interlocutors paid special attention to the social projects, in particular the construction of new hospitals, schools and kindergartens in Ukraine, as well as the implementation of programs of psychological support and rehabilitation of Ukrainians who suffered during the war.
Minister and the head of the Fund agreed to organize in the nearest future a meeting of experts from Ukraine and Kuwait in order to discuss in detail the prospects of cooperation.
As Kuleba noted that “in the general perspective of post-war reconstruction, Ukraine is likely to become the largest construction site in the world”.
Kuwait Fund for Arab Economic Development is a state financial institution of Kuwait, which participates in development projects in 105 countries of the world with the total amount of $21,8 billion.
