Business news from Ukraine


The framework bill on the key principles of the government agricultural policy and rural development policy (No. 9162), which should determine Ukraine’s agricultural strategy, has been registered by a group of lawmakers.
“The document introduces the Agrarian Attache Office to represent and protect the interests of Ukrainian agricultural producers abroad. A step-by-step implementation of the government policy will be an action plan for implementing the basic principles for the development of the government agricultural policy and rural development policy, which will be developed for the period of five years to implement the law. Monitoring of the corresponding plan of measures is also proposed,” the co-author of the bill, MP Oleh Kulinich (deputy group Vidrodzhennia Party) said on his Facebook page.
According to MP Mykola Kucher (Petro Poroshenko Bloc parliamentary faction), the bill will also introduce additional control over the management of state-owned land.
“Although at first glance, bill No. 9162 is declarative, but it is it that establishes the fundamental principles of the formation and implementation of the government agrarian policy, thereby getting a strategic content,” Kucher said.

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