Business news from Ukraine

Business news from Ukraine

National Bank revoked licenses of 13 non-banking institutions, 10 – excluded from registers

The National Bank of Ukraine (NBU) has cancelled licenses of 13 non-banking financial institutions and removed 10 financial institutions from the registers, the regulator’s website reported.
Thus, on the basis of their own applications, all existing licenses of ARES Capital LLC, Infinance LLC, LLC, Omega-Finance LLC, FC Aland LLC, FC Alma LLC, FC Intime Finance LLC, and FC Monti LLC were revoked. All companies except for FC “Monti” have been excluded from the State Register of financial institutions.
MOTOR SICH JSC is also excluded from the Register of persons who are not financial institutions but are entitled to provide certain financial services due to the lack of a valid license for the provision of financial services.
In addition, based on the applications received, certain licenses have been revoked for Prime Finance Financial Company LLC to provide guarantees, Debt Obligation Fund Factoring Company LLC to provide guarantees, and Eliance Financial Company LLC to provide financial leasing services.
The National Bank revoked (cancelled) the licenses to provide financial services of CC “Garanta-L.K.” and CC Partner-Plus and excluded these credit unions from the State Register of financial institutions based on their own applications, guided by the special procedure during martial law*.
As of October 1, 2022 the volume of assets of CC “Garant-L.K.” was UAH 1,032 million (0.067% of the credit union market volume), liabilities – UAH 105 thousand (0.012% of the credit union market volume), including UAH 105 thousand – liabilities on which no interest is accrued.
The volume of assets of CC “Partner-Plus” as of October, 1, 2022 made UAH 996,65 th. (0,065% of the total volume of credit unions market), obligations – UAH 23,16 th. (0,003% of the total volume of credit unions market).
Such decisions were made by the Committee on supervision and regulation of non-banking financial services markets on November 3, 2022.

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The National Securities and Stock Market Commission of Ukraine in the last days of 2020 registered the issue of shares of JSC closed-end non-diversified venture corporate investment fund CIG, the beneficiary of which is managing partner of Chernovetskyi Investment (CIG) Volodymyr Kryvko.
According to the public register, the charter capital of the fund is UAH 706 million.
The asset management company (AMC) for the new CIG fund is AMC Univer, on the website of which it is listed among the other 25 similar venture funds.
Chernovetskyi Investment Group, president of which is the son of former Kyiv Mayor Leonid Chernovetsky Stepan, is an investment company established in 2012, positioning itself as a venture investor in Eastern Europe and estimating its investment potential at $100 million.

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The Ministry for Development of Economy, Trade and Agriculture of Ukraine included Rivne industrial park (Rivne region) with an area of 125.13 hectares, initiated by the Rivne regional state administration, in the register of industrial parks on February 1, 2021.
According to the information on the ministry’s website on Friday, the planned term of operation of the park, located on the territory of Mala Liubasha rural council of Kostopil district, is 40 years. It is planned to create 1,750 jobs.
Priority types of economic activity in the industrial park will be: woodworking and furniture industry; production of construction and heat-insulating materials; mechanical engineering; recycling of secondary resources.
According to a posting on the website of the Rivne Regional State Administration, the industrial park has already won the Golden Site 2020 contest, implemented by the Polish Investment and Trade Agency.
The press service of the ministry said that today, 46 parks are already included in the register of industrial parks, including 23, which selected management companies, and eight, which involved participants (10 participants in total).
In addition, industrial parks, which are not included in the specified register, are being created and are functioning, including four parks created before the adoption of the law of Ukraine on industrial parks.

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On December 24, 2020, the Ministry for Development of Economy, Trade and Agriculture of Ukraine included the Paton industrial park (Kyiv region) in the register of industrial parks. The park, the initiator of which was the Pilot Paton Plant (Kyiv), the manufacturer of welding equipment, has an area of 17.0597 hectares.
According to the information on the ministry’s website, the planned life of the park, located on the territory of the Hlevakha village council of Fastiv district, is 30 years. It is planned to create up to 2,000 jobs.
The priority types of economic activity in the industrial park will be the creation of industrial production of modern electric welding equipment for various purposes, electric welding materials, packaging for various purposes, logistics and others.
The press service of the ministry said that today 45 parks have already been included in the register of industrial parks, including 23 management companies have been selected, and eight parks have participants (10 participants in total).
In addition, industrial parks, which are not included in the specified register, are being created and are functioning, including four parks created before the adoption of the law of Ukraine on industrial parks.
The Pilot Paton Plant was established in 1959 on the initiative of Borys Paton, as one of the elements of the Electric Welding Institute. The plant is the leader of the Ukrainian market of welding equipment and materials.

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Minister of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine Oleh Nemchinov announced intention to create a working group that will develop a draft document for Ukraine’s transition from a traditional population census to a census based on registers in 2030.
“Today, along with the State Statistics Service of Ukraine and the United Nations Population Fund, we signed a joint statement on the creation of a working group that will work on the development of a comprehensive draft document for Ukraine’s transition from a traditional population census to a census based on registers in the 2030 round of population and housing censuses,” Nemchinov wrote on the Telegram channel.
According to him, the creation of a working group with the involvement of international experts is an important stage in preparation for a high-quality census in registers, recognition of its results by Ukraine’s international partners, digital transformation and a modern culture of data use. The minister believes that the transition to the population census using registers contains numerous advantages and opportunities, in particular, a decrease in financial costs, a reduction in the timing of the census, a decrease in the time for obtaining the results of the population census, a decrease in the burden on respondents, the ability to conduct a census more often than once every ten years.



The State Customs Service on July 16 was registered in the unified state register of legal entities, individual entrepreneurs and public organizations of the Ministry of Justice. “When you enter the register and you are happy. Today Maksym Nefyodov [the head of the State Customs Service appointed as a result of a tender] has registered the State Customs Service,” Finance Minister Oksana Markarova said on Facebook.
As reported, on July 13 Nefyodov completed his work as deputy minister of economic development and trade and from July 15 began to serve as head of the customs service.
The government of Ukraine in December 2018 decided to divide the State Fiscal Service into the State Customs Service and the State Tax Service. The State Tax Service was registered earlier, and the creation of the State Customs Service was delayed because of contesting the tender for the head of the department in court.

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