Business news from Ukraine

Business news from Ukraine


Ukraine’s Economic Development and Trade Ministry on November 7 placed the Energy industrial park (Mykolaiv) and the Innovation Forpost industrial park (Dnipro) with areas of 36 ha and 49.5 ha respectively to the register of industrial parks.
According to the information posted on the ministry’s website last week, the initiators of the creation of the parks were the Mykolaiv and Dnipro city councils, respectively.
The stated period of operation of the Energy park is 30 years. According to preliminary calculations of the initiator, 1,800 jobs will be created on its territory. The priority types of economic activity are the production of food and beverages, rubber and plastic products, building materials, glass, chemical products, finished metal products, machinery and equipment, as well as research and development activities in the field of information and telecommunications.
According to the ministry, the Innovation Forpost park was established for 45 years and provides for the production of electrical machines, electrical equipment, metallurgical production, production of non-metallic mineral products, as well as the provision of computer services. On the territory of the industrial park, according to the Dnipro City Council, up to 600 new jobs could be created.
The ministry said that 35 parks are already placed to the register of industrial parks, 17 of which selected management companies, and five have already attracted members. According to the ministry, another 14 industrial parks are not registered.

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The National Commission for Communications and Informatization Regulation (NCCR) has placed information about Euro Ukrposhta LLC (Chernivtsi) and Sky Logistics LLC (Kyiv) to the unified public register of postal operators.
According to a posting on the website of the commission, the decision was made on October 2, 2018.
Euro Ukrposhta provides services for receiving, processing, transporting and delivering postal items, performs user orders for postal money transfers throughout Ukraine (except for the government uncontrolled territories) as well as internationally from the territory of the European Union and the Middle East: Israel, Turkey, Egypt and Syria.
Sky Logistics provides services of receiving, processing, transporting and delivering postal items, performs user orders for postal orders throughout Ukraine (except for the government uncontrolled territories).
According to the public register of companies and individual entrepreneurs, Euro Ukrposhta has a charter capital of UAH 5,000 and registered in Chernivtsi. The company’s owners are two individuals: Roman Makoviychuk and Oleksandr Timush.
The company Sky Logistics has a charter capital of UAH 48,000 and registered in Kyiv. Its founder is individual Oleksiy Hryniuk.
In February, PJSC Ukrposhta turned to Euro-Ukrposhte LLC with a proposal to inform its customers that the latter is not related to the state-owned enterprise.

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