Business news from Ukraine

Business news from Ukraine

“Astarta” increased sugar beet production by 20% and sugar production by 34%

In 2023, Astarta Agricultural Holding produced 39 thousand tons of sugar beet, up 20% year-on-year, thanks to a record yield of 58 tons/ha compared to 56 tons/ha in 2022, the company said in its annual report on Wednesday evening.

According to the agricultural holding, the record high sugar beet harvest extended the processing period until the end of January 2024. In total, the sugar production campaign in 2023 lasted 130 days, compared to 111 days a year earlier.

“In the 2023-2024 marketing year, Astarta increased sugar production by 34% year-on-year to 377 thousand tons. At the same time, the volume of sugar beet processing in 2023 increased by 37% compared to the same period last year and reached 2.7 million tons. The market share remained unchanged at 21% in 2023, the document says.

The agroholding has engaged more than 100 independent sugar beet producers in eight regions of Ukraine to supply its sugar factories with raw materials. In 2023, they increased the supply of raw materials to 26% of the total volume of this crop processed by the company (18% a year earlier) – up to 707 thousand tons of the crop.

Astarta’s share in Ukraine’s total sugar exports amounted to 12%, or about 50 thousand tons in 2023. Italy and Romania became the key export destinations for the agricultural holding, accounting for 29% and 25% of the company’s exports, respectively. Hungary, Spain and Bulgaria were also among the top five buyers of Astarta’s sugar.

99% of Astarta’s sugar was exported by land, mainly by road (67%) and rail.

Half of the sugar produced was supplied to processing companies, primarily in the food industry, including confectionery, bakery and beverage production.

Astarta also produces by-products such as pressed pulp, dry granulated pulp and molasses from its sugar beet processing and sells them domestically as ingredients for animal feed production for use in its own livestock farming or for biogas production.

The volumes of by-products produced depend on the amount of sugar beet processed, so in 2023 their production volumes increased significantly, the agricultural holding explained. The production of molasses increased by 1.5 times to 98 thousand tons, and pressed pulp – to 1.7 million tons against 1.5 million tons in 2022. Production of granulated beet pulp amounted to 28 thousand tons.

In 2023, Astarta’s bioenergy complex used 145 thousand tons, or 9% of the produced pressed pulp, to produce biogas for its facilities. In addition, 223 tons (approximately 1%) of the produced granulated sugar beet pulp was used as alternative energy at one of the agricultural holding’s sugar plants.

Sugar sales volumes increased by 26% year-on-year to 284 thousand tons in 2023, while the average selling price increased by 3% to EUR 665/ton. Realized prices increased by 18% year-on-year to 26 thousand UAH/ton (excluding VAT).

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Polish Sugar Producers Association proposes to reduce access of sugar from third countries to EU by 10% in order to give this share to Ukraine

The European Union should think about reducing access to the European market of sugar from third countries at least by 10%, then there would be a place for Ukrainian sugar in the EU, which would not allow this market to collapse, said the director of the National Association of Sugar Beet Producers of Poland Rafal Strahota in the program “Between Brussels and Kiev” on

“The European Union has opened up the market in recent years. It has signed a number of trade agreements with various third countries. I know it is difficult, but if we reduced access to the EU market by at least a dozen percent, there would be enough room for Ukrainian sugar, and at the same time it would not destroy the EU market,” he said.

The director of the industry association noted that no one in the European Union had raised this topic.

Strakhota recalled that the European Commission is developing a regulation on protective measures, which provides for the introduction of a limit on sugar imports from Ukraine, taking into account export data, which are based on 2022-2023. Taking these data, Strachota calculates that Ukraine will be allowed to supply Poland with 320,000 tons of sugar per year.

“This is too much,” he stated.

According to the National Association of Sugar Beet Producers of Poland, in 2023-2024, the structure of Poland’s sugar imports looked like this: 32% accounted for Ukraine, 23% – Brazil, 9% – Eswatini, 7% each – Mauritius and Colombia, 18% – other countries.

At the same time, Poland grew 2.34 million tons of sugar beet in 2023 by expanding the production area under it, which amounted to 265 thousand hectares. The average beet yield was about 64 tons/ha, with very large yield differences between individual regions. In Poland, more than 26,000 people grew beet last year.

“At the same time, from October to December 2023, average sugar prices in Poland fell by 12%, and when packaged in 1 kg packages, the price drop exceeded 20%,” said the director of the industry association.

Strahota expressed concern that before the Autonomous Trade Measures (ATM) come into effect in June 2024, the Polish market could face a problem due to Ukrainian sugar.

“We fear that by that time a lot of sugar may come from Ukraine. Let me remind you, the action has ended (the sugar season – IF-U) and sugar has been produced. It is in warehouses, and in fact in these warehouses there are still about 600 thousand of sugar, which can easily get to the EU,” – Strahota emphasized.

He recalled that in 2023 in Ukraine was sown about 250 thousand hectares of sugar beet, produced about 1.8 million tons of sugar. Domestic consumption is less than 1 million tons, so the export potential is 800 thousand tons.

“In the first three months of the current marketing year, about 200 thousand tons of sugar from Ukraine entered the EU,” the expert said.

The publication cited data according to which Ukraine supplied to Poland in 2021 17.777 thousand tons of sugar, in 2022 – 15.278 thousand tons, and in 2023 it reached 468.97 thousand tons.

“At stake is the fate of the extension of the EU trade liberalization with Ukraine for another year, that is, until June 2025 with the restriction of sugar imports from this country, but in this case, the average figures of 2022 and 2023, when imports of this raw material from Ukraine were huge, are taken as benchmarks,” regretted the director of the National Association of Sugar Beet Producers of Poland and added that the country asks the European Commission, the European Parliament and the European Union to use the volume of supplies for 2021-2022 to calculate the allowable sugar imports.

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Ukraine produced 1.8 mln tons of sugar in 2023-2024 production year

Ukraine produced about 1.8 million tons of sugar in 2023 and early 2024, with the average wholesale price at 23-24 UAH/kg in early 2024, First Deputy Minister of Agrarian Policy and Food Taras Vysotsky said at a meeting on the development of the sugar industry.

“In general, the situation on the domestic sugar market is stable. The product is sufficient for the domestic needs of Ukrainians and to ensure the necessary export volumes,” the press service of the Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food quoted him as saying on Facebook.

Vysotsky reminded that Ukraine needs up to 1 million tons of sugar annually for domestic needs. According to the memorandum of understanding, the maximum volume of sugar exports in the 2023/2024 marketing year should be up to 650 thousand tons.

The meeting, which was attended by representatives of the industry association and leading sugar producers, also discussed the planning of sown areas for 2024 and the expansion of the geography of sugar exports.

As reported, in November 2023, the Ministry of Agrarian Policy and the National Association of Sugar Producers of Ukraine (Ukrtsukor) signed a memorandum of understanding in which they agreed to regulate sugar exports based on the preliminary balance of supply and demand in the 2023/2024 marketing year.

“Astarta” processed 2.7 mln tons of sugar beet and produced 377.5 thousand tons of sugar

Astarta Agro Holding, the largest sugar producer in Ukraine, processed 2.7 million tons of sugar beet grown by itself and its agricultural partners at its five sugar factories in 2023-2024 and produced 377.5 thousand tons of sugar.

“The processing season of 2023, which lasted 130 days, was the best in terms of processed raw materials and produced sugar over the past five years,” the agroholding’s press service reported on Facebook.

Summing up the results of the harvesting campaign, Astarta reported that its structural units harvested 200 thousand tons of corn with a yield of 10.35 tons/ha, up 16.2% year-on-year, and 2.2 million tons of sugar beet with a yield of 57.61 tons/ha (+2.6%).

“Longer harvesting periods were caused by several factors: difficult weather conditions: heavy and prolonged precipitation in October-November 2023 caused a delay in harvesting and logistical difficulties in delivering raw materials to processing plants, and thus disrupted the rhythm of some sugar factories. Another important factor was the increase in the yield of late crops: the yields of corn and sugar beet were the highest in the history of the holding’s crops,” Astarta said, adding that it continues to prepare for the spring sowing season.

“Astarta is a vertically integrated agro-industrial holding operating in eight regions of Ukraine. It includes six sugar factories, agricultural enterprises with a land bank of 220 thousand hectares and dairy farms with 22 thousand cattle, an oil extraction plant in Globyno (Poltava region), seven elevators and a biogas complex.

In the third quarter of 2023, the agricultural holding earned EUR1.24 million in net profit, down 27.7 times compared to the same period in 2022. Astarta’s revenue decreased by 14.4% to EUR104.75 million, gross profit by 2.7 times to EUR26.96 million, operating profit by 7.6 times to EUR6.79 million, and EBITDA by 42.7% to EUR97.25 million.

Due to significantly better performance in the first half of this year compared to the first half of last year, in the first nine months of 2023, net profit decreased by 9.8% to EUR 55.97 million, while revenue increased by 14.8% to EUR 392.00 million. The company’s gross profit increased by 3.0% to EUR 151.91 million, while operating profit decreased by 15.9% to EUR 79.91 million and EBITDA by 10.8% to EUR 116.63 million.

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Cygnet produced over 32 thousand tons of sugar

In 2023, the sugar plant of Cygnet Group in the village of Andrushky, Zhytomyr region, operated until December 22, a record period for the 160-year-old plant, and produced more than 32 thousand tons of sugar, the company reported in a video on Youtube.

According to the report, in 2023, the Cygnet group of companies sowed more than 4 thousand hectares of sugar beet. During the sugar production season, Cygnet processed more than 22 thousand tons of sugar beet. In addition, the company has changed the packaging for its products – now sugar is packed not only in 50 kg bags, but also in 1-ton big bags.

Cygnet cultivates about 29 thousand hectares in Zhytomyr and Vinnytsia regions, where it grows corn, soybeans, winter wheat, and sugar beets. The company’s assets include an elevator with a one-time storage capacity of 60 thousand tons and a sugar plant with a processing capacity of up to 2.8 thousand tons of beets per day (both in Zhytomyr region).

The company also has a dairy business (605 cows), which sells its products to local processors.


Ukrprominvest-Agro exported over 120 thousand tons of sugar to EU

In the 2022-2023 marketing year (MY), Ukrprominvest-Agro Group exported more than 120 thousand tons of sugar to the European Union, the group’s press service reported on Facebook.

“The quality of our products, excellent transaction support services, speed in decision-making, a variety of options for packaging and shipment of products, a responsible approach to work at every stage are the factors that have become the key to the success of Ukrprominvest-Agro in the export market in 2022/23 marketing year. We plan to further develop this area and maintain our leadership among sugar exporters in Ukraine in the current marketing year,” the press service quoted Artem Semenenko, Director of the company’s Commercial Department, as saying.

“Ukrprominvest-Agro is engaged in the cultivation of crops, production of sugar, flour, meat and dairy farming. The group’s land bank exceeds 116.5 thousand hectares and is located mainly in regions that have not been invaded by the Russian occupiers.

The total number of cattle of the agricultural holding is 6.3 thousand, pigs – 12 thousand. The total elevator storage capacity of the group is 120 thousand tons. The group’s sugar business is represented by two sugar factories in Vinnytsia region. It supplies grain processing products to Moldova, Georgia, Turkmenistan, Israel, Palestine, Angola, Lebanon, Syria, and Vietnam.

Ukrprominvest-Agro comprises Agroprodinvest Group LLC, PJSC Podillya Production Complex, LLC Zorya Podillya Production Complex, LLC Vinnytsia Bakery No. 2, AF Dniproagrolan, AF Ivankivtsi, LLC Mas-Agro, LLC Pravoberezhne, and LLC Progress-NT.

The owner of the agricultural holding since December 2019 is the son of the former President of Ukraine Oleksiy Poroshenko.

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