Business news from Ukraine

Working group under Verkhovna Rada committee has considered bill on increasing excise duties on tobacco

The working group under the Verkhovna Rada Committee on Finance, Tax and Customs Policy considered the bill on increasing excise duties on tobacco, which is preparing for consideration by Parliament in the second reading, said the head of the parliamentary committee Daniil Getmantsev.

“The bill is unambiguously timely and will be supported by the Verkhovna Rada. At the same time there are issues that should be considered in the second reading. Realized by the deputies in the hall. Among them the schedule for increasing excise tax rates, their size on certain items and increase in ad valorem rate,” – he wrote in Telegram on Monday.

In addition, according to Getmantsev, there are several other technical issues to the text of the bill to increase excise taxes on tobacco products. The deputies intend to find consensus on them at the level of the parliamentary committee.

Getmantsev also said that the bill adopted in 2020 on the introduction of excise tax on tobacco-containing products for electric heating (TIEN) helped the state to get to date 22.5 billion UAH.

“A good result”, – summarized the head of the Finance Committee.

As reported, the European Business Association strongly opposes the amendments to the Tax Code of Ukraine on revision of excise tax rates on tobacco products (draft law No. 11090), which is being considered in connection with the requirements of the EU Council Directive on the structure and rates of excise taxes applicable to tobacco products.

The revision of excise tax rates on tobacco products already from July 1, 2024 is not in line with the principle of stability of tax legislation, the EBA argued.

The experts drew attention to the fact that the excise tax rates on tobacco products are scheduled to increase by 20% annually for 2024-2027. However, the draft law No. 11090 proposes to increase these rates unevenly. For example, it is proposed to increase the excise tax rate on cigarettes in 2025 by almost 23.5%, and in 2026 and 2027 – by about 5% annually. According to business representatives, such an approach would have a shock effect on the market in 2025.

Meanwhile, member companies support a differentiated schedule of excise tax rate increases for cigarettes and tobacco products for electronic heating with an electronically controlled heater over 2024-2027.

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