Business news from Ukraine

Turkish lira falls and stock market rises after Erdogan’s re-election

Turkish lira exchange rate on Monday once again updated its historic low against the U.S. dollar on the results of the presidential election.
The national currency is trading at 20.1004 lira/$1 from 19.9731 lira/$1 at the close of the previous session. Over the past twelve months, the lira has fallen in value by about 23 percent.
Analysts at Morgan Stanley predict that the Turkish currency rate could drop another 29% by the end of this year – to about 28 lira/$1 if the country’s current policies persist. The experts at Wells Fargo & Co. expect a decline to 23 liras/$1 by the end of the current quarter.
Meanwhile, the BIST 100 stock index jumped 4.1 percent in trading Monday to a two-week high. It has nearly doubled over the year (up 88.2%).
Leaders of the rise include companies that earn a significant portion of their revenues from abroad, including glass maker Sise ve Cam Fabrikalari (+6.2%) and Turkish Airlines (+3.3%).
The yield on Turkey’s ten-year government bonds is around 9% annually, the lowest level since January.
Current Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan won the second round of presidential elections. In a speech after the announcement of his victory, he called on his fellow citizens to unite and work together for the good of the country, and promised to address urgent problems, in particular to deal with the effects of inflation.

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