Business news from Ukraine


Ukrainian banks in 2021 reduced the number of structural units by 6.3%, or by 449 branches, to 6,685.
According to data on the website of the National Bank of Ukraine (NBU), in 2021 Oschadbank closed 235 branches (reducing their number to 1,602), PrivatBank – 220 (to 1,497), UkrSibbank – 21 (to 251), Alfa Bank – 17 (to 201), Pivdenny Bank – 10 (to 87), Ukreximbank – 9 (to 53), Ukrgasbank – 8 (268), PIB – 7 (19), Sberbank – 5 (85), Raiffeisen Bank Aval – 4 (to 392).
At the same time, in 2020 banks opened 84 branches, including Accordbank – 28 branches, expanding its regional network to 107 branches, FUIB – 24 (up to 248), Crystalbank – 12 (up to 36), A-Bank – 7 (up to 239), Alliance Bank, CIB and Ukrbudinvestbank – 5 each (up to 30, 43 and 53, respectively).
According to the data of the National Bank, as of January 1, 2022 Oschadbank remains the leader in terms of the number of branches (1,602), the second place is occupied by PrivatBank (1,497), the third is Raiffeisen Bank Aval (392), the fourth is Ukrgasbank (268) and the fifth – UkrSibbank (251).
As in the first half of the year, Prominvestbank (PIB), Albank, Credit Europe and Familny banks, BTA Bank, ING Bank Ukraine, Citibank, Trust-Capital Bank, the Ukrainian Bank for Reconstruction and Development (UBRD), CreditWest Bank, Deutsche Bank DBU, SEB Corporate Bank, Alpari Bank, Avangard Bank and Portal Bank, according to the regulator’s data, operate with one open branch.

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The profit of Ukrainian banks in January-November 2021 increased by 52% – to UAH 65.728 billion, the press service of the National Bank of Ukraine (NBU) said.
According to the regulator, bank incomes for the 11 months of this year increased by 6.1% against the indicator for the same period last year – up to UAH 243.568 billion. In particular, fee and commission income increased by 32.6% – up to UAH 83.5 billion.
At the same time, the result from revaluation and from sales and purchases was negative and amounted to UAH 2.7 billion, which is 8.4 times less than in the same period last year (minus UAH 22.5 billion).
The expenses of the banking system in January-November 2021 decreased by 4.5% compared to this indicator in 2020 – to UAH 177.84 billion, including deductions to reserves – by 3 times, to UAH 8.3 billion. At the same time, commission expenses increased by 46% – to UAH 31.5 billion.
As reported, Ukrainian banks in 2020 reduced their net profit by 29% – to UAH 41.3 billion, but in the fourth quarter the decline was 63% due to increased allocations to reserves.


The net assets of Ukrainian banks in July-September 2021 increased by 2.1% – to UAH 1.932 trillion, due to the revival of lending to corporations and individuals, according to data released on the website of the National Bank of Ukraine (NBU).
According to its data, in July-September, the assets of banks with foreign capital grew by 6.3% – to UAH 604 billion, private banks – by 11%, to UAH 411 billion, PrivatBank – by 1%, to UAH 375 billion, while as the assets of state banks decreased by 7%, to UAH 543 billion.
“The growth of bank assets in the third quarter was provided mainly by lending. Net hryvnia loans to businesses and the population in annual terms grew by more than 40% and 30%, respectively, mortgage loans “accelerated” to almost 55% year-on-year. This indicates the ongoing post-crisis growth of “credit appetites” on the part of both supply and demand,” NBU Governor Kyrylo Shevchenko said on Facebook.
He noted that the share of non-performing loans in the third quarter decreased by 3.9 percentage points, to 33.3% due to the largest write-off of non-performing assets this year and accelerated lending.
According to the survey, in July-September, the volume of household deposits in hryvnias decreased by 1.4%, mainly due to funds on demand as a result of a seasonal increase in consumer spending. At the same time, in annual terms, the volume of hryvnia funds of individuals increased by 15%.
It is indicated that funds of business clients in the national currency increased by 6.9% in the quarter and by 28.1% year-over-year.
According to the NBU, the factors of profitability are the continued growth of operating efficiency and a significant reduction in provisions to reserves.



The loan portfolio of Ukrainian banks in August 2021 increased by 3%, to UAH 1.124 trillion, while the volume of non-performing loans (NPL) decreased by 0.7%, to UAH 393.178 billion, according to reports on the website of the National Bank of Ukraine (NBU). According to the report, the share of non-performing loans in the country’s banking system in August fell to 34.99% from 36.3% in July.
The National Bank indicated that over the month the portfolio of loans in the corporate sector increased by 2.6% – to UAH 827.583 billion (the NPL volume in it decreased by 0.2% – to UAH 344.99 billion), and the portfolio of loans to individuals increased by 2.4% – to UAH 238.463 billion (NPL decreased by 3.7% – to UAH 47.738 billion).
At the same time, the volume of interbank loans increased by 3.9% – to UAH 41.1 billion (NPL by 1.3% – to UAH 450 million), and the volume of loans issued to public authorities and local governments – by 1.5 times, to UAH 16.7 billion (NPL remained at 0%).
According to the National Bank, in August the share of NPL in the portfolio of loans provided to the corporate sector decreased by 1.2 percentage points (to 41.69%), loans to the population – by 1.3 percentage points (to 20.02%), interbank loans – by 0.03 percentage points (to 1.10%), while the share of loans to state authorities remained at the level of 0%.
The central bank’s report indicates that the loan portfolio of state-owned banks (excluding PrivatBank) in August-2021 increased by 4.7% – to UAH 303.856 billion (the NPL volume in it decreased by 0.9% – to UAH 111.195 billion). PrivatBank’s loan portfolio grew by 0.9% – to UAH 250.674 million (NPL – by 0.1%, to UAH 176.9 billion).
In addition, over the month, the loan portfolio of banks with foreign capital increased by 3.5% (to UAH 372.39 billion), with private – by 2.2% (to UAH 196.257 billion). At the same time, the volume of NPL in them decreased by 2.5% (to UAH 82.956 billion) and by 1.1% (to UAH 21.592 billion), respectively.
Thus, in August 2021, the share of NPL in the loan portfolio of state-owned banks (excluding PrivatBank) decreased by 2 p.p. (to 36.59%), and in PrivatBank – by 0.6 p.p. (to 70.57%). At the same time, the share of NPL in the loan portfolio of banks with foreign capital decreased by 1.4 percentage points (to 22.28%), with private – by 0.4 percentage points (to 11%).

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Solvent banks of Ukraine in January-August 2021 received UAH 45.592 billion of net profit, which is 1.4 times more than in the same period in 2020 (UAH 32.677 billion), according to data published on the website of the National Bank of Ukraine (NBU). According to the report, bank incomes for the eight months of this year increased by 2.2% against the figure for the same period last year – up to UAH 172.681 billion, in particular commission income increased by 35% – up to UAH 58 billion.
At the same time, the result from revaluation and from sales and purchases was negative and amounted to UAH 1 billion, while for the same period last year it was positive and amounted to UAH 20.4 billion.
At the same time, the expenses of the banking system in January-August 2021 decreased by 6.8% compared to this indicator in 2020 – to UAH 127.09 billion, including deductions to reserves – by 2.8 times, to UAH 20.4 billion. At the same time, commission expenses increased by 1.5 times – up to UAH 21.8 billion.
As reported, Ukrainian banks in 2020 reduced their net profit by 29% – to UAH 41.3 billion, but in the fourth quarter the decline was 63% due to increased allocations to reserves.



As of August 1, 2021, ten banks issued 1,917 loans to small, medium and micro-businesses (SME) through portfolio government guarantees totaling UAH 5.007 billion, the Ministry of Finance reported.
“Liabilities on the principal debt, which are partially secured by state guarantees on a portfolio basis, amounted to UAH 2.316 billion. This is about 59% of the total limit of guarantees provided in 2020 (UAH 3.93 billion),” the Ministry of Finance said on its website.
According to it, in July this year, banks provided 122 such loans for a total of UAH 735 million with a share of the state’s liabilities of UAH 306 million.
In terms of the number of loans issued, PrivatBank is in the lead – 945 loans for UAH 859 million in total, which is 100% of the limit of such guarantees provided to the bank in 2020. The second largest bank is Oschadbank – 680 loans for UAH 2.036 billion, according to the data of the Ministry of Finance.
“The program is in the greatest demand in Kyiv, where, in total, 151 loans were issued for UAH 542 million. In Lviv and Dnipropetrovsk regions, which are among the top three, these figures are 136 loans (UAH 340 million) and 129 (UAH 300 million),” the ministry said.
By type of economic activity, most of the loans, partially secured by state guarantees on a portfolio basis, were issued in the areas of wholesale and retail trade (675), agriculture (558) and processing industry (277).

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