Business news from Ukraine

“Ukrposhta” issued first million LED-lamps under EU program

Ukrainians since January 31, the moment of start of the program on exchange of incandescent lamps on LED-lamps, received in “Ukrposhta” the first million of bulbs.
As the company reported in the press release on Saturday, thanks to the EU support the first 4 million bulbs were delivered to regional centers and major cities of the country, residents of Kyiv have already exchanged more than 162 thousand bulbs, residents of Kharkiv – more than 80 thousand, 88 thousand – Dnipro and 69 thousand – Lviv residents.
“The statistics we see are mainly people who came to the branches of “Ukrposhta” without pre-registration. Of course, during the week more people wished to exchange lamps: those who registered in “Diya” only from Wednesday began to receive confirmation of the exchange, some have already managed to come to the branch, and some will receive the lamps next week”, – described the situation by the general director of “Ukrposhta”. Igor Smelyansky.
He noted that next week it will be possible to exchange lamps in the branches of “Ukrposhta” in all cities, not only in the regional centers.
The company said that next week 6 million more bulbs will be available in the cities of district importance, and by the end of February due to the mobile branches of “Ukrposhta” the bulbs should go to the rural areas.
“Thus, at the first stage the citizens of Ukraine in the next month and a half will be able to exchange up to 20 million bulbs” – the company predicts.
According to previously announced estimates, the exchange of incandescent bulbs for 50 million LED-lamps will allow for a shortfall of about 1 GW. The EU will provide Ukraine with 30 billion bulbs, and another 5 million bulbs are expected from France.

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“Ukrposhta” resumes work in Kharkiv region

In the de-occupied communities of Kharkiv region “Ukrposhta” resumes issuing pensions, stationary and mobile offices work.
“One post office can serve up to 6 settlements, and one mobile office – up to 14”, – quotes the OVA press service director of the Kharkiv directorate of JSC “Ukrposhta” Yuriy Savchenko.
According to him, next week it is planned to resume the work of the stationary department of “Ukrposhta” in Volchansk. Such departments are already working in Balakleya, Izyum, Kupiansk, etc.
In total, “Ukrposhta” resumed work in 61% of the liberated settlements in the region.
At the same time, in some communities travel is still prohibited for security reasons.
“Beyond Volchansk to the northeastern direction there is a road, where we do not yet have access. Also, they do not allow access to the Dvurechanskaya community. However, we are given access to the Kupyansk community, which is located on the eastern bank. We plan to extend the period of payment until November 30, because it is necessary to issue pensions to citizens who have not received them for several months,” – Savchenko said.
Almost 730 thousand people are registered in Kharkov region and 166 thousand of them are registered in the de-occupied territories.
According to Victor Achkasov, the head of the Main department of the Pension fund in Kharkov region, Pension fund service centers restored the work in the liberated Balakleya, Izyum, Barvenkov, Shevchenko, Kupyansk, Velyky Burluk, Volchansk and Dergachy. In Borovaya and Dvurechnaya, the service centers are not working yet.


“Ukrposhta” issued new postage stamps “Glory to the Armed Forces of Ukraine!”

JSC “Ukrposhta” issued new postage stamps for the Day of Defenders of Ukraine “Glory to the Armed Forces of Ukraine!”, the press service of the postal operator reported on Friday.
“Today, Ukrposhta presented the first 6 branches and troops of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. In the future, we plan to expand this series. And in order to thank the military not in word, but in deed, 8 UAH from each stamp will be directed to support the army,” commented the Director General of Ukrposhta Igor Smelyansky.
According to the report, the block of stamps is made in a graphic style, where each postage stamp displays images of modern Ukrainian defenders from different units of the troops and contains their emblem.
The stamps represent the Airborne Assault Forces, the Ground Forces, the Naval Forces, the Air Force, the Special Operations Forces, and the Territorial Defense Forces.
The author of the postal issue dedicated to the defenders is Anton Khrupin, a Ukrainian designer from Kramatorsk.
According to the release, the circulation of the stamp sheet is 1 million copies, the cost of one sheet is UAH 120, of which UAH 48 is a charitable contribution.
An envelope “First Day” was also issued for the sheet, thematic artistic envelopes and leaflets, in addition to plots, also contain colors and emblems of each branch of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.
Buy postal issue “Glory to the Armed Forces of Ukraine!” You can start from October 14 in the city branches of Ukrposhta throughout the country, as well as in the official online store of the operator.
In addition, the new postal issue will be sold in the official online stores of Ukrposhta on the Prom, Kasta, Rozetka, eBay and Amazon marketplaces.
The company noted that there will be restrictions on the sale of the “First Day” envelope in branches – no more than two per order. It will be possible to order online up to 10 stamp sheets, 10 artistic envelopes and 10 postcards of the same type per order.


“Ukrposhta” will issue a new postal block for Independence Day

JSC Ukrposhta will put into circulation the postal block “Free. Indestructible. Invincible” by the Independence Day of Ukraine, the company’s press service reported on Thursday.
“The block will consist of a stamp with a Ukrainian soldier and six illustrations reflecting the realities of the war,” the company said.
According to the message, the circulation of the postal block is 1 million copies. The nominal value of the block is 60 UAH. The block also includes “First Day” envelopes and unmarked art envelopes.
It will be possible to purchase a postal block at city post offices.

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Ukrposhta from July 1 raises the cost of standard delivery within Ukraine by an average of 14% and within the region by 13%, the company’s press service said on Thursday.
“The tariff revision is caused, first of all, by an increase in logistics costs for delivery. However, even after the revision of the cost, Ukrposhta’s tariffs remain lower compared to competitors,” the company said.
According to the national postal operator, sending a parcel weighing up to 1 kg within Ukraine, which used to cost UAH 31, will cost UAH 35 after viewing the tariffs, and delivery of a parcel weighing up to 15 kg will cost UAH 75, compared to UAH 65 before viewing the tariffs.
The express delivery service will rise in price for shipment within the region by an average of 14%, within Ukraine – by 16%. If earlier a parcel up to 1 kg across Ukraine cost UAH 39, then from July 1 it will cost UAH 45.
The cost of sending documents will increase by 14%. The cost of international shipments will remain the same.
The relevant decision to revise tariffs was approved by the National Commission for Communications Regulation back in November 2021.



An official online store of Ukrposhta has opened on the American e-commerce platform Amazon, the press service of the national postal operator reported on Tuesday.
Ukrposhta notes that on Amazon you can buy the “Russian warship … Done!” set of stamps, envelope and postcard, as well as branded goods, namely a sweatshirt, a T-shirt or a cap.
The company added that it will transfer $5 from each order with the “Russian warship … Done!” stamp to the account of KSE Foundation. All funds raised will be used to help schools and kindergartens, organizing the logistics of humanitarian cargo, humanitarian aid.
In addition, the new stamp “Ukrainian Dream” is available for ordering in the online store in a set, which is issued on June 28 to the Day of the Constitution of Ukraine.
The development of the store and the launch of the Ukrposhta brand on Amazon was carried out by the Disqover Agency team.
Earlier, Ukrposhta also launched an official online store on eBay. In addition, you can officially buy philatelic products on Rozetka, Prom and Kasta.

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