Business news from Ukraine

Demand for labor force of different professions and qualifications increases in Kyiv

The demand for labor of various professions and qualifications is growing in Kyiv. At the beginning of May, the database of the capital’s employment service contained about 3,000 current vacancies. However, many businesses are experiencing a shortage of skilled workers.
Every fifth vacancy is for professionals: engineers, teachers, analysts and economists. Due to the martial law, there is an increased demand for representatives of blue-collar professions that were previously considered predominantly male: installers, electricians, mechanics, electric and gas welders, seamstresses, building maintenance workers, and painters.
Employers are looking for specialists in various fields: accountants, nurses, educators, electricians, personnel inspectors, and paramedics. Trade and service workers are in demand, including cooks, salespeople, educators’ assistants, and social workers. At the same time, there is a growing demand for unskilled labor, such as cleaners, unskilled laborers, loaders, and kitchen workers.
TOP vacancies with the highest salaries:
– Defense forces: inspectors and police officers of the special police – UAH 126 thousand;
– IT industry: software engineers, software development and testing specialists, software engineers – UAH 110 thousand;
– enterprises with foreign investments: professionals in the organization of protection of information with limited access – 69 thousand UAH, sales managers – 67 thousand UAH, journalists – 54 thousand UAH, editors – 51 thousand UAH, analysts – 50 thousand UAH, psychologists – 47 thousand UAH;
– skilled professionals: public procurement specialists – UAH 45 thousand, chief accountants – UAH 43 thousand, plastic surgeons, carpenters and vehicle drivers – UAH 40 thousand each.
While offering modern competitive salaries, employers also place high demands on the qualifications of candidates. The Kyiv City Employment Service, through employment promotion programs, vocational training and an individual approach, will provide jobs for all job seekers and, if necessary, help them increase their competitiveness in the labor market.

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Kyiv Employment Center compiled TOP-10 most common vacancies

The majority of job offers are for blue-collar occupations. In addition, there is a growing demand for professionals such as teachers, doctors, economists, and accountants.

Thus, Kyiv employers are most often looking for specialists in the following areas:

– Education (teachers (109 vacancies, salary – up to UAH 20 thousand), educators (47 vacancies, up to UAH 17 thousand);
– healthcare (doctors (159 vacancies, up to UAH 40 thousand), nurses / medical brothers (134 vacancies, up to UAH 43 thousand);
– Economics (economists (60 vacancies, up to 32 thousand UAH), accountants (166 vacancies, up to 43 thousand UAH);
– industry (engineers (196 vacancies, up to UAH 110 thousand), installers of electronic equipment (200 vacancies, up to UAH 17 thousand), mechanics (224 vacancies, up to UAH 30 thousand), turners (32 vacancies, up to UAH 22 thousand);
– transportation (drivers (167 vacancies, up to UAH 44 thousand);
– trade and consumer services (salespeople (302 vacancies, up to UAH 25 thousand), cashiers (76 vacancies, up to UAH 17 thousand, cooks (125 vacancies, up to UAH 45 thousand), cleaners (239 vacancies, up to UAH 18 thousand), loaders (63 vacancies, up to UAH 30 thousand).

Employers offer job seekers official employment, competitive salaries, social package (may include housing issues), organization of vocational training directly at the workplace.

With the help of the Kyiv ILC, job seekers can acquire a new profession or upgrade their skills in an existing one using one of the employment assistance programs:
– training by certificate
– training by voucher;
– training for veterans at vocational education institutions of the State Employment Service.

Since the beginning of 2024, more than 2.1 thousand employers in the capital have informed the Kyiv City Employment Center of 5.5 thousand vacancies.

Currently, the database of the Kyiv City Employment Center contains more than 2.8 thousand vacancies: 1200 for employees and workers and almost 400 for people without a profession or specialty.

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Number of vacancies increased by 4% in June –

The labor market continues to grow for the fourth month in a row: the number of vacancies in June increased by 4% to May and reached almost 94 thousand, but the dynamics of growth has slowed down a little, such results of regular research of the labor market released the company
“Slightly decreased growth rates and reduced the number of job seekers. However, salaries have increased, which is a natural reaction of employers to the competition for candidates. In general, the labor market continues to recover,” the document says.
According to it, the lower dynamics of growth in June compared to previous months (May +9%, April +14%, March +11%) can be explained by the onset of a low business season.
It is noted that Kyiv region became the leader in the number of vacancies and for the first time crossed the mark of 30.1 thousand, which is almost a third of the total number. The second place is occupied by Lviv region – 9 thousand vacancies or 10% of all offers, the third – Dnipropetrovsk region (8.9 thousand), the fourth – Odessa region (almost 6.9 thousand). Kharkiv region closes the top five with 3.4 thousand job offers.
Kharkiv region is also among the five regions with the largest increase in vacancies (+10%) along with Ivano-Frankivsk region (+10%, up to 3.1 thousand), Zaporizhzhya region (+9%, up to 1.7 thousand), Odessa region (+7%) and Volyn region (+6%, up to 1.9 thousand).
Specialists emphasized that in June there was more work in Kherson region: the increase in vacancies for the month amounted to 12%, but there are still few offers there – only 156.
As for the most demanded positions, the top five traditionally include sales consultant (8.2 thousand vacancies), sales manager (6.4 thousand), driver (3.3 thousand), cook (3.5 thousand) and accountant (3.2 thousand).
The biggest growth in June was shown by the vacancy of elementary school teacher (+44%, up to 187 vacancies).
“Predominantly private schools and kindergartens are looking for staff to prepare children for school during the summer vacation,” – according to
According to the data of the system of hiring management (SUN), the number of job seekers who created and updated resumes in June, decreased compared to a month earlier – by 4%, to 351 thousand. The vast majority of job seekers are women (57%). The largest proportion, 35% of the total, are candidates aged 16-24.
Among job seekers, 36% have no experience, 31% have minimal to 5 years of experience, and 33% have more than 5 years of experience.
The rate at which job seekers are competing for jobs has slowed from 20% in May to 17% in June. Jobs for digital specialists, mainly IT programmers, are in high demand. For example, the competition of applicants for the vacancy of Front-end programmer in June increased almost half as much as in May. Highly competitive vacancies also include chat specialist, video editor, copywriter, graphic designer.
Low competition and, accordingly, better chances to find a job in the positions of medical workers: gastroenterologist, hirudotherapist, ultrasound doctor.
The average salary in Ukraine for the first half of 2023, according to, increased by 13% – from 15 thousand UAH to 17 thousand UAH.
In the regional context, the salary increased in Kyiv region – from 18.2 thousand UAH to 18.75 thousand UAH, Lviv region – from 16 thousand UAH to almost 16.78 thousand UAH, Odessa region – from 16 thousand UAH to almost 16.26 thousand UAH and Kharkiv region from 15 thousand UAH to 16 thousand UAH.
The highest salaries are offered to media barber – 55 thousand UAH, driver-international 40 thousand UAH, endodontist, construction project manager, supermarket manager – 35 thousand UAH, business analyst – 34 thousand UAH, as well as straightener and realtor – 32.5 thousand UAH.
The smallest salaries from 7 thousand UAH to 10 thousand UAH are offered to concierge, orderly, cleaner, dishwasher and porter.

Number of vacancies as of 01.04.2023 (ths. Units)

Number of vacancies as of 01.04.2023 (ths. Units)

Source: and

Ukrainian Ministry of Foreign Affairs seeks candidates for ambassadorial vacancies in 21 countries

The Foreign Ministry has launched an open search for Ukraine’s ambassadors due to a “personnel famine,” with ambassadorial positions currently vacant in 21 countries, Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba said.
“I am convinced that Ukraine has strong and professional people. The only problem is that either a) we have not found them yet, or b) they themselves have not yet learned about the possibility of taking on the super difficult but very necessary job of Ukraine’s ambassador. That is why we are taking the unprecedented step of creating an open mechanism that allows both diplomats from within the system and people from outside to propose their candidacy for the ambassadorship,” the minister wrote on Monday.
A corresponding page has already been created on the website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in the “Vacancies.
According to Kuleba, an open search among internal and external candidates will avoid unacceptable situations when a vacancy of an ambassador to a certain country remains unfilled for several years.
He noted that the problem of “staff hunger” is now familiar not only to state institutions but also to the private sector.
“It is particularly difficult to find candidates for ambassadorial positions. Looking for them in the diplomatic system. Looking in the business community. Looking among academics. But the pace of our diplomatic expansion, particularly in Africa, is also increasing. That is why there are still more than two dozen countries without ambassadors,” underlined Kuleba.
According to the foreign minister, an open search for ambassadors is an opportunity for the system to expand its horizons and an opportunity for “worthy candidates to try themselves there, where previously they could get only through closed institutional mechanisms.”
“For the first time in the history of Ukrainian diplomacy, I am opening the door for everyone to have an equal opportunity to try to become a strong manager, which the state needs so much in the world now. I note that the special focus now is on African countries. Applying to these countries automatically increases the chances,” the minister emphasized.
In addition, subject to equal professional performance, preference will be given to women.
“Simply because diplomacy has been unfair for many decades about women’s careers,” he added.
According to the minister, 21 countries in Europe, Latin America, Africa, the Middle East, the South Caucasus and Southeast Asia are currently listed in the vacancies section.



The Ukrainian IT company GlobalLogic notes a decrease in the number of vacancies in the IT market of Ukraine since the beginning of the active phase of hostilities.
“The labor market is in a difficult state. The number of vacancies has halved,” said Andrei Yavorsky, vice president of GlobalLogic.
He also noted that Western companies that wanted to work in Ukraine see mainly the media picture of what is happening, which shows all the atrocities of Russian soldiers in order to explain to Ukraine’s Western partners that the country needs help.
And on the one hand, according to Yavorsky, the media presentation of information fulfills its purpose, but on the other hand, it frightens the Western partners of Ukrainian business.
Accordingly, the reduction of plans for the development of projects of Western companies in Ukraine has significantly affected the labor market.
“If earlier there were 5-10 vacancies per candidate, now there are much fewer of them. Plus, the emphasis of demand has shifted to higher positions – middle and senior levels, and to a lesser extent to novice specialists. Although before the start of the war there was enough demand for them big,” said Vice President of GlobalLogic.
He also said that the company itself in the current conditions, first of all, prefers to close emerging positions with its own staff, transferring people from less active or temporarily frozen projects to new vacancies.
IT-company “GlobalLogic Ukraine” is the largest software developer in Ukraine. It has offices and more than 4.5 thousand specialists in Kyiv, Kharkov, Lvov and Nikolaev.

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