Business news from Ukraine


The Ministry of Culture and Information Policy of Ukraine (MCIP) presented a new visual brand of the department.
“The rebranding aims to show the ministry as a modern state institution that meets today’s challenges. The new brand style represents the current Ukrainian culture – attractive and understandable for modern Ukrainians,” the ministry’s press service said.
It is noted that the new logo of the Ministry of Culture is “light and graceful”, the sketches of the letters in the logo have careful references to ancient Russian calligraphy, such as “The Tale of Igor’s Campaign” and the manuscripts of Kyivan Rus.
“The abbreviation MCIP is sewn into the new logo, the thin outline and rounding are subconsciously read as soft and friendly elements that create dynamics like a reflection of a new round of history and culture. The intersection of letters in the abbreviation reminds of the interdisciplinarity of the areas of MCIp’s work. The logo can be used as a full-color sign, combining two colors, and as a monochrome sign, which provides for the use of only black or white,” the message says.
The logo is based on two colors: yellow and red, which are supposed to be used only on a contrasting background.
It is noted that minimalism is taken as the basis for the new corporate identity of the ministry.
“When developing the new identity, the main attention was paid to such strategic directions as: culture, creative economy, information policy, tourism, as well as major restoration,” the ministry said.
The ministry’s new identity was reportedly developed by Green Penguin creative agency with the support of USAID Transformation Communications Activity.

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